Untitled - Ministarstvo zdravlja

Untitled - Ministarstvo zdravlja Untitled - Ministarstvo zdravlja


412 | Nacionalna strategija razvoja zdravstva 2012.-2020. ■ Hrvatska udruga medicinskih sestara. Strateški okvir razvoja sestrinstva u RH 2008-2014. Sestrinski glasnik, 2008;4:213-218. ■ World Health Organization. The World Health Report 2006 - working together for health, 2006. ■ World Health Assembly. Workers’ health: global plan of action. WHA60.26, 2007. ■ World Health Organization. Treat, train, retain: The AIDS and health workforce plan. Report on the consultation on AIDS and human resources for health, WHO, Geneva, 11-12 May, 2006. ■ Zakon o sestrinstvu (NN 121/03, 117/08 i 57/11). ■ Zakona o akademskim i stručnim nazivima i akademskom stupnjevima (NN 107/07). 3.7 Prava pacijenata ■ Babić-Bosanac S, Borovečki A, Fišter K. Patients’ rights in the Republic of Croatiabetween the law and reality. Medicinski Glasnik. 2008;5:37-43. ■ Björnberg A, Cebolla Garrofé B, Lindblad S. Euro Health Consumer Index Report. Health Consumer Powerhouse, 2009. ■ Center for biomedical ethics and law of the Catholic University Leuven (online). Patients’ rights in the EU. ■ Gorjanski D. Korupcija u hrvatskom zdravstvu. Fond Hipokrat – Zaklada Slagalica, Osijek, 2010. ■ Greku E. The added value of the Euro Health Consumer Index to existing mechanisms of national health care systems evaluation provided by the OECD and WHO. Magistarski rad, 2009. ■ Health Consumer Powerhouse. Euro Health Consumer Index 2012. ■ Lewis M. Governance and corruption in public health care systems. Working paper No. 78. Center for global development, 2006. ■ Mesarić J, Kaić-Rak A. Bolesnikova sigurnost, bolesnik u središtu i programi Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije. Medix. 2010;XVI(86):111-114. ■ Pravilnik o pravima, uvjetima i načinu ostvarivanja prava iz obveznog zdravstvenog osiguranja (NN 67/09). ■ Tonoyan V, Strohmeyer R, Habib M, Perlitz M. How formal and informal institutions shape small firm behavior in mature and emerging market economies. Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2006. ■ Transparency International. Indeks percepcije korupcije, 2011. ■ UN. The universal declaration of human rights, 1948. ■ UNDP. Fighting corruption in the health sector. Methods, tools and good practices. UNDP Programme, 2011. ■ UNIDO. Corruption prevention to foster small and medium-sized enterprise development. Providing anti-corruption assistance to small businesses in the developing world. Volume I, 2007. ■ Zakon o lijekovima (NN 71/07, 45/09, 124/11). ■ Zakon o medicinski pomognutoj oplodnji (NN 86/12). ■ Zakon o medicinskim proizvodima (NN 67/08, 124/11).

Literatura i izvori | 413 ■ Zakon o obveznom zdravstvenom osiguranju (NN 150/08, 94/09, 153/09, 71/10, 139/10, 49/11, 22/12, 57/12). ■ Zakon o uzimanju i presađivanju dijelova ljudskog tijela u svrhu liječenja (NN 177/04, 45/09). ■ Zakon o zaštiti osoba s duševnim smetnjama (NN 111/97, 27/98, 128/99, 79/02). ■ Zakon o zaštiti prava pacijenata (NN 169/2004). ■ Zakon o zdravstvenoj zaštiti (NN 150/08, 71/10, 139/10, 22/11, 84/11, 12/12, 35/12, 70/12). 3.8 Lijekovi i ortopedska i druga pomagala ■ Pravilnik o mjerilima za određivanje cijena lijekova na veliko i o načinu izvještavanja o cijenama na veliko (NN 155/09 i 22/10). ■ Pravilnik o mjerilima za stavljanje lijekova na Osnovnu i Dopunsku listu lijekova HZZO-a (NN 155/09). ■ Tomić S, Filipović Sučić A, Plazonić A, Truban Žulj R, Macolić Šarinić V, Čudina B, Ilić Martinac A. Regulating medicines in Croatia: five-year experience of agency for medicinal products and medical devices. Croatian Medical Journal. 2010;51:104- 112. ■ Zakon o lijekovima i medicinskim proizvodima (NN 121/03 i 177/04). 3.9 Upravljanje kvalitetom u hrvatskom zdravstvenom sustavu ■ Agencija za kvalitetu i akreditaciju u zdravstvu. Priručnik o standardima kvalitete zdravstvene zaštite i načinu njihove primjene, 2011. ■ Council Conclusions on Common values and principles of EU health systems, 2006. ■ Council of Europe. Recommendation Rec (2006)7 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on management of patient safety and prevention of adverse events in health care. ■ Council of Europe Recommendation on patient safety, including the prevention and control of healthcare associated infections (2009/C 151/01). ■ Directive 2002/98/EC EU Parliament and Council setting standards of quality and safety for the collection, testing, processing, storage and distribution of human blood and blood components. ■ Directive 2004/23 EC of the EU Parliament and the Council setting standards of quality and safety for the organ donation. ■ Directive 2011/24/EU of the European Parlament and of the Council on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare ■ Directive of European Parliament and Council on the application of patients rights in cross border healthcare, 2011. ■ European Commission. Guidance for preparation of good clinical practice inspections. Version: 28 May 2008. ■ Guidance on developing quality and safety strategies with health system approach WHO, Regional office for Europe 2008.

412 | Nacionalna strategija razvoja zdravstva 2012.-2020.<br />

■ Hrvatska udruga medicinskih sestara. Strateški okvir razvoja sestrinstva u RH<br />

2008-2014. Sestrinski glasnik, 2008;4:213-218.<br />

■ World Health Organization. The World Health Report 2006 - working together<br />

for health, 2006.<br />

■ World Health Assembly. Workers’ health: global plan of action. WHA60.26, 2007.<br />

■ World Health Organization. Treat, train, retain: The AIDS and health workforce<br />

plan. Report on the consultation on AIDS and human resources for health, WHO,<br />

Geneva, 11-12 May, 2006.<br />

■ Zakon o sestrinstvu (NN 121/03, 117/08 i 57/11).<br />

■ Zakona o akademskim i stručnim nazivima i akademskom stupnjevima (NN<br />

107/07).<br />

3.7 Prava pacijenata<br />

■ Babić-Bosanac S, Borovečki A, Fišter K. Patients’ rights in the Republic of Croatiabetween<br />

the law and reality. Medicinski Glasnik. 2008;5:37-43.<br />

■ Björnberg A, Cebolla Garrofé B, Lindblad S. Euro Health Consumer Index Report.<br />

Health Consumer Powerhouse, 2009.<br />

■ Center for biomedical ethics and law of the Catholic University Leuven (online).<br />

Patients’ rights in the EU.<br />

■ Gorjanski D. Korupcija u hrvatskom zdravstvu. Fond Hipokrat – Zaklada Slagalica,<br />

Osijek, 2010.<br />

■ Greku E. The added value of the Euro Health Consumer Index to existing mechanisms<br />

of national health care systems evaluation provided by the OECD and WHO.<br />

Magistarski rad, 2009.<br />

■ Health Consumer Powerhouse. Euro Health Consumer Index 2012.<br />

■ Lewis M. Governance and corruption in public health care systems. Working paper<br />

No. 78. Center for global development, 2006.<br />

■ Mesarić J, Kaić-Rak A. Bolesnikova sigurnost, bolesnik u središtu i programi<br />

Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije. Medix. 2010;XVI(86):111-114.<br />

■ Pravilnik o pravima, uvjetima i načinu ostvarivanja prava iz obveznog zdravstvenog<br />

osiguranja (NN 67/09).<br />

■ Tonoyan V, Strohmeyer R, Habib M, Perlitz M. How formal and informal institutions<br />

shape small firm behavior in mature and emerging market economies. Best<br />

Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2006.<br />

■ Transparency International. Indeks percepcije korupcije, 2011.<br />

■ UN. The universal declaration of human rights, 1948.<br />

■ UNDP. Fighting corruption in the health sector. Methods, tools and good practices.<br />

UNDP Programme, 2011.<br />

■ UNIDO. Corruption prevention to foster small and medium-sized enterprise development.<br />

Providing anti-corruption assistance to small businesses in the developing<br />

world. Volume I, 2007.<br />

■ Zakon o lijekovima (NN 71/07, 45/09, 124/11).<br />

■ Zakon o medicinski pomognutoj oplodnji (NN 86/12).<br />

■ Zakon o medicinskim proizvodima (NN 67/08, 124/11).

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