Korytarz ekologiczny doliny Odry pdf

Korytarz ekologiczny doliny Odry pdf Korytarz ekologiczny doliny Odry pdf

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Summary the bream) the natural living conditions for fish species are little changed and the river’s species composition is relatively diverse and typical of large, lowland rivers. Apart from the oxygenation and temperature, another factor that determines the changes of certain fish species thriving is a necessary sprawning substrate. Most species of the region of bream leaves spawn on plants, which can not be found in the regulated parts of the river. This is why the sprawning grounds of those species are normally located on flood plains, in backwaters or lower parts of tributaries. The presence of ox-bows or backwaters has an important influence on the richness of their fish species. Except for serving as sprawning grounds they are also important feeding, resting and nursery grounds. Deeper ox-bows are used by many species as wintering grounds or a shelter in times when the state of the river’s water quality has deteriorated. The waters of the Oder are a permanent route for fish migration. Three situations are possible here: i) the movement of species extinct in some parts of the Oder or its tributaries who try to gain new habitats or return to the old ones, ii) the expansion of introduced or accidentally imposed species, iii) migration of species between the catchment basins of the Oder and the Vistula and the Oder and the Elbe. The most valuable parts of the river Oder, in terms of ichthyofauna include: • The Oder valley between the opening of Nysa K³odzka and Stobrawa, together with ox-bows situated between levees. One can find here among others, barbel, which came from the Nysa K³odzka after the load of pollutants in the Oder had dropped. • Comples of ox-bows between the Oder and the O³awa (inlc. wells). • Ox-bows between levees of the Oder, below Œcinawa to the confluence with the Jezierzyca. • Ox-bows near the confluence with the Barycz. • Opening of the Bóbr River to the dam on Raduszcze reservoir. Currently the biggest sprawning ground of the Oder population of vimba and sprawning ground of lampern. • Area between the Oder and the Nysa £u¿ycka. • Opening and lower stretches of the Pliszka and Ilanka Rivers (sprawning grounds of rheophilous Ciprinidae, river trouts). • Lower stretch of the Warta River, from the opening to the village of Witnica, with diverse ox-bows, and the part of the Oder between the opening of the Warta and opening of the Myœl. • The Floodplain „Miêdzyodrze”. Avifauna of the Oder valley In general, the Oder river does not constitute an attractive site for breeding birds. However, sites relatively unchanged from the natural state can still be found there, which makes possible the nesting of species, such as: Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis), Sand Martin (Riparia riparia), or Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos). These are areas situated close to the main current of the river at the openings of tributaries, or following the stream on several kilometre long distances. Although the Oder is deprived of sandy isles in the current and river bars, which are so typical for the Vistula, similar composition of bird species can be found here in 209

Korytarz ekologiczny doliny Odry the man-made habitat. In flooded gravel pits, in the upper stretch of the river, between Racibórz and Zdzieszowice, the breeding species include: Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus), Common Tern (Sterna hirundo), Common Gull (Larus canus), Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius), while in the lower stretch, in the gravel pit near Barlinek there are also: Little Tern (Sterna albifrons) – a very rare species in Poland, Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna), and Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus). It is difficult to find open areas in the Oder valley of high importance for breeding birds. An exception is a complex of ox-bows between Malczyce and G³ogów, terrains near Krosno Odrzañskie, peat-filled depression near S³ubice and, Kostrzyñ Retention Reservoir, surroundings of Stary Kostrzyñ, Miêdzyodrze, as well as mouths and neighbouring areas of such lowland rivers as: Stobrawa, O³awa, Widawa, Kaczawa, Barycz, Pliszka, Ilanka and Warta. Some of those areas are inhabited by species threatened with extinction and rare species of waterfowl, such as: Whooper Swan (Cygnys cygnus), Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna), Widgeon (Anas penelope), Pintail (Anas acuta), Garganey (Anas querquedula), Gadwall (Anas strepera), Shoveler (Anas clypeata), Crane (Grus grus), Corncrake (Crex crex), Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus), Dunlin (Calidris alpina), Ruff (Philomachus pugnax), Snipe (Gallinago gallinago), Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa), Redshank (Tringa totanus), and Curlew (Numenius arquata). Fishponds constitute attractive breeding sites for such species as: Grebes (Podiceps cristatus, P. ruficollis, P. nigricollis, P. griseigena), Bittern (Botaurus stelaris), Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minutus), Greylag Goose (Anser anser), numerous species of ducks, Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus) and others. There are two fishpond complexes in the Oder valley: Wielik¹t and £ê¿czak. In the Oder valley there is one retention reservoir of very high importance for waterfowl, namely the Kostrzyn Reservoir (Nature Reserve „S³oñsk”), situated between S³oñsk and Kostrzyn, in the mouth of Warta. There are 50 bird species nesting there, many of them being rare in Poland and Europe. A very important habitat for birds are riverine forests. Ornithological surveys, carried out in a number of sites in the Oder forests and in Germany, show that this is one of the richest habitats in Central Europe. Some 49 breeding species were found on research plots, while total density reached 215 pairs per 10 hectares. Deserving special attention is the presence of the Collared Flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis), most European species of Woodpeckers, Honey Buzzard (Pernis apivorus) and two species of Kite (Milvus milvus and M. migrans). Most valuable forested areas are present on the Oder, near the mouth of Nysa K³odzka, between Brzeg and O³awa, near Jelcz, between Kotowice and Siechnica and in a few places between Malczyce and Nowa Sól. There are 20 species regularly wintering on the Oder, among them the Mallard (Anas plathyrynchos), Coot (Fulica atra), Goosander (Mergus merganser), Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula), Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus), and Mute Swan (Cygnus olor), Moreover, also relatively rare species can be spotted, like: Whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus), Smew (Mergus albellus), Little Grebe (Tachybaptes ruficollis), Teal (Anas crecca), Widgeon (Anas penelope), Pintail (Anas acuta), and White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetos albicilla). 210

Summary<br />

the bream) the natural living conditions for fish species are little changed and the river’s<br />

species composition is relatively diverse and typical of large, lowland rivers.<br />

Apart from the oxygenation and temperature, another factor that determines the changes<br />

of certain fish species thriving is a necessary sprawning substrate. Most species of the<br />

region of bream leaves spawn on plants, which can not be found in the regulated parts of the<br />

river. This is why the sprawning grounds of those species are normally located on flood<br />

plains, in backwaters or lower parts of tributaries. The presence of ox-bows or backwaters<br />

has an important influence on the richness of their fish species. Except for serving as<br />

sprawning grounds they are also important feeding, resting and nursery grounds. Deeper<br />

ox-bows are used by many species as wintering grounds or a shelter in times when the state<br />

of the river’s water quality has deteriorated.<br />

The waters of the Oder are a permanent route for fish migration. Three situations are possible<br />

here: i) the movement of species extinct in some parts of the Oder or its tributaries<br />

who try to gain new habitats or return to the old ones, ii) the expansion of introduced or<br />

accidentally imposed species, iii) migration of species between the catchment basins of the<br />

Oder and the Vistula and the Oder and the Elbe.<br />

The most valuable parts of the river Oder, in terms of ichthyofauna include:<br />

• The Oder valley between the opening of Nysa K³odzka and Stobrawa, together with<br />

ox-bows situated between levees. One can find here among others, barbel, which came<br />

from the Nysa K³odzka after the load of pollutants in the Oder had dropped.<br />

• Comples of ox-bows between the Oder and the O³awa (inlc. wells).<br />

• Ox-bows between levees of the Oder, below Œcinawa to the confluence with the<br />

Jezierzyca.<br />

• Ox-bows near the confluence with the Barycz.<br />

• Opening of the Bóbr River to the dam on Raduszcze reservoir. Currently the biggest<br />

sprawning ground of the Oder population of vimba and sprawning ground of lampern.<br />

• Area between the Oder and the Nysa £u¿ycka.<br />

• Opening and lower stretches of the Pliszka and Ilanka Rivers (sprawning grounds of<br />

rheophilous Ciprinidae, river trouts).<br />

• Lower stretch of the Warta River, from the opening to the village of Witnica, with<br />

diverse ox-bows, and the part of the Oder between the opening of the Warta and opening<br />

of the Myœl.<br />

• The Floodplain „Miêdzyodrze”.<br />

Avifauna of the Oder valley<br />

In general, the Oder river does not constitute an attractive site for breeding birds. However,<br />

sites relatively unchanged from the natural state can still be found there, which makes possible<br />

the nesting of species, such as: Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis), Sand Martin (Riparia riparia),<br />

or Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos). These are areas situated close to the main current<br />

of the river at the openings of tributaries, or following the stream on several kilometre<br />

long distances. Although the Oder is deprived of sandy isles in the current and river bars,<br />

which are so typical for the Vistula, similar composition of bird species can be found here in<br />


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