c„ô v - 1 - The Message

c„ô v - 1 - The Message c„ô v - 1 - The Message

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ÒiweŸ wh`bx BjgvÓ †n Avgvi ie, Avgvi Bjg [Ávb] evwo‡q `vI| (m~iv Z¡-nv t 114) Avgv‡`i mš—vb‡`i GKv‡WwgK Bmjvwg wkv A‡b‡KiB aviYv †h, mš—vb‡K we‡K‡j ûRy‡ii Kv‡Q Kvq`v ev KziAvb co‡Z cvVv‡jB me n‡q †Mj, †m Bmjvg wk‡L †dj‡e Ges cv°v gymywj− n‡q hv‡e| G aviYv fyj| mvaviYZ ILv‡b KziAvb wZjvIqvZ A_©vr ï× K‡i KziAvb wiwWs co‡Z wkLv‡bv nq gvÎ| BmjvwgK ÷vwWR cov‡bv nq bv| Z‡e †Kvb †Kvb RvqMvq KziAvb wZjvIqv‡Zi cvkvcvwk wKQz gvmjv-gvmv‡qj, `yÕAv nq‡Zv †kLv‡bv nq| ZvB Avgv‡`i mš—vb‡`i‡K cÖK…Z gymwjg evbv‡bvi Rb¨ Zvi mvaviY GWy‡Kk‡bi cvkvcvwk real life oriented “Islamic Science & Islamic Studies” cov‡Z n‡e, †hLv‡b Zvi Rxeb cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ _vK‡e mg¯— wkv| GB cÖev‡m e‡m mš—vb‡`iK cÖK…Z Bmjvwg wkvq wkwZ Ki‡Z Avgv‡`i mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM Ki“b – Weekend Islamic School, Toronto Islamic Centre (TIC), 575 Yonge Street, Toronto, Phone: 647-350-4262. www.torontoislamiccentre.com, BbkvAvj−vn Avgv‡`i wm‡jev‡mi Aš—fy©³ _vK‡Q t c„ôv - 152

Course Outline 1. Tawheed (Islamic Aqidah OR Islamic Creed) 2. Basic principles of Islam 3. How to pray Salah (Prayer of Muhammad PBUH) 4. Learn basic Dua for our daily life 5. Personal hygiene in Islam 6. What should be the character of a Muslim 7. Biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 8. Biography of other 25 Prophets in the Quran 9. Who is Jesus & Background of Christmas 10. Biography of Sahaba (Companions of Prophet PBUH) 11. Islam in the West: and challenges 12. Islamic history & world history 13. Duty of children towards parents 14. Objective of Ramadan and what is Taqwa 15. Hajj and its teaching 16. Importance of Sadaqa and Zakat 17. Islamic Banking & Economics 18. Islam & Sex 19. Gay – Lesbian & same sex marriage in Islam 20. What is Sunnah And practice of Sunnah 21. What is lawful and unlawful in Islam (Halal – Haram) 22. What is our real culture (Islamic way of life) 23. Terrorism & Jihad in Islam (Real conception of Jihad) 24. Who is a Fundamentalist 25. Islam and Science 26. Miracles of the Quran: Modern scientific discoveries 27. Human Rights in Islam 28. Women in Islam and clear conception on Hijab 29. Why Islam & who are Muslim 30. Gender equity in Islam 31. Music vision of Islam 32. Clear conception of Shirk and Bidah 33. Collective life & brotherhood 34. Importance of Dawah & Dawah in the West 35. Fiqh & Islamic Law (Jurisprudence) 36. Life after death: Road map of Akhirah 37. Memorization of selected Suras 38. Tafseer of Sahih Hadith 39. Translation and Tafseer of The Quran c„ôv - 153

Course Outline<br />

1. Tawheed (Islamic Aqidah OR Islamic Creed)<br />

2. Basic principles of Islam<br />

3. How to pray Salah (Prayer of Muhammad PBUH)<br />

4. Learn basic Dua for our daily life<br />

5. Personal hygiene in Islam<br />

6. What should be the character of a Muslim<br />

7. Biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)<br />

8. Biography of other 25 Prophets in the Quran<br />

9. Who is Jesus & Background of Christmas<br />

10. Biography of Sahaba (Companions of Prophet PBUH)<br />

11. Islam in the West: and challenges<br />

12. Islamic history & world history<br />

13. Duty of children towards parents<br />

14. Objective of Ramadan and what is Taqwa<br />

15. Hajj and its teaching<br />

16. Importance of Sadaqa and Zakat<br />

17. Islamic Banking & Economics<br />

18. Islam & Sex<br />

19. Gay – Lesbian & same sex marriage in Islam<br />

20. What is Sunnah And practice of Sunnah<br />

21. What is lawful and unlawful in Islam (Halal – Haram)<br />

22. What is our real culture (Islamic way of life)<br />

23. Terrorism & Jihad in Islam (Real conception of Jihad)<br />

24. Who is a Fundamentalist<br />

25. Islam and Science<br />

26. Miracles of the Quran: Modern scientific discoveries<br />

27. Human Rights in Islam<br />

28. Women in Islam and clear conception on Hijab<br />

29. Why Islam & who are Muslim<br />

30. Gender equity in Islam<br />

31. Music vision of Islam<br />

32. Clear conception of Shirk and Bidah<br />

33. Collective life & brotherhood<br />

34. Importance of Dawah & Dawah in the West<br />

35. Fiqh & Islamic Law (Jurisprudence)<br />

36. Life after death: Road map of Akhirah<br />

37. Memorization of selected Suras<br />

38. Tafseer of Sahih Hadith<br />

39. Translation and Tafseer of <strong>The</strong> Quran<br />

c„ôv - 153

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