GJ - Privredna komora Srbije

GJ - Privredna komora Srbije GJ - Privredna komora Srbije


examine the remaining reserves in the fields of excavation and RTH-based competitive positions of the potential for their use in conjunction with TET. TET is in Slovenia for a major energy location decisions of its modernization has not taken it will be necessary in 2009. life TET expires in 2015.Potential excavation stocks, which, in 2009 was still about 24 million tons of coal (Treatise on the stock of the situation on 31.12.2002 the RTH has recorded 53 million tons of balance reserves of 24 million tonnes of excavation at an average heating value 11 MJ / kg). TET is planning to existing facilities producing electricity in 2015 (an extension of operation is possible even up to 2017). RTH can TET from the excavation of existing fields, supplying coal to a height of 450 000 t to 200 000 t per year by 2015 and in 2016, and 2017 of 200 000 tonnes per year. The production cost of coal could be moved after years of between 3.2 and 3.33 EUR / GJ. Hrastnik mine, which is within the RTH was finally closed in 2010 and has all of the region's mines unexcavated the largest coal reserves, estimated at the level of 12 million tons. The mine was closed to the Federal level the horizon that is about 40 m below the surface. Main line between mine and Hrastnik customers Trbovlje coal thermo power plant will remain after closure of the mine, in the capacity and will serve to collect water from the closed parts of the cave and drainage. The water will then be free to run the lines and ran into the river Sava. Very important role and will have lines at the Federal horizon in case of re-opening the mine.For re-opening the mine Hrastnik we use pre-built facilities at the Federal horizon Schematic opening is shown in picture 3. Picture 3 POSITIVE EFFECTS OF REOPENING STRATUM OF COAL MINE IN HRASTNIK AND OPERATION OF POWER PLANT TRBOVLJE Hrastnik mine opening it again and use of domestic coal in thermal power production Trbovlje provides energy in the narrow and the Slovenian continuing operations of many business groups with diversified bonds in the Slovenian economy. Measured in terms of prices in the mine in production t/leto-400 300 000 000 t / year to the price of 3 EUR / GJ cash flow of EUR 10 to EUR 12 million / year. TPP achieves the production and sale of electricity significantly greater business effects. Both companies directly and indirectly bound to the activity of coal extraction and electricity generation in 1400 jobs. It should be noted that both the business entity with the appropriate investment in the modernization of the technological process in both the mine and in TET in future work on the economic fundamentals for the operation and you will not need government subsidies. Preservation activities coal extraction and production started. Energy in Zasavska pool would mean for Slovenia safe supply of electricity, based on the exploitation of domestic energy resources (coal), clean technologies and will provide a stable price for electric energy in the future. References ‣ History Trbovlje, and Hrastnik Dol: Oroţen Hansel (1958) ‣ The importance and role of the Trbovlje-Hrastnik (RTH) and Thermal Trbovlje (TET) for the municipality Trbovlje Hrastnik Zasavska region, individual industries, and the Slovenian economy as a whole. Economic Institute of the Faculty of Law: October 2006 ‣ Global assessment of global trends in production and sale of coal energy - the energy projections of coal production in the Republic of Slovenia Dr. Evgen Dervariĉ, Doc.Dr. Milan Medved, Bojan Klenovšek 2009 113

IDEJNO RJEŠENJE KONTROLE I MOGUĆNOSTI POBOLJŠANJA KVALITETA UGLJA SA LEŢIŠTA GACKO CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OF CONTROL AND QUALITY IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES WITH THE COAL DEPOSITS GACKO REZIME Boško Vuković 1 , Ranko Stojanović 2 1,2 Rudnik i termoelektrana Gacko, Republika Srpska U radu je prikazano idejno rješenje kontrole kvaliteta uglja koji se otkopava sa leţišta uglja Gacko i isporuĉuje kao energetsko gorivo za potrebe termoelektrane Gacko kao i za potrebe komercijalne potrošnje. Od ukupno proizvedenih koliĉina uglja sa površinskog kopa, koje na godišnjem nivou prosjeĉno iznose 2,2 Mt, za potrebe termoelektrane Gacko isporuĉi se 98% a za komercijalnu potrošnju 2%. U toku dosadašnje eksploatacije, sa aspekta kvalitativnih karakteristika uglja, evidentirana su odstupanja u pogledu rezultata toplotne vrijednosti uglja dobijenih detaljnim geološkim istraţivanjima i rezultata dobijenih laboratorijskim analizama na dozatorima TE Gacko. UvoĊenje automatskog mjerenja toplotne vrijednosti uglja, koje u dosadašnjem radu rudnika i termoelektrane (1983-2012.godina) nije bilo zastupljeno, predstavljalo bi prvu kariku sistema kontrole kvaliteta uglja koji se otkopava na površinskom kopu. Time bi se stvorili uslovi za upravljanje kvalitetom uglja i homogenizaciju uglja na deponiji termoelektrane sa ciljem isporike goriva termoelektrani ujednaĉenih kvalitatisnih karakteristika. Sa druge strane, dobijanjem informacija o kvalitetu omogućiće se veća efektivnost slektivne eksplotacije uglja na površinskom kopu. Posle detaljne geološke analize leţišnih uslova sedimentacije ugljene materije kao i strukture ugljenog sloja i naĉina na koji se isti eksploatiše, kroz rad su prikazana idejna rješenja poboljšanja kvaliteta uglja, tj. tehnološka rješenja oplemenjivanja i klasiranja uglja, koja su do sada primjenjivana na drugim rudnicima uglja u Republici Srpskoj i rudnicima drţava u okruţenju. Kljuĉne rijeĉi: toplotna vrijednost, struktura sloja, kontrola kvaliteta, oplemenjivanje, klasiranje. ABSTRAKT The paper describes the concept of quality control of excavated coal from coal Gacko and delivers energy as fuel for power plants Gacko as well as for commercial consumption. Since the total output of coal from surface mines, which annually amounts to 2.2 Mt on average, for power plant Gacko to deliver a 98% to 2% of commercial consumption. In process of exploitation, in terms of qualitative characteristics of coal, recorded the variations in terms of heat value of coal results obtained by detailed geological surveys and the results obtained from laboratory analysis of the thermal dispensers Gacko. The introduction of automatic measurement of the heat value of coal, which in previous work the mine and power plant (1983-2012) was not present, would be the first link quality control system of excavated coal from the mine. It would be fashioned in terms of coal quality control and homogenization of the coal power plant at the landfill in order to fuel power plant isporike kvalitatisnih uniform characteristics. On the other hand, getting quality information will enable greater effectiveness slektivne exploitation of coal from the mine. After a detailed geological analysis of reservoir sedimentation conditions as a matter of coal and coal seam structure and how to exploit the same, the work presents the preliminary design to improve the quality of coal, ie. technological solutions processing and classification of coal, which have so far applied to other coal mines in the Republic of Serbian state and the mining environment. Keywords: heating value, the layer structure, quality control, processing, grading. UVOD Ugalj je, sa rezervama većim od rezervi svih ostalih fosilnih goriva, jedan od najvećih izvora energije na svijetu. Većina ugljeva u svijetu ima upotrebnu vrijednost prije svega kao energent. Pri tome sa stepenom karbonifikacije raste energetska moć uglja svedena na jedinicu mase. Ali, ugalj gotovo nikad ne dolazi ĉist u zemljinoj kori. Ima više materija koje su s ugljenom supstancom još od njegova nastanka pomiješane i koje mu smanjuju energetsku moć (balasti). Ugalj gataĉkog ugljenog basena, kao energetsko gorivo termoelektrane Gacko, definisan je putem klasiĉnih imedijatnih analiza. MeĊutim, rezultati takvih istraţivanja ĉesto odstupaju od onih koji su provjereni u praksi. Projektnim rešenjima nije predviĊeno separisanje uglja, pa je od izuzetne vaţnosti da u drobiliĉna postrojenja ulazi što "ĉistiji" ugalj. To se u ovom momentu postiţe selektivnim otkopavanjem uglja, odnosno iz ugljenog sloja selektivno se izdvajaju svi slojevi meĊuslojne jalovine deblji od 20 cm. Ni pri ovakvoj eksploataciji sagorevanjem uglja u termelektrani ne dobijaju se proraĉunate toplotne 114

examine the remaining reserves in the fields of excavation and RTH-based competitive positions of the potential<br />

for their use in conjunction with TET. TET is in Slovenia for a major energy location decisions of its<br />

modernization has not taken it will be necessary in 2009. life TET expires in 2015.Potential excavation stocks,<br />

which, in 2009 was still about 24 million tons of coal (Treatise on the stock of the situation on 31.12.2002 the<br />

RTH has recorded 53 million tons of balance reserves of 24 million tonnes of excavation at an average heating<br />

value 11 MJ / kg). TET is planning to existing facilities producing electricity in 2015 (an extension of operation<br />

is possible even up to 2017). RTH can TET from the excavation of existing fields, supplying coal to a height of<br />

450 000 t to 200 000 t per year by 2015 and in 2016, and 2017 of 200 000 tonnes per year. The production cost<br />

of coal could be moved after years of between 3.2 and 3.33 EUR / <strong>GJ</strong>. Hrastnik mine, which is within the RTH<br />

was finally closed in 2010 and has all of the region's mines unexcavated the largest coal reserves, estimated at<br />

the level of 12 million tons. The mine was closed to the Federal level the horizon that is about 40 m below the<br />

surface. Main line between mine and Hrastnik customers Trbovlje coal thermo power plant will remain after<br />

closure of the mine, in the capacity and will serve to collect water from the closed parts of the cave and drainage.<br />

The water will then be free to run the lines and ran into the river Sava. Very important role and will have lines at<br />

the Federal horizon in case of re-opening the mine.For re-opening the mine Hrastnik we use pre-built facilities at<br />

the Federal horizon Schematic opening is shown in picture 3.<br />

Picture 3<br />



Hrastnik mine opening it again and use of domestic coal in thermal power production Trbovlje provides energy<br />

in the narrow and the Slovenian continuing operations of many business groups with diversified bonds in the<br />

Slovenian economy. Measured in terms of prices in the mine in production t/leto-400 300 000 000 t / year to the<br />

price of 3 EUR / <strong>GJ</strong> cash flow of EUR 10 to EUR 12 million / year. TPP achieves the production and sale of<br />

electricity significantly greater business effects. Both companies directly and indirectly bound to the activity of<br />

coal extraction and electricity generation in 1400 jobs. It should be noted that both the business entity with the<br />

appropriate investment in the modernization of the technological process in both the mine and in TET in future<br />

work on the economic fundamentals for the operation and you will not need government subsidies. Preservation<br />

activities coal extraction and production started. Energy in Zasavska pool would mean for Slovenia safe supply<br />

of electricity, based on the exploitation of domestic energy resources (coal), clean technologies and will provide<br />

a stable price for electric energy in the future.<br />

References<br />

‣ History Trbovlje, and Hrastnik Dol: Oroţen Hansel (1958)<br />

‣ The importance and role of the Trbovlje-Hrastnik (RTH) and Thermal Trbovlje (TET) for the municipality<br />

Trbovlje Hrastnik Zasavska region, individual industries, and the Slovenian economy as a whole. Economic<br />

Institute of the Faculty of Law: October 2006<br />

‣ Global assessment of global trends in production and sale of coal energy - the energy projections of coal<br />

production in the Republic of Slovenia Dr. Evgen Dervariĉ, Doc.Dr. Milan Medved, Bojan Klenovšek 2009<br />


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