GJ - Privredna komora Srbije

GJ - Privredna komora Srbije GJ - Privredna komora Srbije


detained and later was adopted and has prevailed to this day. Later it was built Hrastnik shaft 1, which is a mine opened up to Level VII. horizons to +87. The newest facility is shaft Hrastnik 2, which extends to K-12 to XI horizon. Mining method The principle of the open pit coal layer conditioned location. Hrastnik mine was split vertically in the main horizons, which were typically spaced up to 50 m. The space between horizons was divided into removal of earth floors. Between the horizons of the cave area divided into removal of earth floors, which are related to the horizon shafts or sloping lines. These are decline shafts or incline shafti. Upper horizons, and the main horizons lines were used for the delivery of material, and Hike team for ventilation. Lower horizon, or below horizon lines were used to transport coal to fresh air at floor level and removal of earth to mine water drainage. At the lowest part of the horizon of the pumping station was built. The amount of excavation floors, which were located between the horizons, was dependent on the mining method used primarily on the amount of excavation.In cross-mining method, the amount of floors is up from 3 m to 5m. When using long fase mining method of demolition, the floor height is varied from 3 m up to 15 m. In Hrastnik mine due to the security level used in the floors long fase mining method with the demolition of most up to 10 m. Lateral removal of earth chamber method found expression Hrastnik break. Hrastnik layer was compared with Ojstro at the turn pushed into the depths. The results of geological research stratum, we have intensively carried out in 1980-1990 showed that the presence of coal up to the level -200 m. Stratum Hrastnik coal in the west-east, the east entry to the cave Dol in the pit and the most easterly Lasko. A layer of coal, which stretched all the way to the surface, decreasing with depth to the south. Width of the coal ranged from 25 m to 50 m layer is stretched all the way from the surface to a depth of up to level. 235 and was more or less unchanged in size and shape. From the level 235, the class size is significantly increased, apparently was stratum. In Hrastnik mine was used for coal mining over the excavation methods. Here we describe only two, which are most characteristic of mine.The oldest mining method which was used from the start of excavation to the middle 60 years of the last century, the lateral chamber mining method. Transverse chamber mining method consists of the arrow lines, which is manufactured using layers of coal in the normal east-west direction, depending on the location coal layer, normal to the direction line are manufactured struts. Directional line is constructed on the excavation floor, which are from top to bottom. Rippers floor of the main horizons associated with the route for the expedition team, delivery of materials, ventilation, drainage and transportation of coal. From the transverse line (normal) to layer a distance of 5 m were built struts to full floor strata or caprock. Cross then under paragraphs expand into the chamber in the opposite direction making cross member. Space (chamber), which is caused by coal excavation backfilling of backfill materials often this was floor strata (clay soil). Backfill excavation area was first settled later manually with pneumatic backfilling. After suspending the filling occurred mine fires. Long wall mining method to increase height Long wall mining method to increase the amount of the highly productive mining method, which is currently in use. Method is used in combination with dust self-propelled hydraulic supports. Mining the vast amounts of 50 m to 80 m height, 10 m to 15 m. Daily production ranged from 2000 t / d to 3000 t / day. 111

Picture 2: Phase of work on longwall 1. Starting point 2 .Cutting upper part of face 3. Roof suport 4. Cutting lower part of face 5. Move conveyer and cat with cuttig macine 6. Uphole drilling ang blasting 7. Move section 8. Coal mining filling DESCRIPTION OF STOCKS IN THE COAL MINE AND REOPENING HRASTNIK The Republic of Slovenia through the Act for the gradual closing of the mein Trbovlje-Hrastnik (RTH) and the restructuring of the region development (Official Gazette. 61/2000) decided to close the coal mines of brown coal in Zasavje. By the year 2009 (in 2009) 0.6 million tons of coal will be produced for the thermal power plant Trbovlje (TET) with simultaneous closing after this year would be implemented by 2015 self-sealing work. Given the energy situation in Europe and the world we witness constant rise in energy prices, including coal. In the present situation in Slovenia, we are forced to use all the available reserves of coal, so it makes sense to re- 112

Picture 2: Phase of work on longwall<br />

1. Starting point<br />

2 .Cutting upper part of face<br />

3. Roof suport<br />

4. Cutting lower part of face<br />

5. Move conveyer and cat with cuttig macine<br />

6. Uphole drilling ang blasting<br />

7. Move section<br />

8. Coal mining filling<br />


The Republic of Slovenia through the Act for the gradual closing of the mein Trbovlje-Hrastnik (RTH) and the<br />

restructuring of the region development (Official Gazette. 61/2000) decided to close the coal mines of brown<br />

coal in Zasavje. By the year 2009 (in 2009) 0.6 million tons of coal will be produced for the thermal power plant<br />

Trbovlje (TET) with simultaneous closing after this year would be implemented by 2015 self-sealing work.<br />

Given the energy situation in Europe and the world we witness constant rise in energy prices, including coal. In<br />

the present situation in Slovenia, we are forced to use all the available reserves of coal, so it makes sense to re-<br />


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