Engleski jezik u pravnoj struci III + IV

Engleski jezik u pravnoj struci III + IV

Engleski jezik u pravnoj struci III + IV


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<strong>Engleski</strong> <strong>jezik</strong> u <strong>pravnoj</strong> <strong>struci</strong> <strong>III</strong> + <strong>IV</strong> - Izvanredni<br />

7<br />

Tematske jedinice: Sources of EU primary law; the founding Treaties, importance of the<br />

Treaty on European Union, Treaty of Amsterdam; Treaty of Nice, innovations under the<br />

Lisbon Treatz; sources of EU secondary law; institutions of the European Union: Council,<br />

European Council, European Commission, European Parliament, Court of Justice, Court of<br />

Auditors, European Central Bank.<br />

Comment [SŠ1]: I revised this<br />

<br />

Tematska cjelina: Unit 33: Forms of Business Organization in the United States<br />

Tematske jedinice: Sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation; advantages and<br />

disadvantages of each form: legal personality, liability, access to capital; handout: The law of<br />

companies in Great Britain; formation of companies; capital; language focus: complex<br />

sentences (handout); excluded conditions with 'unless'; formulating sentences with legal<br />

expressions.<br />

<br />

Tematska cjelina: Unit 24: Conflict of Laws<br />

Tematske jedinice: Principal topics: choice of law, judicial jurisdiction, recognition and<br />

enforcement of foreign judgments; history of name (private international law/conflict of<br />

laws; handout: English choice of law rules + cases: determine the applicable law in each<br />

case, state the relevant choice of law rule; handout: formulating obligations, prohibitions,<br />

permissions and authorizations in legal English.<br />

<br />

Tematska cjelina: Unit 34: Judicial Control of Public Authorities<br />

Tematske jedinice: Judicial review; concept of ultra vires, interpretation of statutes, judgemade<br />

law (precedents and case law); procedures to obtain a remedy: direct challenge,<br />

challenge in collateral proceedings; comprehension and completion; language focus:<br />

conjunctions; whether administrative decisions are void or voidable.<br />

<br />

Tematska cjelina: Unit 35: Police Powers in Great Britain<br />

Tematske jedinice: Four main police powers: Arrest, search, entry, seizure; to what extent<br />

may force be used by police and by the person resisting arrest, search or entry; what happens<br />

if an arrest, search, entry or seizure is unlawful?; rights of the person arrested or searched,<br />

rights of the occupier and person whose documents and/or articles have been seized;<br />

definitions of terms; handout: translation of Croatian rules on police conduct into English.<br />

Način izvođenja nastave:<br />

Nastava se odvija u obliku vježbi koje prate sadržaj udžbenika <strong>Engleski</strong> za pravnike (2008.) uz<br />

korištenje dodatnih tekstova (handouts) s ciljem proširenja obrađene tematike te prikazivanja<br />

današnjeg stanja.<br />

Uvježbavaju se specifične jezične funkcije osobito relevantne za konkretni <strong>jezik</strong> pravne struke.<br />

Uvodi se terminologija engleskog pravnog <strong>jezik</strong>a. Primjenjuje se stečeno znanje za rješavanje<br />

slučajeva iz prakse.<br />

____________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Detaljni izvedbeni nastavni program Engleskog <strong>jezik</strong>a u <strong>pravnoj</strong> <strong>struci</strong> <strong>III</strong> + <strong>IV</strong> - Izvanredni

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