Industrijski procesi - mzoip

Industrijski procesi - mzoip

Industrijski procesi - mzoip


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Tehno-ekonomske smjernice – <strong>Industrijski</strong> <strong>procesi</strong><br />


1. ECOFYS Energy and Environment; AEA Technology Environment (2001) Economic<br />

Evaluation of Sectoral Emission Reduction Objectives for Climate Change; Bottom-up<br />

Analysis of Emission Reduction Potentials and Costs for Greenhouse gases in the EU,<br />

Netherlands<br />

2. ECOFYS Energy and Environment; AEA Technology Environment ; National Technical<br />

University of Athens (2001) Economic Evaluation of Sectoral Emission Reduction<br />

Objectives for Climate Change; Economic Evaluation of Carbon dioxide and Nitrous Oxide<br />

Emission Reductions in Industry in the EU, Netherlands<br />

3. EKONERG Energy Research and Environmental Protection Institute (2005) National<br />

Inventory Report for the Period 1990-2003, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical<br />

Planning and Construction, Zagreb<br />

4. EKONERG (2003) Rješavanje problema emisije stakleničkih plinova iz tvornice<br />

Dalmacijacement-RMC Group d.d., Zagreb<br />

5. EKONERG (2004) Razrada i ekonomska analiza mjera za smanjenje emisija stakleničkih<br />

plinova iz tvornica Dalmacijacement-RMC Group d.d., Zagreb<br />

6. EFMA European Fertilizer Manufacturers’ Association (2000) Best available Techniques<br />

for Pollution Prevention and Control in the European Fertilizer Industry; Production of<br />

Ammonia; Belgium<br />

7. EFMA European Fertilizer Manufacturers’ Association (2000) Best available Techniques<br />

for Pollution Prevention and Control in the European Fertilizer Industry; Production of<br />

Nitric Acid, Belgium<br />

8. IPCC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (2001) Reference Document on Best<br />

Available Techniques in the Cement and Lime Manufacturing Industries, European<br />

Commision<br />

9. Emission Reduction of Greenhouse Gases from the Cement Industry, Greenhouse Gas<br />

Control Technologies Conference Paper - Cement, www.ieagreen.org.uk<br />

10. EKONERG (2005) Završno izvješće o provedbi energetskog audita u energani<br />

Petrokemije d.d. Kutina, Zagreb<br />

11. EKONERG (2005) Analiza primjene zakonodavstva europske unije s područja zaštite<br />

okoliša na rad elektroenergetskih postrojenja HEP Grupe s planom djelovanja, Zagreb<br />

12. DFIU/IFARE French-German Institute for Environmental Research, The Reference<br />

Installation Approach for the techno-economic assessment of emission abatement options<br />

and the determination of BAT according to the IPPC-Directive<br />

13. IPCC/UNEP/OECD/IEA (1997) Greenhouse Gas Inventory Workbook, Revised 1996<br />

IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 2, United Kingdom<br />

14. IPCC/UNEP/OECD/IEA (1997) Greenhouse Gas Inventory Reference Manual, Revised<br />

1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 3, United<br />

Kingdom<br />

15. EKONERG (2003) Projekcije i ukupni efekti politike i mjera za potrebe Drugog<br />

nacionalnog izvješća RH o promjeni klime, Zagreb<br />

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