012012 - Prešovská univerzita v Prešove

012012 - Prešovská univerzita v Prešove 012012 - Prešovská univerzita v Prešove


Baán István the union by offering his ecclesiastical services to the Greek community. There might have been a number of such opportunities. The registers reveal that Theodosius served as priest on 1726 May 15, Varnavas on 1734 September 5, Constantinos between 1736 February 9 and 1738 November 8, Parthenios on 1740 March 4, Seraphim on 1741 February 6, Cyprian on 1750 November 10, and Annanias on 1755 July 15. 31 However, this presumable effort at conversion was doomed to fail. In the first place the proselytizing activities were blocked by the linguistic differences of the two communities, differences which the liturgy could not overcome. The Orthodox priest conducted services in Greek, while the Uniate held their celebrations in church Slavonic. On the other hand the mobility of the Greek merchants allowed them to visit other Orthodox congregations, where priests of their own faith could minister to their spiritual needs. The registers show that during these three decades the Greek Orthodox of Miskolc were married in the territory of the Ottoman Empire. 32 As a result we might suppose that the aim of the Greek Catholic parish in Miskolc was primarily missionary activity, but it never succeeded in this goal. Although the parish formally existed, it lacked its own place of worship and had become inviable by the middle of the eighteenth century. The Bishop of Munkács Mihály Olsavszky could also recognize this fact. Consequently it is not surprising that its cleric the younger István Ternai, when given the opportunity, moved to the poorer but more stable, consolidated and financially secure Görömböly. Perhaps the fact that Miskolc remained an outparish of Görömböly also reflected these developments. Bacsinszky’s Debate on the Remodeling of the Church at Mindszent Although the parish at Miskolc ceased to exist de jure, the need soon emerged in the town above all for the construction of a Greek Catholic church and perhaps even the reintroduction of one or more Uniate clerics. When András Bacsinszky obtained from Maria Theresa the title of Abbot of Tapolca and the benefice pertaining to it, which also included the advowson of the church at Mindszent, he decided to try to satisfy the need for a Greek Catholic church building in Miskolc. Bacsinszky thought that rather than build a new church in the town, he would take advantage of his current situation and employ the easiest solution: remodel the church at Mindszent to suit the Greek liturgy. 33 31 MOEA, I, 380. 32 MOEA, I, 1. 33 I. Dobrossy and L. Kárpáti, “A mindszenti templom építéstörténete és műtárgyai” [The History of the Building of the Church at Mindszent and its Treasures], Herman Ottó Múzeum Évkönyve [Yearbook of the Ottó Herman Museum] 20(1983): 121-145. 20

THEOLOGOS 1/2012 | ŠTÚDIE The plan stirred up a huge controversy. Legal battles ensued in which Eger and Munkács respectively took into consideration every possible argument in their own favor. Bacsinszky not only desired that the church at Mindszent be turned over to him but also that the Bishop of Eger Károly Eszterházy transfer the center of the newly established parish from Görömböly to Csaba. During the debate the number of Greek and Latin rite faithful living in Miskolc and its vicinity came to play an important role. 34 Above all Bacsinszky pointed out that according to the 1777 August 4 county conscriptio, 104 (to be more exact 108) Greek Catholics have permanent residence in Miskolc, whereas the number of Latin rite Catholics is 296. Nevertheless the number of Uniate faithful who regularly stayed in the town was 211. Not only the Greek Catholic residents desired to have their own church but those scattered in the surrounding fourteen villages, who were under the jurisdiction of the parish at Sajópálfalva, also favored such a church. These included most especially the forty-nine villagers at Bessenyő, the one hundred and six souls at Szirma Bessenyő, and the forty-nine inhabitants of Sajó Kereszt Úr, many of whom often came to market in Miskolc on Sundays. Thus the religious needs of a significant number of people needed to be met. (We might note that this interesting phenomenon has not changed during the last two hundred years. Even today many people seek assistance with their various personal problems and come by bus from a far wider region to Miskolc in order to visit the inner city Greek Catholic church on Búza Square, which is conveniently situated right next to the bus terminal and market.) Consequently 415 Uniate believers lived in Miskolc and its vicinity, which represented a considerable body of faithful, and who required an appropriate sized church building. Furthermore Mindszent lies outside of the town, and so the interests of the Roman Catholics in Miskolc are not curtailed. Why was Bacsinszky so interested in this rearrangement of the conditions in Miskolc? 35 If we examine the county conscriptio more closely, we will discover some interesting aspects of the local situation. Of the 108 Greek Catholic residents only fifteen were entirely Uniate couples. In addition we find twenty-four couples of mixed marriages, five Greek rite widows, and assorted children. Among the mixed marriages we can observe a noteworthy tendency. When the father was a Roman Catholic the children in four cases all followed his religion. In four additional 34 The following is based on the document submitted to the Borsod county assembly by Praepositus János Pásztélyi, EFL Arch. Vet. 1596. 35 Conscriptio Catholicorum pure Graeci ritus et mixti ritus in Oppido Miskolc existentium, EFL Arch. Vet. 230. 21

Baán István<br />

the union by offering his ecclesiastical services to the Greek community.<br />

There might have been a number of such opportunities. The registers<br />

reveal that Theodosius served as priest on 1726 May 15, Varnavas on 1734<br />

September 5, Constantinos between 1736 February 9 and 1738 November<br />

8, Parthenios on 1740 March 4, Seraphim on 1741 February 6, Cyprian<br />

on 1750 November 10, and Annanias on 1755 July 15. 31 However, this<br />

presumable effort at conversion was doomed to fail. In the first place<br />

the proselytizing activities were blocked by the linguistic differences of<br />

the two communities, differences which the liturgy could not overcome.<br />

The Orthodox priest conducted services in Greek, while the Uniate held<br />

their celebrations in church Slavonic. On the other hand the mobility of<br />

the Greek merchants allowed them to visit other Orthodox congregations,<br />

where priests of their own faith could minister to their spiritual needs. The<br />

registers show that during these three decades the Greek Orthodox of<br />

Miskolc were married in the territory of the Ottoman Empire. 32<br />

As a result we might suppose that the aim of the Greek Catholic<br />

parish in Miskolc was primarily missionary activity, but it never succeeded<br />

in this goal. Although the parish formally existed, it lacked its own place<br />

of worship and had become inviable by the middle of the eighteenth<br />

century. The Bishop of Munkács Mihály Olsavszky could also recognize<br />

this fact. Consequently it is not surprising that its cleric the younger István<br />

Ternai, when given the opportunity, moved to the poorer but more<br />

stable, consolidated and financially secure Görömböly. Perhaps the fact<br />

that Miskolc remained an outparish of Görömböly also reflected these<br />

developments.<br />

Bacsinszky’s Debate on the Remodeling<br />

of the Church at Mindszent<br />

Although the parish at Miskolc ceased to exist de jure, the need soon<br />

emerged in the town above all for the construction of a Greek Catholic<br />

church and perhaps even the reintroduction of one or more Uniate clerics.<br />

When András Bacsinszky obtained from Maria Theresa the title of Abbot<br />

of Tapolca and the benefice pertaining to it, which also included the<br />

advowson of the church at Mindszent, he decided to try to satisfy the need<br />

for a Greek Catholic church building in Miskolc. Bacsinszky thought that<br />

rather than build a new church in the town, he would take advantage of<br />

his current situation and employ the easiest solution: remodel the church<br />

at Mindszent to suit the Greek liturgy. 33<br />

31 MOEA, I, 380.<br />

32 MOEA, I, 1.<br />

33 I. Dobrossy and L. Kárpáti, “A mindszenti templom építéstörténete és műtárgyai” [The<br />

History of the Building of the Church at Mindszent and its Treasures], Herman Ottó<br />

Múzeum Évkönyve [Yearbook of the Ottó Herman Museum] 20(1983): 121-145.<br />


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