annales historici prešoviensis anno 2005 - Prešovská univerzita v ...

annales historici prešoviensis anno 2005 - Prešovská univerzita v ... annales historici prešoviensis anno 2005 - Prešovská univerzita v ...


V. Hudečková Regionalizmus a oblasť Šariša v 30. rokoch 20. storočia ...................... 179 M. Pekár Hlinkova slovenská ľudová strana a jej činnosť v Šarišsko-zemplínskej župe v rokoch 1939 – 1945 .............................. 196 Š. Šutaj Problémy vo vzťahoch československého štátu a protestantských cirkví po roku 1945 (menšinová politika a cirkvi) ................................ 215 MATERIÁLY Projekt VEGA MŠ SR č. 1/2221/05 Východné Slovensko v 20. storočí: vedeckovýskumný zámer (M. Belej, I. Belejkanič, P. Derfiňák, N. Jurčišinová, M. Pekár, M. Šmigeľ, J. Tej, P. Zmátlo) ....................... 241 KRONIKA, GLOSY ........................................................................................... 285 EDIČNÁ POZNÁMKA ........................................................................................ 306 BIBLIOGRAFIA ŠTÚDIÍ A ŠTUDIJNÝCH MATERIÁLOV PUBLIKOVANÝCH V ROKOCH 2001 – 2005 .................................................................................. 307

CONTENTS ARTICLES I. Belejkanič Palamism in the history of Byzantium ................................................... 9 J. Šafin History of palamism in the theological and historical context ............... 25 P. Milko Service of the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete from a perspective of hesychastic tradition ..................................................... 43 L. Koszta Worshipping of St. Martin in Hungary. Remarks on the establishment of the first Benedictine monastery in Panonhalma in Hungary ............ 67 J. Koder Selective memory: Eyewitness accounts of the conquest of Constantinople in the year 1204 ......................................................... 80 H. Lisková The reflection of the royal court on the development of the city of Banská Bystrica till the end of the 15th century ................................ 99 D. Škvarna Lajos Kossuth in the sight of the Slovak patriots in the second third of the 19th century ................................................... 111 M. Podrimavský Political activities of Lajos Kossuth from the perspective of Slovak historiography at the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century ................................................................................. 118 N. Jurčišinová Involvement of Andrej Halaša in the national life of the Slovaks ......... 129 P. Derfiňák Beginnings of the Credit (Slovak) Bank in the years 1879 – 1918 ......... 142 I. Michnovič Michalovce during the establishment of the first Czechoslovak republic .................................................................................................... 169



I. Belejkanič<br />

Palamism in the history of Byzantium ................................................... 9<br />

J. Šafin<br />

History of palamism in the theological and historical context ............... 25<br />

P. Milko<br />

Service of the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete from<br />

a perspective of hesychastic tradition ..................................................... 43<br />

L. Koszta<br />

Worshipping of St. Martin in Hungary. Remarks on the establishment<br />

of the first Benedictine monastery in Panonhalma in Hungary ............ 67<br />

J. Koder<br />

Selective memory: Eyewitness accounts of the conquest<br />

of Constantinople in the year 1204 ......................................................... 80<br />

H. Lisková<br />

The reflection of the royal court on the development of the city<br />

of Banská Bystrica till the end of the 15th century ................................ 99<br />

D. Škvarna<br />

Lajos Kossuth in the sight of the Slovak patriots<br />

in the second third of the 19th century ................................................... 111<br />

M. Podrimavský<br />

Political activities of Lajos Kossuth from the perspective of Slovak<br />

historiography at the end of the 19th and at the beginning<br />

of the 20th century ................................................................................. 118<br />

N. Jurčišinová<br />

Involvement of Andrej Halaša in the national life of the Slovaks ......... 129<br />

P. Derfiňák<br />

Beginnings of the Credit (Slovak) Bank in the years 1879 – 1918 ......... 142<br />

I. Michnovič<br />

Michalovce during the establishment of the first Czechoslovak<br />

republic .................................................................................................... 169

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