tukaj - Univerza v Novi Gorici

tukaj - Univerza v Novi Gorici

tukaj - Univerza v Novi Gorici


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Na poezijo, ki jo je ustvarjal Srečko Kosovel je vplivala vzhodna filozofija, ki jo je v zahodno<br />

literaturo v veliki meri prinesel Rabindranath Tagore. Slednji je preko duha hinduizma in<br />

indijske kulture črpal teze, ki jih je, v prostoru in času, bivanjsko predstavil zahodu. K<br />

tematiki človečanstva, biti, smrti in ponovnega rojstva, odgovorom na nevedna vprašanja -<br />

kdo sem, od kod prihajam, kam sem namenjen, zakaj sem <strong>tukaj</strong>, ali počnem to, zaradi česar<br />

sem prišel - sta se obračala oba omenjena pesnika. Analizirala sem literarna besedila, ki so se<br />

dotikala eksplicitno obeh pesnikov in ugotavljala koliko in v kakšni smeri je Tagore, kot<br />

človek vzhoda, vplival na Kosovela, kot človeka zahoda. Z literarno raziskavo sem preverjala<br />

kje se je Kosovel obrnil na vzhod in prevzel tematike, ki so propadajočemu zahodu poskušale<br />

pokazati, zakaj je do propada sploh prišlo. Vzrok, ki je povzročil posledico 'dehumanizacije'<br />

človeka, svetovno vojno in postavil ţivo bitje na raven brezosebne mehanike (t.i. 'mašinerije'),<br />

je tičal v nacionalizmu oziroma naciji. Slednja ni prizanašala ne vzhodu in ne zahodu, kajti<br />

Kosovel je od Tagoreja črpal tisto, kar mu je pomagalo razviti bivanjski nazor v prostoru in<br />

času ter prišel do točke, ko bi si lahko odgovoril na zgoraj postavljena vprašanja, a ga je s<br />

triindvajsetimi leti prehitro dohitela smrt.<br />

Ključne besede: Kosovel, Tagore, človečanstvo, nacionalizem, vzhodna filozofija, zaton<br />

zahoda, Gandhijev koncept nenasilja (ahimsa), impresionizem, ekspresionizem,<br />

konstruktivizem, avantgarda, konstruktivna destrukcija, konstrukcija.<br />


The poetry of Srečko Kosovel was influenced by the eastern philosophy, which found its way<br />

into the western literature mainly through Rabindranath Tagore. The spirit of Hinduism and<br />

the Indian culture can both be regarded as the source of ideas which Tagore presented to the<br />

West, within his own environment and era. Both poets dealt with the themes of humanity,<br />

existence, death and rebirth, as well as with the following questions: who am I, where do I<br />

come from, where am I bound to, why am I here and whether I perform the actions which<br />

justify he purpose of my existence. The works of both authors were analysed in order to<br />

determine the degree of influence which Tagore, as a representatiove of the East, had had on<br />

Kosovel – a representative of the West. A literary survey was carried out to find on which<br />

occasions Kosovel had referred to the East and adopted the ideas which presented the western<br />

world the actual cause of the decay – the nationalism or the nation, leading to the<br />

»dehumanisation« of a human being, the world war and the placing of a human being on the<br />

pure level of impersonal mechanics (i.e. »machinery«) which affected both, the East and the<br />

the West. This is reflected in Kosovel's using of those Tagore's ideas which helped him<br />

develop the terms of existence within his environment and era, finally leading him to the point<br />

where he was able to give answers to the above-mentioned questions. Unfortunately, this was<br />

marked by his early death at the age of twenty-three.<br />

Key words: Kosovel, Tagore, humanity, nationalism, eastern philosophy, the decline of the<br />

West, Gandhi's concept of non-violence ('ahimsa') Impressionism, Expressionism,<br />

Constructivism, Avant-garde, constructive destruction, construction.<br />


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