GRIF an tè - Potomitan

GRIF an tè - Potomitan

GRIF an tè - Potomitan


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<strong>GRIF</strong> <strong>an</strong> tè<br />

Mi <strong>an</strong> ch<strong>an</strong>té BOB MARLEY.<br />

Tout moun kont<strong>an</strong>, min <strong>an</strong> patché m<strong>an</strong>may<br />

pa konnèt s<strong>an</strong>s-li. É sé pousa nou ka ba<br />

yo kradiksyon-<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong> kréyòl.<br />

WAR<br />

LADJÈ<br />

What life has taught me<br />

I should like to share with<br />

Those who w<strong>an</strong>t to learn<br />

Until the philosophy which holds<br />

One race superior <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>other inférior<br />

Is finally <strong>an</strong>d perm<strong>an</strong>ently discredited<br />

And ab<strong>an</strong>doned<br />

That until there are no longer<br />

First class <strong>an</strong> second class citizen<br />

Of <strong>an</strong>y nation<br />

Until the colour of a m<strong>an</strong> skin<br />

Is of no more signific<strong>an</strong>ce th<strong>an</strong><br />

The colour of his eyes<br />

That until there basic hum<strong>an</strong> rights<br />

Are equally guar<strong>an</strong>teed to all,<br />

Whithout regard to race<br />

That until that day,<br />

The dream of lasting peace, world<br />

Citizenship <strong>an</strong>d the rule of<br />

International morality<br />

Will remain in but a. fleeting illusion<br />

To be persued, but never attained<br />

And until the ignoble <strong>an</strong>d unhappy<br />

Regime that now hoid our brothers<br />

ln Angola, in Mozambique, South Africa<br />

ln sub-hum<strong>an</strong> bondage, have besn<br />

Toppled utterly destroyed<br />

Until that day the Afrië<strong>an</strong> continent<br />

Will not know peace<br />

We afric<strong>an</strong>s will fight, if necessary<br />

And we know we shall win<br />

As we are confident in the victory of<br />

Good over evil, of good over evil<br />

Sa lavi-a apw<strong>an</strong>n mwin<br />

Mwin té ké inmin partajé-ï<br />

Épi sa ki byin lé<br />

Magré ki filozofi-a ki ka di<br />

Ki zafè <strong>an</strong> ras sipériè épi <strong>an</strong> lòt infériè<br />

za fini bat<br />

Ni ladjè<br />

Ek magré ki ad<strong>an</strong> chak nasyon<br />

Pa rété moun primyè katégori épi<br />

Dézyèm katégori<br />

Ni ladjè<br />

Magré ki koulè lapo <strong>an</strong> nonm<br />

Pa ni plis valè ki koulè zié-ï<br />

Ni ladjè<br />

Ek magré yo di kisiswa koulè lapo'w<br />

Tout moun ni minm dwa-a<br />

Ni ladjè<br />

Ek magré jik jòdi<br />

Rèv-Ia di <strong>an</strong> lapé prochin<br />

Di <strong>an</strong> gouvèlm<strong>an</strong> mondial<br />

Di <strong>an</strong> règ moral internasional<br />

Rété <strong>an</strong> ilizion ki yo ka<br />

Pousuiv s<strong>an</strong> j<strong>an</strong>min jwinn-li<br />

Ni ladjè<br />

Ek magré (yo di)<br />

Politik la ki ka tchinbé fwè nou<br />

An Angola, <strong>an</strong> Mozambik, <strong>an</strong> pak<br />

Kon bèt <strong>an</strong> Afrik di Sid<br />

la maté èk disparèt<br />

Ni ladjè<br />

Magré jòdi jou tout Lafrik pa<br />

Konnèt lapé<br />

Nou Afritchin nou ké goumin si sa nésésè<br />

Èk nou sav nou ké ginyin<br />

Pas nou ni la fwa <strong>an</strong> la viktwa<br />

Di le-byin kont le-mal, di le-byin kont le-mal.<br />


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