Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila

Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila


Krzysztof Varga (1968), pisatelj in kritik, se je rodil v Varšavi, tam je študiral polonistiko, zaposlen je v uredništvu osrednjega poljskega dnevnika Gazeta Wyborcza. Izdal je romane Chłopaki nie płaczą (Fantje ne jočejo, 1996, 2000), Bildungsroman (1997, 2000), Karolina (2002), zbirke kratke proze 45 pomysłów na powieść (45 idej za roman, 1998), Śmiertelność (Umrljivost, 1998), Tequila (2001). Kot soavtor je sodeloval pri izdaji leksikona najnovejše poljske književnosti Parnas bis (1995) in antologije mlade poljske poezije Macie swoich poetów (Tu imate svoje pesnike, 1997, 1999). Krzysztof Varga (1968), writer and critic, was born in Warsaw where he studied Polish studies. Varga works as an editor for the main Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza. He has published the novels Chłopaki nie płaczą (Boys don’t cry, 1996, 2000), Bildungsroman (1997, 2000), Karolina (Caroline, 2002) as well as the collections of short prose 45 pomysłów na powieść (45 ideas for a novel, 1998), Śmiertelność (Mortality, 1998), and Tequila (2001). He was a co-author of the encyclopaedia of newer Polish literature Parnas bis (1995) and the anthology of young Polish poetry Macie swoich poetów (Here are your poets, 1997, 1999). 410

Krzysztof Varga 411

Krzysztof Varga (1968), pisatelj in kritik, se je rodil v Varšavi, tam je študiral<br />

polonistiko, zaposlen je v uredništvu osrednjega poljskega dnevnika Gazeta<br />

Wyborcza. Izdal je romane Chłopaki nie płaczą (Fantje ne jočejo, 1996,<br />

2000), Bildungsroman (1997, 2000), Karolina (2002), zbirke kratke proze<br />

45 pomysłów na powieść (45 idej za roman, 1998), Śmiertelność (Umrljivost,<br />

1998), Tequila (2001). Kot soavtor je sodeloval pri izdaji leksikona<br />

najnovejše poljske književnosti Parnas bis (1995) in antologije mlade poljske<br />

poezije Macie swoich poetów (Tu imate svoje pesnike, 1997, 1999).<br />

Krzysztof Varga (1968), writer and critic, was born in Warsaw where he<br />

studied Polish studies. Varga works as an editor for the main Polish newspaper<br />

Gazeta Wyborcza. He has published the novels Chłopaki nie płaczą<br />

(Boys don’t cry, 1996, 2000), Bildungsroman (1997, 2000), Karolina<br />

(Caroline, 2002) as well as the collections of short prose 45 pomysłów<br />

na powieść (45 ideas for a novel, 1998), Śmiertelność (Mortality, 1998),<br />

and Tequila (2001). He was a co-author of the encyclopaedia of newer<br />

Polish literature Parnas bis (1995) and the anthology of young Polish<br />

poetry Macie swoich poetów (Here are your poets, 1997, 1999).<br />


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