Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila

Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila


Sydney Lea Na ženini sledi Moški in ženske sledijo različnemu ritmu. Ne, več kot samo različnemu – nasprotnemu, za cel tečaj narazen, skladno z moderno učenostjo. Morda začuti tu in tam resnični začetek; pogleda izza pisalne mize, morda osupnjena od neba sredi februarja, modrine, ki je toliko več kot modrina, in porednega sonca, ki odlaga ogrlico biserov na starajoči se sneg. Nakar, delo gor ali dol, spleza gor na greben. In včasih tudi sam, kakšno uro kasneje, Neham bloditi po trmasti strani. Sonce je že tedaj že mnogo niže kot bi si predstavljal. Vstanem torej od mize. Zaškripljem z vrati kabineta in čeprav je moj sluh prava polomija, Uho zazna vranov repertoar v vsej njegovi divji raznovrstnosti: ta zategli krik, razločno zehanje, oštevanje, cvrkut, nerganje. Uberem jo na greben, v katerega ploskev se je poprej vpisala begava pisava žene, ki jo zdaj poskušam razumeti. Sledim izgubljajoči se sledi, z očmi uprtimi v tla, Napet, pozoren, z zgodbo, ki se je medtem Pričela sama vpisovati v možgane. Predstavljam si, da sem ujel tudi mešanico vonjev: kot lovski pes se odhrkam in milim smrček v zrak, razločim vonj po svežem, šampon in mokro volno nekakšen človeški mošus. Tudi zgodba je mešanica – žalosti, hrepenenja. Zaokrožim nazaj k prižganim lučem hiše. Mrak je. Morda tu ujamem v nos kaj bolj gotovega. So dnevi ko se različna ritma ujameta. Za zaveso uzrem njeno temno senco. Več kot si zaslužim sreče v tem življenju. 240

Sydney Lea Wife-Tracking Men and women follow different rhythms. No, more than merely different: poles apart, According to the age’s trendy wisdoms. Perhaps sometimes she feels an actual start; Looking up from her desk, she may be stunned By the sky of middle February, blue That’s so much more than blue, and unruly sun That lays a string of gems on the aging snow. Upon which, work be damned, she climbs our ridge. And sometimes I myself, some hours later, Can cease my maundering over a stubborn page. Sun will have traveled ever so much farther Down than I’d have dreamed. So up I get From my own desk. I crack the study door, And even though my hearing is a wreck, My ears perceive the ravens’ repertoire In all its wild variety: that bleat, That audible yawn, that scold, that cheep, that bawl. I take to the ridge, upon whose sheet the feet Of that same lissome wife have earlier scrawled A furtive script I seek to understand. I follow the vanishing trail, eyes down, intent, Some story meanwhile scripting itself in mind. I also imagine I catch a mixture of scents: Like a working hound, I chuff and snuff, discerning Fresh air, shampoo, wet wool, some human musk. The story’s a mixture too — of sadness, yearning. I circle back to the new-lit house. It’s dusk. Perhaps inside I’ll sense those scents for certain. There are times when disparate rhythms coalesce. I see her penumbral shape behind a curtain. There’s more than I deserve in this life of bliss. 241

Sydney Lea<br />

Wife-Tracking<br />

Men and women follow different rhythms.<br />

No, more than merely different: poles apart,<br />

According to the age’s trendy wisdoms.<br />

Perhaps sometimes she feels an actual start;<br />

Looking up from her desk, she may be stunned<br />

By the sky of middle February, blue<br />

That’s so much more than blue, and unruly sun<br />

That lays a string of gems on the aging snow.<br />

Upon which, work be damned, she climbs our ridge.<br />

And sometimes I myself, some hours later,<br />

Can cease my maundering over a stubborn page.<br />

Sun will have traveled ever so much farther<br />

Down than I’d have dreamed. So up I get<br />

From my own desk. I crack the study door,<br />

And even though my hearing is a wreck,<br />

My ears perceive the ravens’ repertoire<br />

In all its wild variety: that bleat,<br />

That audible yawn, that scold, that cheep, that bawl.<br />

I take to the ridge, upon whose sheet the feet<br />

Of that same lissome wife have earlier scrawled<br />

A furtive script I seek to understand.<br />

I follow the vanishing trail, eyes down, intent,<br />

Some story meanwhile scripting itself in mind.<br />

I also imagine I catch a mixture of scents:<br />

Like a working hound, I chuff and snuff, discerning<br />

Fresh air, shampoo, wet wool, some human musk.<br />

The story’s a mixture too — of sadness, yearning.<br />

I circle back to the new-lit house. It’s dusk.<br />

Perhaps inside I’ll sense those scents for certain.<br />

There are times when disparate rhythms coalesce.<br />

I see her penumbral shape behind a curtain.<br />

There’s more than I deserve in this life of bliss.<br />


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