Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila

Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila


Edward Foster Prekiniti tok Gospa, nekoč ste me pripravili, da sem investiral svoj užitek. Moja oblačila bi vam bila lahko danes v posmeh, ampak za vas se ne bom nikoli več oblekel in tudi vi več ne za mene. Videti ste prav sprijaznjeni. Postarali ste se, v glavnem to, postarali. Vaša močna konstitucija, naslov, hiša, vse to je žalostno. Postali ste bolezen, ki je strastne pesmi ne potrebujejo. Bodočnost se spreminja v za vas najslabši obet. Gospa, nekoč moj perzijski sadovnjak. Sladki za pojest. Še otroci na dvorišču so šepetali vaše ime. Zdaj jih več ne slišim. Niti oni vas. Ni nesrečnih slučajev Okužba je nedvomna. Reši me lahko samo še tvoja temna polt. Pričeska je urejena. Tvoj um do čistega zjasni razkošje v meni. Od sebe bova dala vse, kar zmoreva, ampak tvoj poklic v kleti mojega obzira je obtežen s sluzjo, krvjo in spermo mladih mož. Mrtev. Nekoč sem ti zaupal. Nisi mi dovolil druge možnosti. Lahko bi se slepil, in vendar bi bilo lepo, sem mislil, vsaj enkrat, pomeriti se z Grkom v tebi. Jezik pomeni vzeti Čakaš. Podrediti se pomeni, da daru ne prejmeš, dokler se ne predaš. Ne moreš upati na kak nov spodrsljaj. In ga izkoristiti. Vse je v načinu. In v hipu, ko nastopi trenutek sreče, vklopijo luči: modrost je v drugem. Vadim se v potrpežljivosti, a sem šele začel. Roža je vedno črna. Dragi moj, naj bo tokrat zadnjič: prosim. Prevedel Iztok Osojnik 134

Edward Foster Breaking the Stream Lady, you’d once make my pleasure to invest. My clothes could be your mockery today, but I’ll not dress for you again, or you for me. You look quite reasoned now. Growing old, you’re mainly growing old. Your large frame, title, house are deeply sad. You’re now the sick delight songs never need. Futures imitate your worst regard. Lady, you were once my Persian garden. You were sweet to taste. The children in the courtyard whispered you. I cannot hear them now. Nor can they you. There are No Accidents Disease is final. Only your dark skin can save me now. Your hair is taut. Your mind dissects my luxury. We give it all we’ve got, but your profession here beneath the cellars of my care is fraught with phlegm, blood, sperm of young men, dead. I trusted you. You gave no choice. You might deceive yourself, and yet I thought it could be fine, this once, to measure up, a Greek in you. Language Means to Take You wait. Submission means a gift is never yours until you let it go. You can’t expect or bank on some new flaw. Approach is all. No sooner do you get a moment of delight than lights go up: wisdom’s in the other man. I practice piety but only try it on. The flower’s always black. Dear you, this last time: please. 135

Edward Foster<br />

Breaking the Stream<br />

Lady, you’d once make my pleasure to invest.<br />

My clothes could be your mockery today,<br />

but I’ll not dress for you again,<br />

or you for me. You look quite reasoned now.<br />

Growing old, you’re mainly<br />

growing old. Your large frame,<br />

title, house are deeply sad.<br />

You’re now the sick delight songs<br />

never need. Futures imitate your worst<br />

regard. Lady, you were once my<br />

Persian garden. You were sweet<br />

to taste. The children in the courtyard<br />

whispered you. I cannot hear them now.<br />

Nor can they you.<br />

There are No Accidents<br />

Disease is final. Only your dark<br />

skin can save me now. Your hair is<br />

taut. Your mind dissects my luxury.<br />

We give it all we’ve got,<br />

but your profession here beneath the<br />

cellars of my care is fraught with<br />

phlegm, blood, sperm of young men,<br />

dead. I trusted you. You gave no choice.<br />

You might deceive yourself, and yet<br />

I thought it could be fine, this once,<br />

to measure up, a Greek in you.<br />

Language Means to Take<br />

You wait. Submission means a gift is never<br />

yours until you let it go. You can’t expect<br />

or bank on some new flaw. Approach is all.<br />

No sooner do you get a moment of delight than<br />

lights go up: wisdom’s in the other man.<br />

I practice piety but only try it on.<br />

The flower’s always black. Dear you,<br />

this last time: please.<br />


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