Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila

Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila Zbornik Mednarodnega literarnega srečanja Vilenica 2004 - Ljudmila


Izsušene pokrajine pri Cezannu Dolgo sem mislil, da sprtost, upor, nekaj dovoliti, da odide, ne prizadenejo – prepirljivost kot užitek božjega pastirja: v njegovi govorici sanj, da bi pokazal, na kakšen način ujeti glas kljub barvi, tkanju in razpoloženju (kot da je bil zakrament v srednjem veku siv in kri žrtev ni špricala v barvah). Ko smo sami, ga merimo kot nekoga, ki na tak način ustvarja oblike, da nihče drug ne bi videl, da rjava, oranžna in zelena barva nimajo nič z resničnostjo. Prepriča nas, da mislimo, da smo gledalci sami, ampak on je vedno nekje zadaj in tako tih, da komaj ulovimo njegov glas, ovit v obliko. Moč barve popusti, pigmenti obledijo po robovih in osvobojeni platna zlogi odletijo na prostost. In zdi se, da sladke fraze kažejo njegovo slavje: hodnike polne užitka na poti v retoriko, kot da zanj ni potrebe za pokoro. Edward Foster 128

Dry Landscapes in Cezanne A long time imagining these do not hurt: discord, rebellion, something letting go— contention as a pleasure to the celebrant: his language as a dream to tell us how we know the voice in spite of color, texture, mood. (As if the medieval sacrament were grey or in the sacrifice, his blood were dry.) In solitude, we see him as if one who makes his forms in such a way that no one else will know that orange, brown and green are false. He makes us think that we, as subjects, are alone, it’s always he who is inside: as if he kept the sound so low we’d barely hear the voice beneath the form. Intensities of color disappear; his pigments thin around the edge and, loosened from the canvas, their syllables break free. Sweet phrases seem to be his celebration; corridors of pleasure on the way to rhetoric, as if he had no reason to atone. Edward Foster 129

Dry Landscapes in Cezanne<br />

A long time imagining these do not hurt:<br />

discord, rebellion, something letting go—<br />

contention as a pleasure<br />

to the celebrant: his language as a dream<br />

to tell us how we know the voice<br />

in spite of color, texture, mood.<br />

(As if the medieval sacrament were grey<br />

or in the sacrifice, his blood were dry.)<br />

In solitude, we see him<br />

as if one who makes his forms<br />

in such a way that no one else will know<br />

that orange, brown and green are false.<br />

He makes us think that we, as subjects, are alone,<br />

it’s always he who is inside:<br />

as if he kept the sound so low<br />

we’d barely hear the voice beneath the form.<br />

Intensities of color disappear;<br />

his pigments thin around the edge<br />

and, loosened from the canvas,<br />

their syllables break free.<br />

Sweet phrases seem to be his<br />

celebration; corridors<br />

of pleasure on the way to rhetoric,<br />

as if he had no reason to atone.<br />

Edward Foster<br />


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