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U istraživanju REPRO svaka pojedinačno utrošena sirovina i<br />

materijal prema NRMI-ju 2008. bilježi se u količinama<br />

(za upotrijebljenu mjernu jedinicu) i vrijednosno u tisućama<br />

kuna. Vrednuje se po tekućim kupovnim cijenama istovrsnih<br />

sirovina i materijala u vrijeme kada ulaze u proizvodni proces,<br />

tj. kada se troše, a ne kada su nabavljeni/kupljeni i stavljeni u<br />

skladište (na zalihe). Potrošnja sirovina i materijala industrije<br />

usklađena je s definicijama ESA-e 95 u dijelu koji se odnosi na<br />

intermedijarnu potrošnju. 6) Ne uključuje potrošnju fiksne aktive<br />

(zgrade, strojevi, oprema, zemljišta), čija se potrošnja bilježi<br />

kao potrošnja fiksnoga kapitala.<br />

In the REPRO Survey, the consumption of each raw material and<br />

consumable classified in the NRMI 2008. is recorded in volume (using<br />

a defined measurement unit) and in values in thousands of kuna. It<br />

has to be recorded in purchaser prices obtainable for the same kind<br />

of goods or services at the moment they are actually entering the<br />

production process, that is, when they are consumed, and not when<br />

they are purchased and put on stock (inventories). The consumption<br />

of raw materials and consumables is harmonised with the definition<br />

from the European System of Accounts (ESA 95), in the part referring<br />

to the intermediate consumption 6) . This definition excludes the<br />

consumption of fixed assets (buildings, machinery, equipment, land)<br />

which is recorded as the consumption of fixed capital<br />


U vrijeme nabave kupovna cijena jest cijena koju kupac<br />

stvarno plaća za proizvode, a uključuje sve poreze i pristojbe<br />

osim PDV-a i ostalih odbitnih poreza na proizvode (npr.<br />

trošarine) te subvencija na proizvode. U kupovnu cijenu treba<br />

uključiti i bilo koji trošak prijevoza koji kupac plaća odvojeno<br />

na mjestu isporuke, a treba odbiti cjelokupni popust na<br />

količinu ili kupnju izvan sezone i kamatu ili naplaćenu uslugu<br />

u kreditnim aranžmanima ili neke naplate kao rezultat<br />

neplaćanja u roku. U istraživanju REPRO vrijednost<br />

potrošenih sirovina i materijala industrija bilježi se po tekućim<br />

kupovnim cijenama istovrsnih sirovina i materijala u vrijeme<br />

kada ulaze u proizvodni proces (kada se troše), a ne kada su<br />

kupljeni (nabavljeni) i stavljeni na skladište (zalihe), a<br />

usklađena je s konceptom ESA-e 95.<br />


At the time of purchase, a purchase price is a price a purchaser<br />

actually pays for products. It includes taxes and charges<br />

on products, but excluding VAT and other deductible taxes<br />

(e.g., excises) and subsidies. It also includes any transport charges<br />

paid separately by the purchaser at a place of delivery and<br />

excludes any discount for bulk or off-peak purchase as well as<br />

interest or services charges added under credit arrangements or<br />

any charge paid as a result of failing to pay within a stated period of<br />

time. In the REPRO Survey, the value of raw materials and<br />

consumables consumed by industries has to be recorded in current<br />

purchase prices obtainable for the same kind of goods or services<br />

at the moment when they actually enter the production process, that<br />

is, when they are consumed, and not when they were purchased<br />

and put on stock (inventories). It is in line with the ESA 95 concept.<br />


Proizvod je posljedica neke industrijske djelatnosti. Koristi se<br />

kao opći naziv za proizvode koji imaju fizičku dimenziju te za<br />

industrijske usluge. Definiran je Nomenklaturom industrijskih<br />

proizvoda – NIP – i sastavni je dio istraživanja PRODCOM o<br />

industrijskoj proizvodnji Republike Hrvatske. Istraživanje<br />

REPRO za 2012. povezano je s proizvodnjom industrijskih<br />

proizvoda definiranih verzijom NIP-a 2012., dok će se za<br />

sljedeća istraživanja REPRO za 2013. nadalje upotrebljavati<br />

revidirane verzije NIP-a za svaku sljedeću izvještajnu godinu.<br />

Uz to što će se objavljivati u Narodnim novinama početkom<br />

svake sljedeće godine, bit će dostupne i na internetskim<br />

stranicama Državnog zavoda za statistiku.<br />


Product is an outcome of a certain economic activity. It is a generic<br />

term applied to products that have a physical dimension as well as<br />

for industrial services. It is defined by the headings of the<br />

Nomenclature of Industrial Products – NIP and it is an integral part<br />

of the PRODCOM Survey on Industrial Production of the Republic<br />

of Croatia. The REPRO Survey for 2012 corresponds to the<br />

industrial production defined by the 2012 version of NIP, while for<br />

annual REPRO surveys for 2013 and further on it will be necessary<br />

to use revised NIP versions for every subsequent reporting year.<br />

Besides their publication in Narodne novine (NN) at the beginning<br />

of each subsequent year, these versions will be available on the<br />

internet site of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics.<br />


Obračunava se na temelju prodajne cijene koju je ostvario ili će<br />

ostvariti proizvođač u izvještajnom razdoblju (fakturirane<br />

vrijednosti). U vrijednost prodaje uključeni su i troškovi pakiranja<br />

kada su obračunani (naplaćeni) posebno, a isključeni su sljedeći<br />

izdaci: bilo koji obračun poreza na promet i potrošnju (PDV i<br />

trošarine), troškovi otpreme kada su obračunani posebno ili bilo<br />

koji popusti potrošačima. Za proizvode koji su dani u zakup ili na<br />

leasing trećim osobama određene su cijene koje su se za njih<br />

mogle postići na tržištu kao procijenjene vrijednosti.<br />


It is calculated on the basis of the selling price obtained/<br />

obtainable during the reporting period (invoiced values). The<br />

value of production includes packaging costs, even if they are<br />

charged separately, but the following costs are not included: any<br />

turnover and consumer tax charged (VAT and excises),<br />

separately charged freight costs, any discount granted to<br />

customers. If finished products are hired out or leased to third<br />

parties, the price obtainable on the market for the product in<br />

question is recorded as an estimated value.<br />


Input-output tablice jesu način prezentacije detaljne analize<br />

procesa proizvodnje i potrošnje dobara i usluga (proizvoda) te<br />

prihoda ostvarenoga u toj proizvodnji. Mogu imati oblik tablica<br />

ponude i uporabe ili simetričnih input-output tablica. Pojam je<br />

definiran u kontekstu ESA-e 95.<br />


Input-output tables are means of presenting a detailed analysis of<br />

the process of production and the use of goods and services<br />

(products) and the income generated in that production. They can<br />

be designed in the form of either supply and use tables or<br />

symmetric input-output tables. The term is defined within the<br />

ESA 95 concept.<br />

6) Usklađeno s definicijom intermediate consumption iz ESA-e 95 (3.69). Za kraticu ESA<br />

95 vidi objašnjenje u bilješci 4.<br />

6) Harmonised with the definition of the intermediate consumption taken over from the ESA<br />

95 (3.69). Explanation for the acronym ESA 95 can be found in footnote 4.<br />


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