avtomatska analiza gibanja v izbranih moštvenih športnih igrah

avtomatska analiza gibanja v izbranih moštvenih športnih igrah avtomatska analiza gibanja v izbranih moštvenih športnih igrah

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Literatura 113<br />

[29] C.G.M. Snoek and M. Worring. Multimodal Video Indexing: A Review of<br />

the State-of-the-art. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 25(1):5–35, 2005.<br />

[30] X. Zhu, X. Wu, A. K. Elmagarmid, Z. Feng, and L. Wu. Video Data Mining:<br />

Semantic Indexing and Event Detection from the Association Perspective.<br />

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 17(5):665–677,<br />

2005.<br />

[31] L. Xie, S. Chang, A. Divakaran, and H. Sun. Structure Analysis of Soccer<br />

Video with Hidden Markov Models. In IEEE International Conference<br />

Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2002.<br />

[32] Y. Rui, A. Gupta, and A. Acero. Automatically Extracting Highlights for<br />

TV Baseball Programs. In ACM Multimedia, pages 105–115, 2000.<br />

[33] G. Zhu, Q. Huang, C. Xu, Y. Rui, S. Jiang, W. Gao, and H. Yao. Trajectory<br />

based event tactics analysis in broadcast sports video. In MULTIMEDIA<br />

’07: Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Multimedia, pages<br />

58–67, 2007.<br />

[34] S. S. Intille and A. F. Bobick. Recognizing Planned, Multiperson Action.<br />

Computer Vision and Image Understanding: CVIU, 81(3):414–445, 2001.<br />

[35] F. Li and R. J. Woodham. Analysis of Player Actions in Selected Hockey<br />

Game Situations. In Proceedings of the The 2nd Canadian Conference on<br />

Computer and Robot Vision (CRV’05), Canada, pages 152–159, 2005.<br />

[36] M. Jug, J. Perˇs, B. Deˇzman, and S. Kovačič. Trajectory Based Assessment<br />

of Coordinated Human Activity. In Computer Vision Systems, Proceedings<br />

of Third International Conference ICVS 2003, pages 534–543, Graz,<br />

Austria, April 2003.<br />

[37] J. Perˇs. Analiza človeˇskega <strong>gibanja</strong> na različnih nivojih podrobnosti z<br />

metodami računalniˇskega vida. PhD thesis, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta<br />

za elektrotehniko, 2004.<br />

[38] Marko Jug. Analiza taktičnih značilnosti napada v koˇsarki na osnovi<br />

trajektorij igralcev. Master’s thesis, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Univeza<br />

v Ljubljani, 2002.

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