principles of insect pathology

principles of insect pathology

principles of insect pathology


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Phyllophaga 329, 726<br />

— anxia 329<br />

■— bipartita 329<br />

— ephilida 329<br />

— fusca 329<br />

— rugosa 329<br />

— vandinei 377<br />

Phylloreridae 188<br />

Phym atotrichum 445<br />

Physokerinincola 211<br />

Phytom onas 168, 169<br />

Pieris 453, 591<br />

— brassicac 82, 366, 372, 380, 381,<br />

405, 453, 567, 580, 581, 583, 585,<br />

591, 599, 614, 678, 699, 701<br />

— rapae 85, 377, 567<br />

P ileocejhalus heeri 646<br />

Pityogenes bidentatus 74(5<br />

Plasm odiidae 666<br />

Plasm odium cathemerium 253<br />

— matariao 229<br />

— relictum 253<br />

— vivax 229, 666<br />

P latyhelm inthes 750<br />

Platypodidae 141<br />

P latypus 141, 142<br />

Plecoptera 656<br />

Plistophora 675, 706, 708<br />

— schubergi 705<br />

— stegom yiae 707<br />

Plodia interpunctella 346, 654, 659<br />

P lutella 406, 407, 787<br />

— m aculipennis 406—408, 787<br />

Podonectria 431, 434, 772<br />

— aurantii 434<br />

— coccicola 434<br />

— echinata 434<br />

P olybia 426<br />

Polycbrosis botrana 773<br />

P olym astigida 166, 171<br />

P olym astix 171<br />

P opilius interruptus 744, 745<br />

P opillia japonica 327, 332, 345, 72%<br />

733, 764, 777<br />

Porthetria dispar 82, 347, 348, 366,<br />

372, 373, 375, 410, 528, 532, 534,<br />

536, 553, 705, 763<br />

Pristionchus aerivora 733<br />

Proconiinae 189<br />

Prodenia eridania 78, 79, 84, 86—<br />

88, 257, 346<br />

— litosia 549<br />

— litura 549, 763<br />

— ornithogalli 549, 551<br />

— praefica 548, 549<br />

Proserpinus proserpina 555<br />

Prosthogonimns pellucidus 751<br />

Proteus 361, 363, 368<br />

— alveicola 369<br />

— bombycis 369<br />

— vulgaris 266, 275<br />

Protomonadida 170<br />

Protoparce 79<br />

— quinqucmaculuta 360<br />

— sexta 360<br />

Protopulvinaria pyriformis 438<br />

Protozoa 632<br />

Psalidium m axillosum 476<br />

Pseudococcus 195, 784<br />

— brevipes 195<br />

— citri 410, 424<br />

— comstocki 412<br />

— gahani 196<br />

— m aritim us 182<br />

Pseudomicrocera 433<br />

Pseudomonadaceae 293, 379<br />

Pseudomonas aeruginosa 151, 379,<br />

380<br />

— septica 380<br />

Psorophora 415<br />

— ciliata 419<br />

Psychidae 548<br />

Psychodidae 750<br />

P syllia buxi 183<br />

— m ali 408, 409<br />

Plerochlorus vim inalis 579<br />

Ptychopoda serriata 555<br />

Pulvinaria 437<br />

— innum erabilis 175<br />

Pyrausta 75<br />

— nubilalis 106, 112, 169, 259,<br />

265, 348, 349, 358, 366, 378,450,<br />

452, 466, 468, 477, 636, 699, 726,<br />

762, 772<br />

Pyrochroa 646<br />

Pyrrhocoris apterus 636<br />

R aillietina cesticillus 750<br />

R aillietina echinobothrida 750<br />

Ransomnematinae 724<br />

Ranunculus puberulus 100<br />

R eduviidae 170, 197<br />

Retortamonas 170<br />

— phyllophagae 171<br />

R habditis 734<br />

— janeti 734<br />

Rhabdocnemis obscura 462<br />

Rhigonem atidae 724<br />

Rhinotrichum 437, 483<br />

— album 442<br />

— depauperatum 483<br />

R hipicephalus 201<br />

— appendiculatus 667

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