principles of insect pathology

principles of insect pathology principles of insect pathology
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7 9 4 ГЛАВА XIV thesis, Ohio State U n iv., 91 pp. (См. также Contr. Boyce Thompson Inst., 1949, 15, 319—335). D u s t a n A. G., 1924a. Studies on a new species of Empusa parasitic on the green apple bug (Lygus communis var. novascotiensis Knight) in the Annapolis Valley, Proc. Acadian Entomol. Soc., 1923, № 9, 14—36. ü u s t a n A. G., 1924b. The control of the European apple sucker, Psyllia mali Schm idb., cm. Nova Scotia. Can. Dept. A gr. Pamph., 45, 1— 13. D utky S. R ., 1942. Method for the preparation of sporedust m ixtures of type A m ilky disease of Japanese beetle larvae for field inoculation, U. S. D. A ., Entomol. Plant Quarantine, E. T ., 192, 10 pp. Fawcett H. S ., 1944. Fungus and bacterial diseases of insects as factors in biological control, Botan. Rev., 10, 327— 348. Fisher F. E ., 1947. Insect disease studies, Florida Agr. E xpt. Station Annual R ept. for year ending June 30, 1947, p. 162. Fisher F. E ., 1948. D iseases of citrus insects, Florida Agr. E xpt. Station Annual R ept. for year ending June 30, 1948. Forbes S. A ., 1882. Bacterium a parasite of the chinch bug, Am er. Naturalist, 16, 824— 825. Г a у 3 e Г. Ф., 1933—1934. Современное учение о борьбе за существование, Зоол. окурн., 12, вып. 3; 13, вып. 1 и 4. G i а г d A ., 1891а. Sur une Isaria parasite du ver blanc, Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., 43, 236. G i a r d A ., 1891b. Sur la transmission de l ’Isaria du ver blanc au ver à soie, Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., 43, 507— 508. •G i a r d A ., 1891c. N ouvelles recherches s’ur le champignon parasite du Hanneton vulgarie (Isaria densa Link), Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., 43, 575. G i a r d A ., 1891d. Sur l ’Isaria densa Link., parasite du ver blanc, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sei., Paris, 113, 269. Girth H. B., McCoy E. E. and Glaser R. W ., 1940. F ield experim ents w ith a nematode parasite of the Japanese beetle, New Jersey Agr. Circ., 317, 21 pp. Glaser R. W ., 1918. A system atic study of the organisms distributed under name of Coccobacillus acridiorum d ’Herelle, Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer., 11, 19— 42. •Glaser It. W ., 1932. Studies on Neoaplectana glaseri, a nem atode parasite of the Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica), New Jersey Dept. A gr., Bur. Plant Ind. Circ., 211, 34 pp. Glaser R. W. and Farrell C. C., 1935. F ield experim ents w ith the Japanese beetle and its nematode parasite, J . New York Entomol. Soc., 43, 345— 371. ■Gray G. R ., 1858. N otices of insects that are known to form the bases of fungoid parasites, P rivately printed, London, 22 pp. Hagen H. A ., 1879. Destruction of obnoxious insects by application of the yeast fungus, Cambridge U niv. Press, Cambridge, 11 pp. d ’il e r e 1 1 e F ., 1911. Sur une épizootie de nature bactérienne sévissant sur les sauterelles au Mexique, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sei., Paris, 152, 1413— 1415. (i'ilerelle F ., 1912. Sur la propagation, dans la République Argentine, de l ’épizootie des sauterelles du M exique, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sei., Paris, 154, 623— 625. d’Herelle F ., 1915. Sur le procédé biologique de destruction des sauterelles, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sei., Paris, 161, 503— 505. Il e r g u 1 a B ., 1930. On the application of Metarrhizium anisopliae against Pyrausta nubilalis, Intern. Corn Borer Invest., Sci. Repts., 3, 130— 141. II e r g u 1 a B ., 1931. R ecent experim ents on the application of Metarrhizium anisopliae against the corn borer, Intern. Corn Borer Invest., Sei. Repts., 4, 46— 62. jj o i l о w a y J. K ., 1949. Biological association of insects: parasite and

ЛИТЕРАТУРА 795 host populations. Proceedings of the Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical S tatistics and Probability, U niversity of California Press, Berkeley, pp. 493— 501. Holloway J. K. and Young T. R., Jr., 1943. The influence of fungicidal sprays on entom ogenous fungi and on the purple scale in Florida, J . Econ. Entomol., 36, 453— 457. Holloway J. K. and Young T. R ., Jr., 1948 (личное сообщение). Howard L. 0 ., 1902. Experim ental work w ith fungous diseases of grasshoppers, U . S. D. A. Yearbook, 1901, pp. 459—470. H u s z B ., 1928. Bacillus thuringiensis B erl., a bacterium pathogenic to corn borer larvae, Intern. Corn Borer Invest., Sei. Repts., 1, 191— 193. H u s z B ., 1929. The use of Bacillus thuringiensis in the fight against the corn borer, Intern. Corn Borer Invest., Sei. Repts., 2, 99— 110. H u s z B ., 1930. Field experim ents on the application of Bacillus thuringiensis against the corn borer, Intern. Corn Borer Invest., Sei. Repts., 3, 91— 98. H u s z B ., 1931. Experim ents during 1931 on the use of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner in controlling the corn borer, Intern. Corn Borer Invest., Sei. Repts., 4, 22—23. King K. M. and Atkinson N. J., 1928. The biological control factors of the immature stages of Euxoa ochrogaster Gn. (Lepidoptera, Phalaeni- dae) in Saskatchewan, Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am er., 21, 167— 188. Красильщик И. М., 1886. О грибных болезнях у насекомых, Зап. Новоросс. об-ва естестъоиспыт., 11. Красильщик И. М., 1888. La Production industrielle des parasites végétaux pour la destruction des insectes nuisibles, Bull. Sei. France, 19, 461— 472. Künckel de Herculais J. et Langlois C., 1891 .Les Champignons parasites des Acridiens, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sei., Paris, 112, 1465— 1468. L e С о n t e J. L.. 1874. Pros. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sei., p. 22. (Цит. no Hagen, 1879.) Lefebvre C l., 1931a. A destructive fungous disease of the corn borer, Phytopathol., 21, 124— 125. Lefebvre C. L., 1931b. Prelim inary observations on two species of Beauveria attacking the corn borer, Pyrausta nubilalis Hübner, Phytopathol., 21, 1115— 1128. Lounsbury C. P ., 1913. Caterpillar w ilt disease, J . A gr. S. Africa, 5, 448— 452. Lugger O., 1888. Fungi which kill insects, U niv. Minnesota, Coll. Agr. Bull., 4, 37 pp. McCoy E. E. and Carver C. W ., 1941. A method for obtaining spores of the fungus Beauveria bassiana in quantity, J .New York Entomol. Soc., 49, 205— 210. Marchionatto J. B ., 1934. Los ITongos parâsitos de la langosta en la R epüblica Argentina. Lucha Nacional contra la Langosta, Ministerio do Agr., Buenos Aires, pp. 45— 53. Метальников C., 1930. U tilisation des microbes dans la lutte contre Lymantria et autres insectes nuisibles, Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., 105, 535— 537. Метальников C., 1933. Rôle de microorganismes dans la destruction des insectes nuisibles, V. Congrès Intern. d ’E ntoinol., 1932, pp. 611— 616. Метальников C., 1937. U tilisation des spores dans la lutte contre les insectes nuisibles, Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., 125, 1020— 1023. Метальников C., 1940. U tilisation des méthodes bactériologiques dans la lutte contre les insectes nuisibles, Compt. Rend. Acad. A gr. France, 26, 77— 83.

7 9 4<br />


thesis, Ohio State U n iv., 91 pp. (См. также Contr. Boyce Thompson Inst.,<br />

1949, 15, 319—335).<br />

D u s t a n A. G., 1924a. Studies on a new species <strong>of</strong> Empusa parasitic on the<br />

green apple bug (Lygus communis var. novascotiensis Knight) in the Annapolis<br />

Valley, Proc. Acadian Entomol. Soc., 1923, № 9, 14—36.<br />

ü u s t a n A. G., 1924b. The control <strong>of</strong> the European apple sucker, Psyllia<br />

mali Schm idb., cm. Nova Scotia. Can. Dept. A gr. Pamph., 45, 1— 13.<br />

D utky S. R ., 1942. Method for the preparation <strong>of</strong> sporedust m ixtures <strong>of</strong><br />

type A m ilky disease <strong>of</strong> Japanese beetle larvae for field inoculation,<br />

U. S. D. A ., Entomol. Plant Quarantine, E. T ., 192, 10 pp.<br />

Fawcett H. S ., 1944. Fungus and bacterial diseases <strong>of</strong> <strong>insect</strong>s as factors in<br />

biological control, Botan. Rev., 10, 327— 348.<br />

Fisher F. E ., 1947. Insect disease studies, Florida Agr. E xpt. Station<br />

Annual R ept. for year ending June 30, 1947, p. 162.<br />

Fisher F. E ., 1948. D iseases <strong>of</strong> citrus <strong>insect</strong>s, Florida Agr. E xpt. Station<br />

Annual R ept. for year ending June 30, 1948.<br />

Forbes S. A ., 1882. Bacterium a parasite <strong>of</strong> the chinch bug, Am er. Naturalist,<br />

16, 824— 825.<br />

Г a у 3 e Г. Ф., 1933—1934. Современное учение о борьбе за существование,<br />

Зоол. окурн., 12, вып. 3; 13, вып. 1 и 4.<br />

G i а г d A ., 1891а. Sur une Isaria parasite du ver blanc, Compt. Rend. Soc.<br />

Biol., 43, 236.<br />

G i a r d A ., 1891b. Sur la transmission de l ’Isaria du ver blanc au ver à soie,<br />

Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., 43, 507— 508.<br />

•G i a r d A ., 1891c. N ouvelles recherches s’ur le champignon parasite du Hanneton<br />

vulgarie (Isaria densa Link), Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., 43, 575.<br />

G i a r d A ., 1891d. Sur l ’Isaria densa Link., parasite du ver blanc, Compt.<br />

Rend. Acad. Sei., Paris, 113, 269.<br />

Girth H. B., McCoy E. E. and Glaser R. W ., 1940. F ield experim<br />

ents w ith a nematode parasite <strong>of</strong> the Japanese beetle, New Jersey Agr.<br />

Circ., 317, 21 pp.<br />

Glaser R. W ., 1918. A system atic study <strong>of</strong> the organisms distributed under<br />

name <strong>of</strong> Coccobacillus acridiorum d ’Herelle, Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer.,<br />

11, 19— 42.<br />

•Glaser It. W ., 1932. Studies on Neoaplectana glaseri, a nem atode parasite<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica), New Jersey Dept. A gr., Bur.<br />

Plant Ind. Circ., 211, 34 pp.<br />

Glaser R. W. and Farrell C. C., 1935. F ield experim ents w ith the<br />

Japanese beetle and its nematode parasite, J . New York Entomol. Soc.,<br />

43, 345— 371.<br />

■Gray G. R ., 1858. N otices <strong>of</strong> <strong>insect</strong>s that are known to form the bases <strong>of</strong><br />

fungoid parasites, P rivately printed, London, 22 pp.<br />

Hagen H. A ., 1879. Destruction <strong>of</strong> obnoxious <strong>insect</strong>s by application <strong>of</strong><br />

the yeast fungus, Cambridge U niv. Press, Cambridge, 11 pp.<br />

d ’il e r e 1 1 e F ., 1911. Sur une épizootie de nature bactérienne sévissant sur<br />

les sauterelles au Mexique, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sei., Paris, 152, 1413— 1415.<br />

(i'ilerelle F ., 1912. Sur la propagation, dans la République Argentine,<br />

de l ’épizootie des sauterelles du M exique, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sei., Paris,<br />

154, 623— 625.<br />

d’Herelle F ., 1915. Sur le procédé biologique de destruction des sauterelles,<br />

Compt. Rend. Acad. Sei., Paris, 161, 503— 505.<br />

Il e r g u 1 a B ., 1930. On the application <strong>of</strong> Metarrhizium anisopliae against<br />

Pyrausta nubilalis, Intern. Corn Borer Invest., Sci. Repts., 3, 130— 141.<br />

II e r g u 1 a B ., 1931. R ecent experim ents on the application <strong>of</strong> Metarrhizium<br />

anisopliae against the corn borer, Intern. Corn Borer Invest., Sei. Repts.,<br />

4, 46— 62.<br />

jj o i l о w a y J. K ., 1949. Biological association <strong>of</strong> <strong>insect</strong>s: parasite and

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