principles of insect pathology

principles of insect pathology principles of insect pathology
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ГЛАВА I F awcctt II. S., J 9 J Oli. W ebber ’s «Brown Fungus» of tlie citrus whitefly (Aegerila webber i n. sp.), Science, 31, 912—913. F a w с e t, t, II. S., 1944. Fungus and bacterial diseases of insects as factors in biological control, Botan. Rev., 10, 327—348. Fawcott 11. S., 1948. Biological control of citrus insects by parasitic fungi and bacteria. Cm. The citrus industry, edited by W ebber II. and Batchelor L., vol. II. Univ. California Press, Berkeley, 933 pp. F orbes S. Л., 1895. Experim ents w ith the muscardine disease of the chinch- lnig and w ith the trap and barrier method for the destruction of th at insect, Illinois Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull., 38, 25—86. Forbes S. A., 1896. On contagious diseases in the chinch-bug, Illinois Agr. Expt. Sta., 19tli Ropt. Entom ol., 16—176. К r e s e n i u s G., 1856. Insekten-Pilze betreffend, Botan. Z., 14, 882. Fresenius G., 1858. Ueber die Pilzgattung Entom ophthora, Abhandl. Senkenberg. Gesell., 2, 201—210. i

Л И Т Е Р А Т У Р А Kirby \V. and Spence W ., 1826. Diseases of insects. Letter (chapter) XL1V (pp. 197—232), cm. An introduction to entomology: or elem ents of the natural history of insects, Longman et al., London, vol. 4, 634 pp. Красильщик 11. М., 1886. О грибных болезнях у насекомых, Зап. Новоросс. об-na естествоиспыт., 11. К р а с и л ]> щ и к И. М., 1888. La production industrielle des parasites végétaux pour la destruction des insectes nuisibles, Bull. Scientifique de la France, 19, 461—473. L о h d e (1., 1872. Insectenepidemien, welche durch Pilze horvorgerufen werden, Berlin Entomol. Z., 16, 17—44. M e т a л ь н и к о в С., 1927. L ’Infection microbienne et l'im m unité chez la m ite des abeilles Galleria mellonella, Monogr. Inst. I’asteur, Masson, Paris, 140 pp. Метальников C., 1930. U tilisation des microbes dans la lutte contre Lymantria et autres insectes nuisibles, Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., 105, 535—■ 537. M e T a л ь н и к о в C., 1933. Rôle do microorganismes dans la destruction des insectes nuisibles. V Congrès Intern, d ’Entom ol., 1932. pp. 611—616. Метальников C., 1937. U tilisation des spores dans la lutte contre les insectes nuisibles, Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., 125, 1020—1023. Метальников C., 1940. U tilisation des méthodes bactériologiques dans la lutte contre les insectes nuisibles, Compt. Rend. Acad. Agr. France, 26, 77—83. Метальников C., 1941. U tilisation des microbes dans la lutte contre les insectes nuisibles, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sei., Paris, 213, 533—535. Метяльнико в C., 1942. U tilisation des microbes dans la lutte contre les teignes de la farine, Compt.. Rend. Soc. Biol., 136, 503—504. Метальнико в C. u III о р и н В., 1928а. The infectious diseases of Pyrausta nubilalis Hb., Intern. Corn. Borer Invest., Sei. Repts., 1, 41—69. Металь и и к о в С. и III о р и н В., 1928b. Maladies bactériennes chez les chenilles de la pyralc du mais (Pyrausta nubilalis Ilbn.), Compt. Rend. Acad. Sei., Paris, 186, 546—549. Метальников С. и III о p и н В., 1929а. On the natural and acquired im m unity of Pyrausta nubilalis H b., Intern. Corn Borer Invest., Sei. Repts., 2, 22—38. Метальников С. и Шорни В., 1929b. L ’U tilisation des microbes dans la lutte contre la pyralc du mais Pyrausta nubilalis H b., Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 43, 1391—1395. Метя л ь н и к о в С. и III о р и н В., 1929с. Experim ents on the use of bacteria to destroy the corn borer, Intern. Corn Borer Invest., Sei. Repts., 2, 54—59. Метальников С. и III о p и и В., 1929d. On the infection of the gypsy moth and certain other insects w ith Bacterium thuringiensis. A prelim inary report, Intern. Corn Borer Invest., Sei. Repts., 2, 60—61. Метальников С. u HI о p и н В., 1929e. Maladies microbiennes chez les chenilles de Pyrausta nubilalis Ilbn., Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 43, 136—151. M e t a 1 n i k о V S., E 1 1 i n g e r T. and Chorine V., 1928. A new yeast species, isolated from diseased larvae of Pyrausta nubilalis Hb. A prelim inary note, Intern. Corn. Borer Invest., Sei. Bepts., 1, 70—71. Метальников С., 1 ! р м о л а ев И. и Скобельцын В., 1930. New bacteria pathogenic to the larvae of Pyrausta nubilalis 111)., Intern. Corn Borer Invest., Sei. Repts., 3, 28—36. M e t. alnikov S. et. G a s с hen II., 1921a. Sur la rapidité d ’immunisation chez la chenille de Galleria, Compt. Rend■ Soc. Biol., Paris, 85, 224— 226. M e t a I n i k о v S. et Gaschen H ., 1921b. Im m unité et hypersensibilité chez la chenille, Compt. Rend. Hebdom. Acad. Sei., Paris, 173, 336—338.

ГЛАВА I<br />

F awcctt II. S., J 9 J Oli. W ebber ’s «Brown Fungus» <strong>of</strong> tlie citrus whitefly<br />

(Aegerila webber i n. sp.), Science, 31, 912—913.<br />

F a w с e t, t, II. S., 1944. Fungus and bacterial diseases <strong>of</strong> <strong>insect</strong>s as factors<br />

in biological control, Botan. Rev., 10, 327—348.<br />

Fawcott 11. S., 1948. Biological control <strong>of</strong> citrus <strong>insect</strong>s by parasitic<br />

fungi and bacteria. Cm. The citrus industry, edited by W ebber II. and Batchelor<br />

L., vol. II. Univ. California Press, Berkeley, 933 pp.<br />

F orbes S. Л., 1895. Experim ents w ith the muscardine disease <strong>of</strong> the chinch-<br />

lnig and w ith the trap and barrier method for the destruction <strong>of</strong> th at <strong>insect</strong>,<br />

Illinois Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull., 38, 25—86.<br />

Forbes S. A., 1896. On contagious diseases in the chinch-bug, Illinois<br />

Agr. Expt. Sta., 19tli Ropt. Entom ol., 16—176.<br />

К r e s e n i u s G., 1856. Insekten-Pilze betreffend, Botan. Z., 14, 882.<br />

Fresenius G., 1858. Ueber die Pilzgattung Entom ophthora, Abhandl.<br />

Senkenberg. Gesell., 2, 201—210.<br />


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