principles of insect pathology

principles of insect pathology principles of insect pathology
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486 ГЛАВА X В г е f e i d О., 1877. Ueber die Entomophthoreen und ihre Verwandten, Botan. Z., 35, 3 4 5 -3 5 5 ; 368—372. Bresad ola J., 1892. Massospora staritzii Bres., n. sp., Rev. Mycol., 14, 97. Bruner L., 1883. General report on tim Rocky Mountain locust for 1881. См. 3d Rept. U. S. Entomol. Comm., 22— 52. (См. гтр. 43.) Burnside C. E ., 1930. Fungous diseases of the honey bee, U. S. D . A. Tech. Bull., 149, 43 pp. Burnside C. E ., 1935. A disease of young bees caused by a Mucor, Amer. Bee J ., 75, 75— 76. Charles V. K ., 1937. A fungus on lace bugs, Mycologia, 29, 216—221. Charles V. K ., 1941a. A fungous disease of codling moth larvae, Mycologia, 33, 344—349. Charles V. K ., 19411). A preliminary check list of the entomogenous fungi of North America, U. S. D . A . Bur. Entomol. and PlantQuarant., Insect Post Survey B ull., Suppl. № 9, 21, 707— 785. Clements F. E. and Shear C. L., 1931. The genera of fungi. H.W . W ilson, New York, 496 pp. Cohn F ., 1855. Empusa muscae und die Krankheit der Stubenfliegen. Nova Acta K . Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol. Germ. N at., 25, 301—360. С о о к е М. C., 1892. V egetable wasps and plant worms. Society for Promotion Christian Knowledge, London, 364 pp. Couch J. N ., 1931. The biological relationships between Septobasidium retiforme (B. and C.) Pat. and Aspidiotus osborni New. and Ckll., Quart. J . Microscop. Sei., 74, 383—483. Couch J. N ., 1945. R evision of the genus Coelomomyces, parasitic in insect larvae, J. Elisha Mitchell Sei. Soc., 61, 124— 136. Couch J. N. and Dodge II. R., 1947. Further observations on Coelomomyces, parasitic on m osquito larvae, J . Elisha Mitchell Sei. Soc., 63, 69— 79. CrumbS. E ., 1929. Tobacco cutworms, U. S. D . A . Tech. Bull., 88, 179 pp. Crumb’S. E., Eide P. M. and Bonn A. E ., 1941. The European earwig, U. S. D . A . Tech. Bull., 766, 76 pp. D a n d о 1 о V ., 1825. Arte di governare i bachi da seta, Milano, 1814. Englisch translation: The art of rearing silkw orm s, J. Murray, London, 365 pp. D a ii y s z J. et Wize K ., 1903. Les Entom ophytes du charançon des betteraves à sucre (Cleonuspunctiventris), Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 17, 421—446. D o B a r y A ., 1887. Comparative morphology and biology of the fungi, mycetozoa and bacteria, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 525 pp. D e G e e г C., 1782. Цит. no Thaxter, 1888. Delacroix G., 1893. Oospora destructor, champignon produisant sur les insectes muscardine verte, Bull., Soc. Mycol. France, 9, 260—268. D e M e i 1 1 о n B. and MusprattJ., 1943. Germination of the sporangia of Coelomomyces Keilin, Nature, 152, 507. Dieuziede R ., 1925. Les Champignons entom ophytes du genre Beauveria V uill. parasites du Doryphore, Ann. Epiphyties, 11, 185—219. Dresner E ., 1947. Culture and em ploym ent of entomogenous fungi for the control of insect pests in the lower New York area. Master of Science thesis. Ohio State U n iv., 91 pp. D u s t a n A. G ., 1924. The control of the European apple sucker, Psyllia mali Schm idb., in Nova Scotia. Can. Dept. Agr. Pamph., 45, 1— 13. Евлахова A. A ., 1939. Новый дрошжеподобный грибок (Blastoden- drium pseudococci nov. sp.), патогенный для мучнистых червецов, Вестн, защ. раст., № 1. Fawcett H. S., 1907. Report of assistant plant pathologist, Florida Agr. E xpt. Sta., pp. 43—52.

ЛИТЕРАТУРА 487 F a w с с I t, П. S., 1908. Fungi parasitic upon Aleyrodes citri, Master of Science thesis, U niv. Florida, 41 pp. Fawcett H. S., 1910a. An important entomogenous fungus, Mycologia, 2, 164— 168. Fawcett H. S., 1910b. W ebber’s «Brown Fungus» of the citrus w hitefly (Aegerita webberi n. sp.), Science, 31, 912—-913. Fawcett II. S., 1944. Fungus and bacterial diseases of insects as factors in biological control, Botan. Rev., 10, 327— 348. Fawcett 11. S., 1948. Biological control of citrus insects by parasitic fungi and bacteria. Cm . The citrus industry, edited by Webber II. and Batchelor L., vol. II, U niv. California Press, Berkeley, 933 pp. (см. гл. X II, стр. 627— 664). Fisher F. E ., 1947. Insect disease studios, Ann. R ept., Florida Agr. Expt. Station (for year ending June 30, 1947), p. 162. Fisher F. E ., 1948. Diseases of citrus insects, Ann. Kept., Florida Agr, E xpt. Station (for year ending June 30, 1948). Fisher F. E., Thompson W. L. and Griffiths J. T ., 1948. Progress report on the fungus diseases of scale insects attacking citrus in Florida, U niv. Florida, Agr. Expt. Station. Progress Hpt. December, 1948, 10 pp. (см. также Florida Entomol., 1949, 32, 11 pp.) Forbes S. A ., 1882. Bacterium a parasite of the chinch bug, Amer. N aturalist, 16, 824—825. Forbes S. A ., 1887. Present conditions and prospects of chinch bugs in Illinois, Bull.'Office State Entomol., Illinois, № 2, 15th Rept. State Entomol. Illinois, 15, 89— 103. Fresenius G ., 1856. Insekten-Pilze betreffend, Botan. Z., 14, 882. Fresenius G., 1858. Ueber die Pilzgattung Entomophthora, Abhandl. Senkenberg. Gesell., 2, 201—210. / Friederichs K ., 1913. Metarrhizium anisopliae, Tropenplanzer, 17, 660. Reviewed in Agr. N avs (Barbados), 13, № 309, p. 78, February 28, 1914. Frobisher M., 1926. Observations on the relationship between a red torula and a mold pathogenic for Drosophila melanogaster, Biol. Bull., 51, 153— 162. G i a r d A ., 1889a. Note sur Sorosporella agrotidis Sorokin, Bull. Sei. France Beige, 20, 81. Giard A ., 18891). De insectorum morbis qui fungi parasitis efficientur par J. Krassilstschik (Analyse critique), Bull. Sci. France Belge, 20, 180. Giard A ., 1889c. Sur quelques types remarquables de champignons entomo- phytes, Bull. Sei. France Belge, 20, 197. Glaser R. W ., 1926. The green muscardine disease in silkworms and its control, Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer., 19, 180— 192. Goldstein B ., 1929. A cytological study of the fungus Massospora cica- dina, parasitic on the 17-year cicada, Magicieada septendecim, Amer. J . Botan., 16, 394— 401. Gray R. C., 1858. N otices of insects that are known to form the bases of fungoid parasites. P rivately printed, London, 22 pp. Groenewege J., 1916.’ Bestrijding van Insectenplagen net suikerriet door Schim mels ne Bacterien, Med. van het Proefsta voor de Java-Suikerind, 6, 1— 10. Guéri n-M é n e v i 1 1 e F. E ., 1848. Etudes sur les maladies des vers à soie. Marseille Barlatier — Feissat et Demonchy. Typog. 187 pp. H a d d о w A. J., 1942. The m osquito fauna and clim ate of native huts at Kisumu, Kenya, Bull. Entomol. Research, 33, 91— 142. H a e g e n H. A ., 1879. Destruction of obnoxious insects by application of the yeast fungus, Cambridge U niv. Press, Cambridge, 11 pp.

ЛИТЕРАТУРА 487<br />

F a w с с I t, П. S., 1908. Fungi parasitic upon Aleyrodes citri, Master <strong>of</strong><br />

Science thesis, U niv. Florida, 41 pp.<br />

Fawcett H. S., 1910a. An important entomogenous fungus, Mycologia,<br />

2, 164— 168.<br />

Fawcett H. S., 1910b. W ebber’s «Brown Fungus» <strong>of</strong> the citrus w hitefly<br />

(Aegerita webberi n. sp.), Science, 31, 912—-913.<br />

Fawcett II. S., 1944. Fungus and bacterial diseases <strong>of</strong> <strong>insect</strong>s as factors<br />

in biological control, Botan. Rev., 10, 327— 348.<br />

Fawcett 11. S., 1948. Biological control <strong>of</strong> citrus <strong>insect</strong>s by parasitic<br />

fungi and bacteria. Cm . The citrus industry, edited by Webber II. and<br />

Batchelor L., vol. II, U niv. California Press, Berkeley, 933 pp. (см.<br />

гл. X II, стр. 627— 664).<br />

Fisher F. E ., 1947. Insect disease studios, Ann. R ept., Florida Agr. Expt.<br />

Station (for year ending June 30, 1947), p. 162.<br />

Fisher F. E ., 1948. Diseases <strong>of</strong> citrus <strong>insect</strong>s, Ann. Kept., Florida Agr,<br />

E xpt. Station (for year ending June 30, 1948).<br />

Fisher F. E., Thompson W. L. and Griffiths J. T ., 1948.<br />

Progress report on the fungus diseases <strong>of</strong> scale <strong>insect</strong>s attacking citrus in<br />

Florida, U niv. Florida, Agr. Expt. Station. Progress Hpt. December,<br />

1948, 10 pp. (см. также Florida Entomol., 1949, 32, 11 pp.)<br />

Forbes S. A ., 1882. Bacterium a parasite <strong>of</strong> the chinch bug, Amer. N aturalist,<br />

16, 824—825.<br />

Forbes S. A ., 1887. Present conditions and prospects <strong>of</strong> chinch bugs in<br />

Illinois, Bull.'Office State Entomol., Illinois, № 2, 15th Rept. State Entomol.<br />

Illinois, 15, 89— 103.<br />

Fresenius G ., 1856. Insekten-Pilze betreffend, Botan. Z., 14, 882.<br />

Fresenius G., 1858. Ueber die Pilzgattung Entomophthora, Abhandl.<br />

Senkenberg. Gesell., 2, 201—210. /<br />

Friederichs K ., 1913. Metarrhizium anisopliae, Tropenplanzer, 17,<br />

660. Reviewed in Agr. N avs (Barbados), 13, № 309, p. 78, February 28,<br />

1914.<br />

Frobisher M., 1926. Observations on the relationship between a red<br />

torula and a mold pathogenic for Drosophila melanogaster, Biol. Bull.,<br />

51, 153— 162.<br />

G i a r d A ., 1889a. Note sur Sorosporella agrotidis Sorokin, Bull. Sei. France<br />

Beige, 20, 81.<br />

Giard A ., 18891). De <strong>insect</strong>orum morbis qui fungi parasitis efficientur par<br />

J. Krassilstschik (Analyse critique), Bull. Sci. France Belge, 20, 180.<br />

Giard A ., 1889c. Sur quelques types remarquables de champignons entomo-<br />

phytes, Bull. Sei. France Belge, 20, 197.<br />

Glaser R. W ., 1926. The green muscardine disease in silkworms and its<br />

control, Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer., 19, 180— 192.<br />

Goldstein B ., 1929. A cytological study <strong>of</strong> the fungus Massospora cica-<br />

dina, parasitic on the 17-year cicada, Magicieada septendecim, Amer. J . Botan.,<br />

16, 394— 401.<br />

Gray R. C., 1858. N otices <strong>of</strong> <strong>insect</strong>s that are known to form the bases <strong>of</strong><br />

fungoid parasites. P rivately printed, London, 22 pp.<br />

Groenewege J., 1916.’ Bestrijding van Insectenplagen net suikerriet<br />

door Schim mels ne Bacterien, Med. van het Proefsta voor de Java-Suikerind,<br />

6, 1— 10.<br />

Guéri n-M é n e v i 1 1 e F. E ., 1848. Etudes sur les maladies des vers à<br />

soie. Marseille Barlatier — Feissat et Demonchy. Typog. 187 pp.<br />

H a d d о w A. J., 1942. The m osquito fauna and clim ate <strong>of</strong> native huts at<br />

Kisumu, Kenya, Bull. Entomol. Research, 33, 91— 142.<br />

H a e g e n H. A ., 1879. Destruction <strong>of</strong> obnoxious <strong>insect</strong>s by application <strong>of</strong><br />

the yeast fungus, Cambridge U niv. Press, Cambridge, 11 pp.

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