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389. Flood R., Rose A. Fixing Exchange Rates: A Virtual Quest for Fundamentals //<br />

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390. Ford R., Laxton D. World Public Debt and Real Interest Rates // IMF Working<br />

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391. Fox M. Globalization, Aggregate Productivity, and Inflation // Dallas Fed Staff<br />

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392. Fraga A., Golfain I., Minella A. Inflation Targeting in Emerging Markets<br />

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393. Frankel J. The Effect of Monetary Policy on Real Commodity Prices // NBER<br />

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394. Frankel J., Rose A. Estimating the Effect of Currencu Unions on Trade and<br />

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395. Frankel J., Roubini N. The Role of Industrial Country Policies in Emerging<br />

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396. Frankel J. The Endogeneity of the Optimum Currency Area Criteria // CEPR<br />

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397. Frankel J., Schmukler S., Serven L. Global Transmission of Interest Rates:<br />

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398. Frankel J. What Do Economists Mean by Globalization? Imlications for<br />

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399. Fratzscher M. On Currency Crises and Contagion // ECB Working Paper. –<br />

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400. Fratzscher M. The Euro Bloc, The Dollar Bloc and The Yen Bloc: How Much<br />

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401. Fratzscher M., Straub R. Asset Prices and Current Acoount Fluctuations in G7<br />

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402. French K., Poterba J. Investor Diversification and International Equity Markets<br />

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403. Friedman B. The Greenspan Era: Discretion, Rather Than Rules // NBER<br />

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404. Friedman B. What Remains from the Volcker Experiment? // NBER Working<br />

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405. Freund C. Current Account Adjustment in Industrialized Countries // Federal<br />

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406. Fritz B., Muhlich L. Regional Monetary Integration among Developing<br />

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407. Furlanetto F. Does Monetary Policy React to Asset Prices? Some International<br />

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