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9 刊登在1859 年 5 月 27 日“自 由<br />

新 闻”<strong>上</strong> 的布林德的文章<br />

TheGrandDukeConstantineto be KingofHungary ①<br />

ACorrespondent,whoencloseshiscard,writesasfolows:—<br />

Sir,— Having beenpresentatthelast meetingin the M usic<br />

Hal,Iheardthestatement made concerning the Garand Duke<br />

Constantine I am ableto giveyou another fact:—<br />

So far back aslastsummer,Prince Jérome N apoléon detai<br />

ledtosome ofhiscofidantsat G enevaaplanofattack against<br />

A ustria,and prospectiverearrangement ofthe map ofEuropeI<br />

knowthenameofaSwisssenatorto whomhebroachedthesub<br />

ject Prince jérome,atthattime,declaredthat,according to the<br />

plan made,the Grand Duke Constantine was to becomeKing of<br />

Hungary<br />

I know further ofattemptsmade,in thebeginning ofthe<br />

presentyear,to win over to the Russo N usso N apoleonic scheme<br />

someoftheexiledGerman Democrats,as wel assomeinfluential<br />

Liberals in Germany Large pecuniary advantages were held out<br />

to them asabribe I am gladtosaythattheseoffers werereject<br />

ed with indignation<br />

尊敬的先生:<br />

福格特先生—— 十二、附 录<br />

10 奥 尔格斯先生的信<br />

47 1<br />

我今天得到李卜克内西先生的通知,说 您 愿 把 一 份 关 于 反对福格特的传<br />

① 马克思在本章内引用的英文文件,他本人已在其他章内全部译出,这 里 把 文 件<br />

用原文刊出;文件的译文见本卷第5<strong>14</strong> 页 。 —— 编者注

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