Java e Shkencës 2012 - Universiteti i Prishtinës

Java e Shkencës 2012 - Universiteti i Prishtinës Java e Shkencës 2012 - Universiteti i Prishtinës
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KONFERENCA VJETORE E SHKENCËS ‘JAVA E SHKENCËS 2012 similar function to blood in humans and other vertebrates. (bloods) blood samples or tests: his bloods were normal a nurse was out on the corridor taking bloods from the patients 2. Violence involving bloodshed: a commando operation full of blood and danger 3. Fiery or passionate temperament: a ritual that fires up his blood 4. [with modifier] family background; descent or lineage: she must have Irish blood in her [count noun] a person of specified descent: a mixed blood [count noun] US informal a fellow black person: any blood who opted out was ostracized 5. [count noun] dated a fashionable and dashing young man: a group of young bloods” 238 Polisemy is realized in different ways and means. The ways of polisemy realization are: meaning broadening, meaning narrowing and meaning carrying. Whereas, the means of polisemy realization are the different figures of speech, such as: metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole, litotes, analogy etc. English language is very rich of multi-meaning words, as a result, the realization of lexicon enrichment through polisemy focusing on meaning broadening, meaning narrowing or meaning carrying. Whereas the implementation of the word or the human body part naming term in the role of a figure of speech give the other nuance to the term. An illustrator example can be noticed with the word finger. “Finger: each of the four slender jointed parts attached to either hand (or five, if the thumb is included) be all fingers and thumbs: British informal be clumsy or awkward in one’s actions. get (or pull) one's finger out: British informal cease prevaricating and start to act. get one's fingers burned/burnt (or burn one's fingers): (especially in a financial context) suffer unpleasant consequences as a result of one’s actions, discouraging one from trying a similar action again. give someone the finger: North American informal make a gesture with the middle finger raised as an obscene sign of contempt. have a finger in every pie: be involved in a large and varied number of activities or enterprises. have a finger in the pie: be involved in a matter, especially in an annoyingly interfering way. have (or keep) one's finger on the pulse: be aware of all the latest news or developments: he keeps his finger on the pulse of world music lay a finger on someone: touch someone, especially with the intention of harming them. put the finger on: informal inform against (someone) to the authorities. put something on the long finger: Irish postpone consideration of something; put something off: don’t put retirement planning on the long finger put one's finger on something: identify something exactly: he cannot put his finger on what has gone wrong snap (or click) one's fingers: make a sharp clicking sound by bending the last joint of the middle finger against the thumb and suddenly releasing it, typically in order to attract attention in a peremptory way or to accompany the beat of music.” 239 238 ~ 203 ~

KUMTESA But what is the implementation of metaphor composed by the human body parts’ naming in an English class? Metaphors bring a memorable organizational and convenient model of the vocabulary to be learned. The aims of the implementation of metaphorization of human body parts naming are: the enlargement of the students’ vocabulary, the improvement of chunks of words knowledge, English language use in a creative way and develops students’ autonomy. 240 Human body parts metaphorization is related to the body as a source domain from which there derive metaphors related to machines and computers where expressions like computer brain can be encountered, communities, communication and nations. For example the hand can be used in a metonymic way related to all the physical actions of the body, heart related to feelings, head related to thinking and eyes related to watching. As well, hand can be unrelated even simply to the action of American presidents in front of their people to show consideration towards them. 241 The latest is related to the body parts naming metaphorization, bringing to the limelight even the social factor that influences the understanding of these naming. The next group has to do with the metaphors that have the body as an object, to which they refer and are grouped metaphors that refer to illnesses for example: foot soldiers is the name of an illness or infection of feet that at the beginning was faced at the soldiers and metaphors referring to the process and structure of the brain. 242 Simultaneously, thinking that the pupils have encountered the term metaphor only in the literature context, it remains an important point teaching them linguistic metaphor composed by human body part names. But which are some of the methods and approaches of them? Different methodologist have highlighted that a good way is making students work independently, asking them to research about linguistic metaphor composed of the human body parts names or draw a poster related to them. The first step is that students draw a scheme of the human body where they put different organs and the second step is that they consult the dictionary of English language and search for metaphors composed of human body parts names and write them in posters and put them next to the organs. Whereas, another method is to ask students to brainstorm as many words related to the lexical field of human body parts. After this, the teacher understands how much the students know the first meaning of the words and then asks them to include these words in metaphorical structures. Furthermore, the students can be asked to write a story implementing language in a creative way. 243 Some of the activities used can be: quizzes, flashcards, listening, linking human body parts with their definitions and the meanings of the metaphors, games, and another activity named Speller, Learn, Test, where students are controlled about the understanding of human body parts names. 244 239 240 241 Juliana Goschler, Embodiment and Body Metaphors, 2005 242 Ibidem. 243 244 ~ 204 ~


But what is the implementation of metaphor composed by the human body parts’ naming in<br />

an English class? Metaphors bring a memorable organizational and convenient model of the<br />

vocabulary to be learned. The aims of the implementation of metaphorization of human body<br />

parts naming are: the enlargement of the students’ vocabulary, the improvement of chunks of<br />

words knowledge, English language use in a creative way and develops students’<br />

autonomy. 240<br />

Human body parts metaphorization is related to the body as a source domain from<br />

which there derive metaphors related to machines and computers where expressions like<br />

computer brain can be encountered, communities, communication and nations. For example<br />

the hand can be used in a metonymic way related to all the physical actions of the body,<br />

heart related to feelings, head related to thinking and eyes related to watching. As well, hand<br />

can be unrelated even simply to the action of American presidents in front of their people to<br />

show consideration towards them. 241 The latest is related to the body parts naming<br />

metaphorization, bringing to the limelight even the social factor that influences the<br />

understanding of these naming.<br />

The next group has to do with the metaphors that have the body as an object, to<br />

which they refer and are grouped metaphors that refer to illnesses for example: foot soldiers<br />

is the name of an illness or infection of feet that at the beginning was faced at the soldiers<br />

and metaphors referring to the process and structure of the brain. 242<br />

Simultaneously, thinking that the pupils have encountered the term metaphor only in<br />

the literature context, it remains an important point teaching them linguistic metaphor<br />

composed by human body part names. But which are some of the methods and approaches of<br />

them? Different methodologist have highlighted that a good way is making students work<br />

independently, asking them to research about linguistic metaphor composed of the human<br />

body parts names or draw a poster related to them. The first step is that students draw a<br />

scheme of the human body where they put different organs and the second step is that they<br />

consult the dictionary of English language and search for metaphors composed of human<br />

body parts names and write them in posters and put them next to the organs. Whereas,<br />

another method is to ask students to brainstorm as many words related to the lexical field of<br />

human body parts. After this, the teacher understands how much the students know the first<br />

meaning of the words and then asks them to include these words in metaphorical structures.<br />

Furthermore, the students can be asked to write a story implementing language in a creative<br />

way. 243 Some of the activities used can be: quizzes, flashcards, listening, linking human body<br />

parts with their definitions and the meanings of the metaphors, games, and another activity<br />

named Speller, Learn, Test, where students are controlled about the understanding of human<br />

body parts names. 244<br />

239<br /><br />

240<br /><br />

241<br />

Juliana Goschler, Embodiment and Body Metaphors, 2005<br />

242<br />

Ibidem.<br />

243<br /><br />

244<br /><br />

~ 204 ~

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