Java e Shkencës 2012 - Universiteti i Prishtinës

Java e Shkencës 2012 - Universiteti i Prishtinës

Java e Shkencës 2012 - Universiteti i Prishtinës


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similar function to blood in humans and other vertebrates. (bloods) blood samples or<br />

tests: his bloods were normal a nurse was out on the corridor taking bloods from the<br />

patients<br />

2. Violence involving bloodshed: a commando operation full of blood and danger<br />

3. Fiery or passionate temperament: a ritual that fires up his blood<br />

4. [with modifier] family background; descent or lineage: she must have Irish blood<br />

in her [count noun] a person of specified descent: a mixed blood [count noun] US<br />

informal a fellow black person: any blood who opted out was ostracized<br />

5. [count noun] dated a fashionable and dashing young man: a group of young<br />

bloods” 238<br />

Polisemy is realized in different ways and means. The ways of polisemy realization<br />

are: meaning broadening, meaning narrowing and meaning carrying. Whereas, the means of<br />

polisemy realization are the different figures of speech, such as: metaphor, metonymy,<br />

synecdoche, hyperbole, litotes, analogy etc. English language is very rich of multi-meaning<br />

words, as a result, the realization of lexicon enrichment through polisemy focusing on<br />

meaning broadening, meaning narrowing or meaning carrying. Whereas the implementation<br />

of the word or the human body part naming term in the role of a figure of speech give the<br />

other nuance to the term. An illustrator example can be noticed with the word finger.<br />

“Finger: each of the four slender jointed parts attached to either hand (or five, if the thumb<br />

is included)<br />

be all fingers and thumbs: British informal be clumsy or awkward in one’s actions. get (or<br />

pull) one's finger out: British informal cease prevaricating and start to act.<br />

get one's fingers burned/burnt (or burn one's fingers): (especially in a financial context)<br />

suffer unpleasant consequences as a result of one’s actions, discouraging one from trying a<br />

similar action again.<br />

give someone the finger: North American informal make a gesture with the middle finger<br />

raised as an obscene sign of contempt.<br />

have a finger in every pie: be involved in a large and varied number of activities or<br />

enterprises.<br />

have a finger in the pie: be involved in a matter, especially in an annoyingly interfering<br />

way.<br />

have (or keep) one's finger on the pulse: be aware of all the latest news or developments:<br />

he keeps his finger on the pulse of world music<br />

lay a finger on someone: touch someone, especially with the intention of harming them.<br />

put the finger on: informal inform against (someone) to the authorities.<br />

put something on the long finger: Irish postpone consideration of something; put<br />

something off: don’t put retirement planning on the long finger<br />

put one's finger on something: identify something exactly: he cannot put his finger on what<br />

has gone wrong<br />

snap (or click) one's fingers: make a sharp clicking sound by bending the last joint of the<br />

middle finger against the thumb and suddenly releasing it, typically in order to attract<br />

attention in a peremptory way or to accompany the beat of music.” 239<br />

238 http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/blood?q=blood<br />

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