ZapatistiËna vojska nacionalne osvoboditve (EZLN ... - AirBeletrina

ZapatistiËna vojska nacionalne osvoboditve (EZLN ... - AirBeletrina

ZapatistiËna vojska nacionalne osvoboditve (EZLN ... - AirBeletrina


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Imperij<br />

Antonio Negri, Michael Hardt<br />

Knjiga Imperij italijanskega politiËnega filozofa Antonija Negrija in ameriπkega literarnega<br />

teoretika Michaela Hardta je delo, ki razvnema bogate intelektualne razprave v akademskih<br />

in aktivistiËnih skupnostih. Interdisciplinarno delo, ki je ustvarjalna sinteza in dovrπitev<br />

πtevilnih filozofskih in teoretskih tokov, analizira nastajajoËo politiËno obliko svetovnega trga.<br />

Predstavlja pronicljivo kritiko obstojeËega, ki Ërpa iz najimenitnejπih (heretiËnih) tradicij<br />

delavskih, antikolonialnih, antipatriarhalnih in kontrakulturnih gibanj, iz tradicij,<br />

ki so zavrgle etatistiËni gen in izpostavile kolektivno samokonstitucijo sveta. Imperij omogoËa<br />

misel in delovanje zunaj hladnovojne izbire med kapitalistiËnimi oligarhijami in socialistiËnimi<br />

birokracijami. Je knjiga za vse tiste, ki zagovarjajo globalizacijo brez komande, oblasti<br />

in dominacije, pa naj ta temelji na Bogu, gospodarju, Ëloveku ali kapitalu.<br />

PolitiËni laboratorij<br />

¡Ya basta! Ten Years of The Zapatista Uprising<br />

Writings of of Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos<br />

The Zapatista uprising in Chiapas was certainly one of the most dramatic and important<br />

instances in our time of a genuine grass roots movement against oppression. In this volume,<br />

the writings of Subcomandante Marcos give eloquent expression to this movement, revealing both<br />

its philosophical foundations and its tactical ingenuity. I believe his words and the statements<br />

of the Zapatistas can inspire a new generation of activists and let them understand that<br />

it is possible for ordinary people, without military power, without wealth, to challenge<br />

state power successfully on behalf of social justice.”<br />

—HOWARD ZINN, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Boston University<br />

“The world has a new kind of hero, one who listens more than speaks, who preaches in riddles not<br />

in certainties, a leader who doesn’t show his face, who says his mask is really a mirror. And in<br />

the Zapatistas, we have not one dream of a revolution but a dreaming revolution.”<br />

—NAOMI KLEIN, author of the international bestseller No Logo<br />

“As the Zapatistas force us to recognize, it is one world order from the forests of Chiapas<br />

to Cheney’s ‘new Europe’. After over 500 years of conquest, the indigenous people already know<br />

what the rest of us must learn about empires: that they exploit the many for the privileges<br />

of the few, that they ransack the cultures of antiquity, that they place a burden even on the mother<br />

countries. But in their actions and writings, the Zapatistas are inspiring a new generation to join<br />

the struggle for a better world. It’s our world too!”<br />

—TOM HAYDEN, longtime activist, writer and California State Senator<br />

»asopis za kritiko znanosti,<br />

domiπljijo in novo antropologijo<br />

@Politikon, πtevilka 1, letnik 2003<br />

»asopis za kritiko znanosti,<br />

domiπljijo in novo antropologijo<br />

@Politikon, πtevilka 2, letnik 2003

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