Edvini në panik, bën thirrje të mos hetohet, se do i ... - Gazeta 55

Edvini në panik, bën thirrje të mos hetohet, se do i ... - Gazeta 55 Edvini në panik, bën thirrje të mos hetohet, se do i ... - Gazeta 55


ITALIANO 22 55 E premte, 24 prill 2009 Fatmir Mediu, si incontra con membri e simpatizzanti del partito repubblicano a Tropoja Il capo del partito Repubblicano Fatmir Mediu, accompagnato dal ministro della Sanita’ Anila Godo ed altri membri della presidenza di questo partito hanno avuto un incontro nella citta’ di Tropoja. Nel suo discorso Mediu ha detto che la maggioranza attuale ha fatto realta’ i progetti che solo pochi anni prima erano dei sogni e per i quali i nostri avversari politici sono stati scettici. “Noi li abbiamo trasformati in una realta’ tangibile e continueremo su questa via lottando contro il crimine organizzato e la corruzione, realizzando le riforme ed i grandi investimenti con delle idee, e progetti per rendere l’Albania membro dell’Unione Europea e noi possiamo affermare che l’Albania e’ ormai membro a pieni diritti della NATO. E questo lo arriveremo con la fiducia ed il vostro impegno perche’ lavorando tutti insieme possiamo arrivare piu’ in alto. La destra e’ un mosaico di valori e in questo mosaico c’e’ posto per tutti sia per i tropoiani che per tutti gli altri albanesi. Noi ci impegneremo per noi stessi per i nostri genitori, i nostri figli, le nostre famiglie” ha detto Mediu.Piu’ avanti lui ha parlato del problema delle proprieta’ affermmando che “il PR e’ stato e sara’ per il riconoscimento della proprieta’ privata e la sua restituzione al proprietario legittimo.” “Il PR e’ e sara’ sempre a fianco e in difesa degli interessi di questa fascia della popolazione perche’ la soluzione di questo problema e’ anche l’elemento essenziale dello sviluppo del mercato. A giusta ragione sono dell’avviso di avviare in una giusta linea la questione” ha proseguito Mediu. Nel suo discorso il ministro della sanita Anila Godo ha detto che durante il mio impegno come medico ho conosciuto molti tropoiani e sono rimasta colpita dalla loro magnanimita’ e sollecitudine, caratteristiche tippiche degli abitanti della zona di Tropoja. Dopo aver fatto un analisi del lavoro effettuato dall’attuale maggioranza e parlato delle riforme intraprese nel settore che lei dirige, ha affermato che altre riforme saranno intraprese nel settore della sanita’. Il primoministro Berisha accogli il Ministro dello Stato per la Difesa e la Sicurezza Internazionale al Ministero della Difesa del Regno Unito, la baronessa Uinfrid An Taylor Il primoministro ha ricevuto ieri in un incontro il Ministro dello Stato per la Difesa e la Sicurezza Internazionale al Ministero della Difesa del Regno Unito, la baronessa Uinfrid An Taylor. Berisha ha augurato il benvenuto alla baronessa Taylor e l’ha ringraziato cordialmente del sostegno continuo della gran Bretagna all’Albania per la sua adesione alla NATO nonche’ nel processo di integrazione nell’Unione Europea. La baronessa Taylor, dopo aver ringraziato il primoministro Berisha della cordiale accoglienza, ha sottolineato che l’adesione dell’Albania alla NATO e’ un grande successo per l’Albania arrivato come risultato delle riforme realizzate in Albania e che hanno cambiato l’Albania, riforme che sono state apprezzate in maniera straordinaria dai paesi alleati della NATO. Il capo del governo Berisha ha messo al corrente la Baronessa Taylor delle riforme e dei successi del governo albanese, della lotta a tolleranza zero contro il crimine e la corruzione, le ha parlato delle riforme intraprese per lo sviluppo economico e la creazione di un clima favorevole per il bussines e gli investimenti nel paese. La lotta contro la corruzione ha reso possibile l’aumento delle entrate nel bilancio dello stato del 23% l’anno ossia di 4 miliardi di dollari in piu’, fondi questi usati per la costruzione dell’infrastruttura in tutto il paese, l’aumento delle paghe per gli insegnanti e gli addetti alla sanita’, l’aumento delle pensioni. Gli indici della criminalita’ in Albania sono ormai piu’ bassi della media dei paesi europei. L’Albania e’ il Berisha, il primo premier albanese che sara’ ufficialmente accolto all’ Eliseo Il primoministro della Repubblica dell’Albania, Sali Berisha, effettuera’ una visita di lavoro di un giorno in Francia dove sara’ accolto in un apposito incontro il 24 aprile dal Presidente della Repubblica della Francia Nicolas Sarkozy, all’Eliseo. Questo e’ il primo incontro di un Primoministro albanese all’Eliseo. Durante l’incontro secondo le aspettative il tema dei colloqi saranno solo la prospettiva della rapida adesione dell’Albania nell’Unione Europea, ma anche la paese in cui viene applicata la tassa elettronica, le dogane elettroniche, il bussines viene registrato in un ora attraverso la procedura “one stop shop” e solamente ad 1 euro ha detto tra l’altro il primominsitro berisha. La baronessa Taylor ha sottolineato che questi successi importanti in particolare la riforma nel sistema giudiziario, la lotta contro la corruzione, le riforme nel settore fiscale e la facilitazione delle procedure amminis- trative come pure la creazione di una situazione di sicurezza nel paese indubbiamente danno un grande effetto e stimolano gli investitori stranieri a venire e realizzare degli investimenti in Albania. All’incontro si e’ discusso dei preparativi per le prossime elezioni parlamentari. Il primoministro berisha ha informato la baronessa Taylor che le elezioni di giugno 2009 sono le prime elezioni basate su un quadro legale e istituzionale approvato con il piu’ largo consenso mai raggiunto p[rima. Il governo albanese sta dotando i cittadini albanesi di carte d’identita’ che sono le piu’ sicure in Europa ed ha creato grandi facilitazioni al riguardo per la fascie dei bisognosi. In questo contesto il premier Berisha ha chiesto l’invio di un grande numero di osservbatori dalla gran Bretagna per seguire da vicino il processo delle elezioni in Albania ed ha garantito la baronessa Taylor che il governo albanese e’ fermamente deciso a organizzare le migliori elezioni nella storia della democrazia albanese, elezioni che soddisfano in pieno gli standard internazionali delle elezioni libere ed oneste, cosi come le merita un paese membro della NATO. questione dell’iniziativa dell’Unione Mediterranea, un idea sponsorizzata dal presidente francese. Dopo l’incontro con il presidente francese il primoministro albanese accogliera a Tirana l’omologo greco Costas Karamanlis, che fara’ una visita di due giorni nel nostro paese il 26-27 aprile prima di partire il 28 aprile per Praga dove consegnera’ ufficialmente alla presidenza ceca la richiesta ufficiale dell’Albania per lo status del paese candidato e la piena adesione nell’Unione Europea. Hillari Clinton rifiuta l’incontro con Jeremiq – la causa:l’atteggiamento dei serbi verso lo stato del Kossovo Il ministro degli Esteri della Serbia, Vuk Jeremiq, ha dichiarato che non avra’ un incontro con il segretario americano di stato, Hillary Clinton. Un funzionario americano citato da „Washington Times“ ha detto che la causa e’ stato il Kossovo. In una dichiarazione per Washington Times, Jeremiq ha detto che non ha potuto avere un incontro con il segretario di stato Clinton perche’ come ha lui sottolineato era occupata e avra’ invece un incontro con il suo vice James Steinberg. Ma un alto funzionario americano ha detto al giornale che la ragione e’ l’inssuficiente collaborazione della Serbia per la costruzione delle capacita’ nel settore della giustizia, della polizia e delle dogane in Kossovo. Questi sforzi vengono portati avanti dalla missione dell’Unione Europea per il dominio della legge. Il funzionario americano ha detto che nella parte meridionale abitata di popolazione mista ci sono dei rappresentanti serbi della Polizia del Kossovo ma questi non esistono nella parte settentrionale abitata principamente da serbi. Jeremiq ha detto che la questione del Kossovo e’ una spina nelle nostre relazioni con Wascington e non sembra che sara’’ risolta molto presto, ma tutto questo non deve ostacolare i due paesi a lavorare insieme per assicurare la stabilita’ nei balcani. Le nostre relazioni con gli USA sono buone “tranne questo problema sul quale abbiamo delle profonde discordanze” ha detto il capo della diplomazia serba Jeremiq. Il capo della dipolomazia serba ha detto al giornale Washington Times che Belgrado spingera’ il problema alla Corte Internazionale di Giustizia contro la proclamazione dell’indipendenza del Kossovo ed ha espresso la convinzione che la Corte decidera’ a favore della Serbia.

PM Berisha receives Minister of State for Defence and International Security at the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence, Baroness Winfred An Taylor Albania’s Prime Minister Sali Berisha received yesterday at a meeting Minister of State for Defence and International Security at the United Kingdom’s Defence Ministry, Baroness Winfred An Taylor. Berisha wished Baroness Taylor welcoming and he thanked her heartily for constant support Great Britain has given Albania for its membership to NATO, as well as in the process of EU integration. Baroness after thanked PM Berisha for the warm reception, she assessed that Albania’s membership to NATO is a great achievement for Albania, which came as result of achievements and successful reforms realised in Albania, reforms that changed Albania, but that were evaluated extraordinarily by NATO ally nations. PM Berisha recognised Baroness Taylor with reforms and achievements of Albanian government as belong to fight of zero tolerance against crime and corruption, reforms for economic development and creation of an as favourable as possible climate to business and investments in the Serbia’s Foreign Minister, Vuk Jeremic, has declared that won’t have meeting with Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. An American official is cited by “Washington Times” to have said that cause is Kosova. At a pronouncement for Washington Times, Jeremic has said that him hasn’t been made possible the meeting with Secretary Clinton, because, as he has said, she is busy and, instead of her he will meet with assistant James Steinebrg. But, an American high-level official has said to newspaper that the reason is the inadequate cooperation of Serbia for building up of capacities of justice, police and Customs in Kosova. These efforts are lead by country. Fight against corruption made possible the increase of incomes to state budget by 23% per year, or US$4 billion more, which were used for infrastructure’s building all over the country, increase of wages for teachers and health workers, increase of pensions. Indicators of criminality in Albania already are lower than average of European countries. Alba- Hillary Clinton refuses the meeting with Jeremic – the cause, Serbian attitude over Kosova EU Mission for rule of law. American official has said that at mixed southern part there are representatives of Serbs at Kosova’s Police, but not even at northern part, resided manly by Serbs. “The trend is going toward the right sense, but there is still much road to make in virtual meaning,” American official has said to the newspaper. Jeremic has said that Kosova issue remains a question in relations with Washington and there aren’t odds they not to be resolved soon, but they mustn’t impede both countries to work together to provide stability in Balkans. Our relationships with the United States are good, “in addition to this great thing in which we have deep disagreements,” is cited Jeremic to have said. Serbia’s diplomacy chief has said to Washington Times that Belgrade powerfully with push ahead the case to International Court of Justice against Declaration of Kosova’s Independence and he has expressed conviction that Court will set in favour of Serbia. nia is now the electronic procurements country, of electronic tax, electronic Customs, in which thee business is registered within an hour through procedure “one stop shop” only for one euro, followed among others PM Berisha. Baroness Taylor assessed that that these significant achievements, in particular reform in field of justice, fight against corruption, reform in fiscal field and sim- plification of administrative procedures, undoubtedly give a great effect at foreign investors boost to invest in Albania. At the meeting was discussed also on preparation for upcoming parliamentary elections. PM Berisha made known Baroness Taylor that June 28 th elections are the first elections based upon a legal and institutional framework approved with the highest consensus ever achieved. Albanian government, PM Berisha emphasised, is equipping citizens with the most secured identification documents in Europe, based upon an electronic fundamental register of citizens, as well as that has created the greatest facilities for all needy walks of life for equipping with these cards. In this context, Berisha asked that Great Britain to send as many as possible observers to attend closeup process of elections in Albania, guarantying Baroness Taylor that Albanian government is totally determined to organise the best elections in the history of Albanian democracy tat fulfil fully international standards of free and fair elections, as a NATO member country deserves. Fatmir Mediu meets with RP members and sympathisers in Tropoja Chairman of Republican Party (RP), Mr. Faatmir Mediu, accompanied by Minister of Health, Mrs. Anila Godo, and other members of this political force’s leadership were at a meeting in town of Tropoja. During his speech Mr. Mediu said that current majority made reality projects that that a few years ago were dreams, for which our political opponents seemed sceptic. “We turned those into a palpable reality for all and, we shall follow so in the further way against organised crime and corruption, with reforms and large investments, with ideas, visions and obvious projects, to make Albania EU member and we may provide that, because Albania is now NATO full rights member. We shall reach this with your trust and commitment, because together, working all of us, we may reach too much. Right wing is a mosaic of values and in that there is place for all Tropojamen and all Albanians. We shall work for themselves, for our parents, for our children, for our families,” Mediu said. Further he focused to property issue saying that Republican Party has always been for private property recognition and its turning to his propertyman. “RP is and always shall be in this walk of life’s interests protection, because its solution is at the same time also the substantial element of market’s development, I therefore think that is indispensable we to implement justly this issue,” Mr. Mediu followed. During her speech, Minister of Health, Mrs. Anila Godo, said that during her work as physician she had recognised many Tropojamen and to her had remained as impression paying of care and generosity, typical traits of Tropojamen. After she made an analyse of the work made current majority and reforms carried out at the sector she heads, she was showed convinced that other reforms shall continue to be carried on in health sector. E premte, 24 prill 2009 ENGLISH Berisha, the first Prime Minister that will be received officially at Elysée By invitation of French President Nicola Sarkozy, Albania’s Prime Minister Berisha visits today Paris, in which he will have tête-à-tête meeting with French President. Integration of the country in EU and Mediterranean Union is expected to be the principal subjects of talks. Prime Minister of Republic of Albania, Sali Berisha, will pay an one day work visit in France, in which he will be received at a special meeting, on April 24 th , by President of Republic of France, Nicola Sarkozy, at Elysée Palace. Prime Minister actually is in China for a several days visit where he is expected to come back from today and only two days later eh shall travel to capital of France, Paris. This is the first meeting of an Albanian Prime Minister that is received at Elysée Palace. During the meeting is thought that in epicentre won’t be only perspective of Albania’s soon membership to EU, but also the issue of Mediterranean Union’s activity, an idea sponsored strongly by Head of French State. After the meeting with French President, Albanian Prime Minister will receive in Tirana Greek homologue Kostas Karamanlis, who will pay a two days visit on 26-27 April, before to go to Prague on 28 April, where he will hand over Czech Presidency Albania’s requisition for obtaining of candidate country status for EU full membership. DP reacts over statement of Kodheli on Nuclear central in Shkoder “Mimi, you really have become to be regretted. Don’t lie, because if you shall continue in this way even you will be ill-used like Bracja and Balla. Instead to apologise Shkodra citizens because you cheated them with Rama’s false words, who had paid at a Croat newspaper, now, you still with his own words appear before media because you believe lies you have said the first time. Because you want to know on opinion polls in Shkoder, I am saying these to you: Socialist Party in Shkoder is 13% in all and with this chain of lies you produce you will end even lower than such. Therefore it doesn’t suit you to become false eyewitness at least for the city and region with which you still have some bonds.” 55 23

PM Berisha receives Minister of State for Defence<br />

and International Security at the United King<strong>do</strong>m’s<br />

Ministry of Defence, Baroness Winfred An Taylor<br />

Albania’s Prime Minister Sali<br />

Berisha received yesterday at a<br />

meeting Minister of State for Defence<br />

and International Security at<br />

the United King<strong>do</strong>m’s Defence<br />

Ministry, Baroness Winfred An Taylor.<br />

Berisha wished Baroness Taylor<br />

welcoming and he thanked her<br />

heartily for constant support Great<br />

Britain has given Albania for its<br />

membership to NATO, as well as<br />

in the process of EU integration.<br />

Baroness after thanked PM Berisha<br />

for the warm reception, she<br />

as<strong>se</strong>s<strong>se</strong>d that Albania’s membership<br />

to NATO is a great achievement<br />

for Albania, which came as<br />

result of achievements and successful<br />

reforms reali<strong>se</strong>d in Albania,<br />

reforms that changed Albania, but<br />

that were evaluated extraordinarily<br />

by NATO ally nations.<br />

PM Berisha recogni<strong>se</strong>d Baroness<br />

Taylor with reforms and<br />

achievements of Albanian government<br />

as belong to fight of zero tolerance<br />

against crime and corruption,<br />

reforms for economic development<br />

and creation of an as<br />

favourable as possible climate to<br />

business and investments in the<br />

Serbia’s Foreign Minister,<br />

Vuk Jeremic, has declared that<br />

won’t have meeting with Secretary<br />

of State, Hillary Clinton. An<br />

American official is cited by<br />

“Washington Times” to have said<br />

that cau<strong>se</strong> is Kosova. At a pronouncement<br />

for Washington<br />

Times, Jeremic has said that him<br />

hasn’t been made possible the<br />

meeting with Secretary Clinton,<br />

becau<strong>se</strong>, as he has said, she is<br />

busy and, instead of her he will<br />

meet with assistant James<br />

Steinebrg. But, an American<br />

high-level official has said to<br />

newspaper that the reason is the<br />

inadequate cooperation of Serbia<br />

for building up of capacities of<br />

justice, police and Customs in<br />

Kosova. The<strong>se</strong> efforts are lead by<br />

country. Fight against corruption<br />

made possible the increa<strong>se</strong> of incomes<br />

to state budget by 23% per<br />

year, or US$4 billion more, which<br />

were u<strong>se</strong>d for infrastructure’s<br />

building all over the country, increa<strong>se</strong><br />

of wages for teachers and<br />

health workers, increa<strong>se</strong> of pensions.<br />

Indicators of criminality in Albania<br />

already are lower than average<br />

of European countries. Alba-<br />

Hillary Clinton refu<strong>se</strong>s the<br />

meeting with Jeremic – the cau<strong>se</strong>,<br />

Serbian attitude over Kosova<br />

EU Mission for rule of law.<br />

American official has said that<br />

at mixed southern part there are<br />

repre<strong>se</strong>ntatives of Serbs at Kosova’s<br />

Police, but not even at<br />

northern part, resided manly by<br />

Serbs. “The trend is going toward<br />

the right <strong>se</strong>n<strong>se</strong>, but there<br />

is still much road to make in virtual<br />

meaning,” American official<br />

has said to the newspaper.<br />

Jeremic has said that Kosova<br />

issue remains a question in relations<br />

with Washington and<br />

there aren’t odds they not to be<br />

resolved soon, but they mustn’t<br />

impede both countries to work<br />

together to provide stability in<br />

Balkans. Our relationships with<br />

the United States are good, “in<br />

addition to this great thing in<br />

which we have deep disagreements,”<br />

is cited Jeremic to have<br />

said. Serbia’s diplomacy chief has<br />

said to Washington Times that<br />

Belgrade powerfully with push<br />

ahead the ca<strong>se</strong> to International<br />

Court of Justice against Declaration<br />

of Kosova’s Independence<br />

and he has expres<strong>se</strong>d conviction<br />

that Court will <strong>se</strong>t in favour of<br />

Serbia.<br />

nia is now the electronic procurements<br />

country, of electronic tax,<br />

electronic Customs, in which thee<br />

business is registered within an<br />

hour through procedure “one stop<br />

shop” only for one euro, followed<br />

among others PM Berisha.<br />

Baroness Taylor as<strong>se</strong>s<strong>se</strong>d that<br />

that the<strong>se</strong> significant achievements,<br />

in particular reform in field<br />

of justice, fight against corruption,<br />

reform in fiscal field and sim-<br />

plification of administrative procedures,<br />

un<strong>do</strong>ubtedly give a great<br />

effect at foreign investors boost to<br />

invest in Albania.<br />

At the meeting was discus<strong>se</strong>d<br />

also on preparation for upcoming<br />

parliamentary elections. PM Berisha<br />

made known Baroness Taylor that<br />

June 28 th elections are the first elections<br />

ba<strong>se</strong>d upon a legal and institutional<br />

framework approved with<br />

the highest con<strong>se</strong>nsus ever<br />

achieved. Albanian government, PM<br />

Berisha emphasi<strong>se</strong>d, is equipping<br />

citizens with the <strong>mos</strong>t <strong>se</strong>cured<br />

identification <strong>do</strong>cuments in Europe,<br />

ba<strong>se</strong>d upon an electronic fundamental<br />

register of citizens, as well<br />

as that has created the greatest facilities<br />

for all needy walks of life for<br />

equipping with the<strong>se</strong> cards. In this<br />

context, Berisha asked that Great<br />

Britain to <strong>se</strong>nd as many as possible<br />

ob<strong>se</strong>rvers to attend clo<strong>se</strong>up process<br />

of elections in Albania, guarantying<br />

Baroness Taylor that Albanian<br />

government is totally determined to<br />

organi<strong>se</strong> the best elections in the<br />

history of Albanian democracy tat<br />

fulfil fully international standards<br />

of free and fair elections, as a NATO<br />

member country de<strong>se</strong>rves.<br />

Fatmir Mediu meets with<br />

RP members and<br />

sympathi<strong>se</strong>rs in Tropoja<br />

Chairman of Republican Party (RP), Mr. Faatmir Mediu, accompanied<br />

by Minister of Health, Mrs. Anila Go<strong>do</strong>, and other members<br />

of this political force’s leadership were at a meeting in town of Tropoja.<br />

During his speech Mr. Mediu said that current majority made<br />

reality projects that that a few years ago were dreams, for which our<br />

political opponents <strong>se</strong>emed sceptic. “We turned tho<strong>se</strong> into a palpable<br />

reality for all and, we shall follow so in the further way against<br />

organi<strong>se</strong>d crime and corruption, with reforms and large investments,<br />

with ideas, visions and obvious projects, to make Albania EU member<br />

and we may provide that, becau<strong>se</strong> Albania is now NATO full<br />

rights member. We shall reach this with your trust and commitment,<br />

becau<strong>se</strong> together, working all of us, we may reach too much.<br />

Right wing is a <strong>mos</strong>aic of values and in that there is place for all<br />

Tropojamen and all Albanians. We shall work for them<strong>se</strong>lves, for our<br />

parents, for our children, for our families,” Mediu said.<br />

Further he focu<strong>se</strong>d to property issue saying that Republican Party<br />

has always been for private property recognition and its turning<br />

to his propertyman. “RP is and always shall be in this walk of life’s<br />

interests protection, becau<strong>se</strong> its solution is at the same time also<br />

the substantial element of market’s development, I therefore think<br />

that is indispensable we to implement justly this issue,” Mr. Mediu<br />

followed.<br />

During her speech, Minister of Health, Mrs. Anila Go<strong>do</strong>, said<br />

that during her work as physician she had recogni<strong>se</strong>d many Tropojamen<br />

and to her had remained as impression paying of care and generosity,<br />

typical traits of Tropojamen. After she made an analy<strong>se</strong> of<br />

the work made current majority and reforms carried out at the <strong>se</strong>ctor<br />

she heads, she was showed convinced that other reforms shall continue<br />

to be carried on in health <strong>se</strong>ctor.<br />

E premte, 24 prill 2009<br />


Berisha, the first<br />

Prime Minister that<br />

will be received<br />

officially at Elysée<br />

By invitation of French<br />

President Nicola Sarkozy,<br />

Albania’s Prime Minister Berisha<br />

visits today Paris, in which he<br />

will have tête-à-tête meeting with<br />

French President. Integration of<br />

the country in EU and<br />

Mediterranean Union is<br />

expected to be the principal<br />

subjects of talks.<br />

Prime Minister of Republic of<br />

Albania, Sali Berisha, will pay an<br />

one day work visit in France, in<br />

which he will be received at a special<br />

meeting, on April 24 th , by President<br />

of Republic of France, Nicola<br />

Sarkozy, at Elysée Palace.<br />

Prime Minister actually is in<br />

China for a <strong>se</strong>veral days visit where<br />

he is expected to come back from<br />

today and only two days later eh<br />

shall travel to capital of France,<br />

Paris. This is the first meeting of<br />

an Albanian Prime Minister that<br />

is received at Elysée Palace. During<br />

the meeting is thought that<br />

in epicentre won’t be only perspective<br />

of Albania’s soon membership<br />

to EU, but also the issue of Mediterranean<br />

Union’s activity, an idea<br />

sponsored strongly by Head of<br />

French State.<br />

After the meeting with French<br />

President, Albanian Prime Minister<br />

will receive in Tirana Greek homologue<br />

Kostas Karamanlis, who<br />

will pay a two days visit on 26-27<br />

April, before to go to Prague on 28<br />

April, where he will hand over<br />

Czech Presidency Albania’s requisition<br />

for obtaining of candidate<br />

country status for EU full membership.<br />

DP reacts over statement<br />

of Kodheli on Nuclear<br />

central in Shkoder<br />

“Mimi, you really have become<br />

to be regretted. Don’t lie, becau<strong>se</strong><br />

if you shall continue in this way<br />

even you will be ill-u<strong>se</strong>d like Bracja<br />

and Balla. Instead to apologi<strong>se</strong> Shkodra<br />

citizens becau<strong>se</strong> you cheated<br />

them with Rama’s fal<strong>se</strong> words,<br />

who had paid at a Croat newspaper,<br />

now, you still with his own<br />

words appear before media becau<strong>se</strong><br />

you believe lies you have said the<br />

first time.<br />

Becau<strong>se</strong> you want to know on<br />

opinion polls in Shkoder, I am saying<br />

the<strong>se</strong> to you: Socialist Party in<br />

Shkoder is 13% in all and with this<br />

chain of lies you produce you will<br />

end even lower than such.<br />

Therefore it <strong>do</strong>esn’t suit you to<br />

become fal<strong>se</strong> eyewitness at least for<br />

the city and region with which you<br />

still have some bonds.”<br />

<strong>55</strong> 23

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