KNjIGA SAžETAKA / BOOK Of ABSTRACTS - Treći međunarodni ...

KNjIGA SAžETAKA / BOOK Of ABSTRACTS - Treći međunarodni ... KNjIGA SAžETAKA / BOOK Of ABSTRACTS - Treći međunarodni ...
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2. TemATSkA cJelinA: TURizAm Uz voDe i RiJeke i nA RiJekAmA i voDAmA Mr. Vesna Kicošev Pokrajinski zavod za zaštitu prirode, Novi Sad Pokrajinski zavod za zaštitu prirode, Radnička 20a, 21000 Novi Sad, Republika Srbija tel.: +381 21 48 96 341, +381 21 48 96 301, +381 65 206 32 53, faks: +381 21 66 16 252 e-mail: Marko Tucakov Pokrajinski zavod za zaštitu prirode, Novi Sad, e-mail: Prof.dr. Jovan Romelić Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad, Odsjek za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, e-mail: Dario Hruševar Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, e-mail: Bojana Majkić Pokrajinski zavod za zaštitu prirode, Novi Sad, e-mail: Biljana Barić Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb, e-mail: Naslov izlaganja: Mogućnosti razvoja ruralnog turizma u okruženju panonskih slanih stepa i slanih močvara: primjer Rusande u Vojvodini Ključne riječi: Ruralni turizam, zaštićeno područje, Rusanda Vrsta izlaganja: PowerPoint prezentacija Tema: 02. tematska cjelina Turizam uz vode i rijeke i na rijekama i vodama Svrha istraživanja: Panonski tipovi slatinskih staništa, u prošlosti prevladavajući oblik panonske vegetacije, danas su u EU ocijenjeni kao staništa prioritetna za zaštitu (Directive 92/43/ EEC). Međutim, u Srbiji, kao i u Hrvatskoj, vrednovanje njihovih prirodnih vrijednosti i analiza mogućnosti održivog korištenja resursa značajno zaostaje za ostalim područjima. Metodologija/pristup: Na temelju rezultata vrednovanja prirodnih vrijednosti područja, anketiranja zainteresiranih strana, kao i razmatranja važeće pravne stečevine iz područja zaštite prirode, turizma i poljoprivrede, izvršena je analiza mogućnosti održivog korištenja resursa, a u svrhu širenja turističke ponude uz očuvanje strukture i funkcije ekološkog sustava. Rezultati: Širenje spoznaje o prirodnim i društvenim vrijednostima područja, kao i primjena principa dobre poljopri- 84 Strukturirani apstrakt vredne prakse imaju značaj, kako u zaštiti prirode, tako i za razvoj ruralnih područja. Pronalaženjem mogućnosti uključivanja lokalnog stanovništva u zaštitu područja, poboljšava se konkurentnost agrikulturnog sektora i potiče razvoj različitih vidova turizma, čime se postiže raznolikost ruralne ekonomije i poboljšanje kvalitete života u ruralnim područjima. Njegovanje tradicionalnih aktivnosti u suglasnosti je sa zaštitom područja, a također predstavlja bazu za poboljšanje turističke ponude i intenziviranje razvoja uslužnih djelatnosti. Izvornost/Doprinos/Vrijednost: Panonske slane stepe i slane močvare u Srbiji, što je slučaj i u Hrvatskoj, iznimno su slabo vrednovane za potrebe održivog razvoja ruralnog turizma. Multidisciplinarni pristup ovoj problematici omogućava formiranje približno realnog prikaza mogućnosti i ograničenja razvoja ruralnog turizma u okruženju ekološki osjetljivih područja kao što su zaslanjena staništa. Istraživačka ograničenja/Implikacije: Kako se za područje Rusande prvi put uspostavlja zaštita, istraživanja imaju karakteristike pilot projekta. Zbog specifičnih karakteristika područja (postojanje ekološki osjetljivih zaslanjenih staništa i balneoloških vrijednosti jezera Rusanda), nisu široko primjenljivi svi rezultati i preporuke. Praktična primjena: Zaštita područja i očuvanje kvalitete okoliša mogu poslužiti kao podloga za formiranje brendova. Spoznaja prirodnih vrijednosti područja i mogućnosti održivog korištenja resursa, ruralnim zajednicama Srbije i Hrvatske olakšava put ka pojedinim europskim fondovima.

MSc Vesna Kicošev Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia Radnička 20a, 21000 Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia tel.: +381 21 48 96 341, +381 21 48 96 301, +381 65 206 32 53, fax: +381 21 66 16 252 e-mail: Marko Tucakov Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia, e-mail: PhD Jovan Romelić Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, e-mail: Dario Hruševar State Institute for Nature Protection, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, e-mail: Bojana Majkić Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia, e-mail: Biljana Barić State Institute for Nature Protection, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, e-mail: Title of the contribution: Possibilities for development of rural tourism in surroundings of Pannonian salt steppes and salt marshes: example of Rusanda in Vojvodina Province Keywords: rural tourism, protected area, Rusanda Type of presentation: Electronic presentation (PowerPoint) Theme: 2nd thematic unit 2. TemATSkA cJelinA: TURizAm Uz voDe i RiJeke i nA RiJekAmA i voDAmA Purpose of study: Pannonian types of alkaline meadows, prevailing autochtonous Pannonian vegetation in the past, today are identified as priority habitats for conservation in European Union (Directive 92/43/EEC). However, in Serbia, as well as in Croatia, evaluation of their natural values and analysis of possibilities for sustainable use of resources they support, is neglected in comparison with the other habitats. Methodology/Approach: Analysis of possibilities for sustainable use of resources were listed, aimed to improve tourist offer harmonized with conservation of structuure and function of ecosystem. It was done on the basis of the results of survey of natural values, stakeholder analysis by questionnaire, as well as analysis of existing legislation in nature conservation, tourism and agriculture. Findings: Increase of knowledge on natural and social values of the area, as well as application of principles of favorable agricultural practice are important for natrure conser- Structured abstract vation, and for development of rural areas. By finding of possibilites for inclusion of local communities in conservation process and practices, competitiveness of agricultural sector will increase and development of diferent types of tourism will be supported. It results in diversity of rural economy and improvement of quality of life in rural areas. Performing of traditional activities is coherent with the site conservation and also represents a basis for improvement of tourist offer and intensifying of development of service activities. Originality/Value: Pannonian salt steppes and salt marshes are in Serbia, as well as in Croatia, poorly surveyed from the perspective of development of sustainable tourism. Multidisciplinary approach to this issue enables almost real presentation of possibilities and constrains for the development of rural tourism in surroundings of ecologically sensitive sites like Pannonian alkaline meadows. Research limitations/Implications: Rusanda will be officially designated as protected area for the first time. In line with this, this research has characteristics of the pilot project. Due to the special characteristics of the area (existence of ecologically sensitive alkaline habitats and balneological values of Rusanda lake), all results and reccomendations are not widely applicable. Practical implications: Site conservation and preservation of quality of environment can serve as basis for brand formation. Knowledge on natural values of the area and possibilities for sustainable use of natural resources creates way towards EU funding of their projects for rural communities in Serbia and Croatia. 85

MSc Vesna Kicošev<br />

Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia<br />

Radnička 20a, 21000 Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia<br />

tel.: +381 21 48 96 341, +381 21 48 96 301, +381 65 206 32 53, fax: +381 21 66 16 252<br />

e-mail:<br />

Marko Tucakov<br />

Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia, e-mail:<br />

PhD Jovan Romelić<br />

Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia<br />

Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, e-mail:<br />

Dario Hruševar<br />

State Institute for Nature Protection, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, e-mail:<br />

Bojana Majkić<br />

Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia, e-mail:<br />

Biljana Barić<br />

State Institute for Nature Protection, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, e-mail:<br />

Title of the contribution:<br />

Possibilities for development of rural tourism in surroundings<br />

of Pannonian salt steppes and salt marshes:<br />

example of Rusanda in Vojvodina Province<br />

Keywords:<br />

rural tourism, protected area, Rusanda<br />

Type of presentation:<br />

Electronic presentation (PowerPoint)<br />

Theme:<br />

2nd thematic unit<br />

2. TemATSkA cJelinA: TURizAm Uz voDe i RiJeke i nA RiJekAmA i voDAmA<br />

Purpose of study:<br />

Pannonian types of alkaline meadows, prevailing autochtonous<br />

Pannonian vegetation in the past, today are<br />

identified as priority habitats for conservation in European<br />

Union (Directive 92/43/EEC). However, in Serbia,<br />

as well as in Croatia, evaluation of their natural values<br />

and analysis of possibilities for sustainable use of resources<br />

they support, is neglected in comparison with the<br />

other habitats.<br />

Methodology/Approach:<br />

Analysis of possibilities for sustainable use of resources<br />

were listed, aimed to improve tourist offer harmonized<br />

with conservation of structuure and function of ecosystem.<br />

It was done on the basis of the results of survey of<br />

natural values, stakeholder analysis by questionnaire, as<br />

well as analysis of existing legislation in nature conservation,<br />

tourism and agriculture.<br />

Findings:<br />

Increase of knowledge on natural and social values of<br />

the area, as well as application of principles of favorable<br />

agricultural practice are important for natrure conser-<br />

Structured abstract<br />

vation, and for development of rural areas. By finding<br />

of possibilites for inclusion of local communities in<br />

conservation process and practices, competitiveness<br />

of agricultural sector will increase and development of<br />

diferent types of tourism will be supported. It results in<br />

diversity of rural economy and improvement of quality<br />

of life in rural areas. Performing of traditional activities is<br />

coherent with the site conservation and also represents<br />

a basis for improvement of tourist offer and intensifying<br />

of development of service activities.<br />

Originality/Value:<br />

Pannonian salt steppes and salt marshes are in Serbia,<br />

as well as in Croatia, poorly surveyed from the perspective<br />

of development of sustainable tourism. Multidisciplinary<br />

approach to this issue enables almost real presentation<br />

of possibilities and constrains for the development<br />

of rural tourism in surroundings of ecologically<br />

sensitive sites like Pannonian alkaline meadows.<br />

Research limitations/Implications:<br />

Rusanda will be officially designated as protected area<br />

for the first time. In line with this, this research has characteristics<br />

of the pilot project. Due to the special characteristics<br />

of the area (existence of ecologically sensitive<br />

alkaline habitats and balneological values of Rusanda<br />

lake), all results and reccomendations are not widely<br />

applicable.<br />

Practical implications:<br />

Site conservation and preservation of quality of environment<br />

can serve as basis for brand formation.<br />

Knowledge on natural values of the area and possibilities<br />

for sustainable use of natural resources creates way<br />

towards EU funding of their projects for rural communities<br />

in Serbia and Croatia.<br />


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