KNjIGA SAžETAKA / BOOK Of ABSTRACTS - Treći međunarodni ...

KNjIGA SAžETAKA / BOOK Of ABSTRACTS - Treći međunarodni ... KNjIGA SAžETAKA / BOOK Of ABSTRACTS - Treći međunarodni ...
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1. TemATSkA cJelinA: BAšTinA i TRADiciJA U TURizmU Dr. sc. Ivona Orlić Etnografski muzej Istre, Pazin Trg Istarskog razvoda 1275. br.1 52 000 Pazin tel.: 052 622 220 faks: 052 624 351 e-mail: Naslov izlaganja: Autentičnost ponude istarskog turizma - stanovanje Ključne riječi: stanovanje, Istra, turizam, autentičnost Vrsta izlaganja: usmeno izlaganje Tema: Baština i tradicija u turizmu (Tradicijsko graditeljstvo, transformacija prostora i prenamjena objekata) Svrha istraživanja: Svrha istraživanja je utvrditi činjenično stanje transformacije i reinterpretacije stanovanja na području Istre u zadnjih 100 godina, te koja se od zamrznutih imaginarnih slika stanovanja i graditeljstva nudi kao autohtona i/ ili autentična u turističke potrebe. Metodologija/pristup: Etnologiju zanima ono što nije napisano, ne zato što narodi koje ona proučava ne umiju pisati, koliko zato što je predmet njenog interesa drukčiji od svega što ljudi misle zabilježiti (Levi-Strauss 1977., 36-37). Ne bismo li došli do takvih podataka služila sam se metodama intervjua i promatranja sa sudjelovanjem. Provela sam i analizirala intervjue sa sedam obitelji kroz tri generacije, iz različitih dijelova Istre. Rezultati: Može se zaključiti da su elementi stanovanja i tradicijske gradnje značajno izmijenjeni u proteklih sto godina. Gotovo je nemoguće zamisliti da se turistima ponude 48 Strukturirani apstrakt objekti i način stanovanja tri generacije u prošlost. Međutim, neke su elemente pojedini kvalitetniji agroturizmi zadržali. Poput primjerice agroturizma Paladnjaki nadomak Žminju u središnjoj Istri. Istražili smo primjere staje u Poreču koja postaje ugostiteljski objekt, glavne ulice u Rovinju koja postaje izložbeni prostor na otvorenom i, meni najzanimljiviju zato što se nije mijenjala fizičkom dogradnjom ili bilo kakvim drugim uređenjem, već je ostala u svom izvornom izdanju - štala u Šikutima, koja postaje galerija. Izvornost/Doprinos/Vrijednost: Doprinos ovog rada leži u metodološkim postavkama koje uključuju autentična kazivanja 21 kazivača iz okolice Pule, Buzeta, Pazina, Poreča, Labina te kazivače koji su emigrirali u Italiju neposredno nakon drugog svjetskog rata. Na osnovu njihovog kazivanja i realne slike graditeljske arhitekture danas u Istri, možemo donositi zaključke o autentičnosti ponude stanovanja i ostalih sadržaja koje se nude u turizmu. Istraživačka ograničenja/Implikacije: Radi sveobuhvatnog sagledavanja problema autentičnosti turističke ponude stanovanja, u budućim istraživanjima trebalo bi obuhvatiti i stavove i mišljenja djelatnika agroturizama koja su u ovom istraživanju samo djelomično obrađena. Praktična primjena: Rezultati istraživanja mogu poslužiti kao savjetodavni temelji pri izgradnji prostora za stanovanje turista (koji žele biti autentični), uređenju agroturizama, konoba te žiteljima Istre koji imaju potrebu usporediti istinitost predmetnog iskazivanja regionalnog identiteta u svome domu.

Ph. D. IvonaOrlić Ethnographic museum of Istria, Pazin Trg Istarskog razvoda 1275. br.1 52 000 Pazin tel.: 052 622 220 fax: 052 624 351 e-mail: Title of the contribution: The authenticity of the tourist offering of Istrian – habitation Keywords: habitation, Istria, tourism, authenticity Type of presentation: Oral presentation Theme: Heritage and Tradition in Tourism (Traditional architecture, space transformation and building conversion) Purpose of study: The purpose of this study is to determine the facts regarding transformation and reinterpretation of living in the territory of Istria over the last 100 years, and which of the preserved representations of living and architecture is offered as indigenous and/or authentic for tourist requirements. Methodology/Approach: Ethnology is interested in unwritten data, not so much because the peoples it studies cannot write, but because what it is concerned with differs from what men think of recording (Levi-Strauss 1977, pp. 36-37). In order to obtain such results, I used the interview and participant observation methods. I conducted and analysed interviews with seven families spanning three generations, from various parts of Istria. Findings: It can be concluded that the essentials of living and traditional architecture have changed significantly over the last hundred years. It is almost impossible to imag- 1. TemATSkA cJelinA: BAšTinA i TRADiciJA U TURizmU Structured abstract ine offering tourists buildings and conditions of living three generations in the past. However, some elements have been retained by agritourism facilities, such as Paladnjaki near Žminj. We have researched examples of an old barn in Poreč turned into a catering facility, the high street of Rovinj becoming an open exhibition space and, personally, the most interesting example was the štala, cowshed, at Šikuti converted into a gallery without any refurbishment. Originality/Value: The value of this paper lies in the methodological premises which involve authentic inputs by 21 interviewees from the surroundings of Pula, Buzet, Pazin, Poreč, Labin and interviewees who emigrated to Italy immediately after the Second World War. Based on their accounts and on the real images of architecture in Istria today, we can decide on the authenticity of the accommodation and other facilities offered in tourism. Research limitations/Implications: To provide a comprehensive consideration of authenticity of tourist offerings of accommodation, future researches should include attitudes and opinions of employees of agritourism facilities, which have been only elaborated partially in this research. Practical implications: Research results can be used as references for constructing (authentic) tourist accommodation, refurbishing agritourisms and konobas, and also by inhabitants of Istria wishing to compare the authenticity of features of regional identity in their homes. 49

Ph. D. IvonaOrlić<br />

Ethnographic museum of Istria, Pazin<br />

Trg Istarskog razvoda 1275. br.1<br />

52 000 Pazin<br />

tel.: 052 622 220<br />

fax: 052 624 351<br />

e-mail:<br />

Title of the contribution:<br />

The authenticity of the tourist offering of Istrian –<br />

habitation<br />

Keywords:<br />

habitation, Istria, tourism, authenticity<br />

Type of presentation:<br />

Oral presentation<br />

Theme:<br />

Heritage and Tradition in Tourism<br />

(Traditional architecture, space transformation and<br />

building conversion)<br />

Purpose of study:<br />

The purpose of this study is to determine the facts regarding<br />

transformation and reinterpretation of living in<br />

the territory of Istria over the last 100 years, and which<br />

of the preserved representations of living and architecture<br />

is offered as indigenous and/or authentic for tourist<br />

requirements.<br />

Methodology/Approach:<br />

Ethnology is interested in unwritten data, not so much<br />

because the peoples it studies cannot write, but because<br />

what it is concerned with differs from what men think<br />

of recording (Levi-Strauss 1977, pp. 36-37). In order to<br />

obtain such results, I used the interview and participant<br />

observation methods. I conducted and analysed interviews<br />

with seven families spanning three generations,<br />

from various parts of Istria.<br />

Findings:<br />

It can be concluded that the essentials of living and traditional<br />

architecture have changed significantly over<br />

the last hundred years. It is almost impossible to imag-<br />

1. TemATSkA cJelinA: BAšTinA i TRADiciJA U TURizmU<br />

Structured abstract<br />

ine offering tourists buildings and conditions of living<br />

three generations in the past. However, some elements<br />

have been retained by agritourism facilities, such as Paladnjaki<br />

near Žminj. We have researched examples of an<br />

old barn in Poreč turned into a catering facility, the high<br />

street of Rovinj becoming an open exhibition space and,<br />

personally, the most interesting example was the štala,<br />

cowshed, at Šikuti converted into a gallery without any<br />

refurbishment.<br />

Originality/Value:<br />

The value of this paper lies in the methodological<br />

premises which involve authentic inputs by 21 interviewees<br />

from the surroundings of Pula, Buzet, Pazin,<br />

Poreč, Labin and interviewees who emigrated to Italy<br />

immediately after the Second World War. Based on their<br />

accounts and on the real images of architecture in Istria<br />

today, we can decide on the authenticity of the accommodation<br />

and other facilities offered in tourism.<br />

Research limitations/Implications:<br />

To provide a comprehensive consideration of authenticity<br />

of tourist offerings of accommodation, future researches<br />

should include attitudes and opinions of employees<br />

of agritourism facilities, which have been only<br />

elaborated partially in this research.<br />

Practical implications:<br />

Research results can be used as references for constructing<br />

(authentic) tourist accommodation, refurbishing<br />

agritourisms and konobas, and also by inhabitants<br />

of Istria wishing to compare the authenticity of features<br />

of regional identity in their homes.<br />


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