KNjIGA SAžETAKA / BOOK Of ABSTRACTS - Treći međunarodni ...

KNjIGA SAžETAKA / BOOK Of ABSTRACTS - Treći međunarodni ... KNjIGA SAžETAKA / BOOK Of ABSTRACTS - Treći međunarodni ...
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5. TemATSkA cJelinA: poSeBni oBlici RURAlnog TURizmA Mr. sc. Ivica Jerčinović Poduzetnički centar Vinodol d.o.o. Turistička zajednica Vinodolske općine Bribir 1, 51 253 Bribir, Hrvatska tel.: +385 (0) 51 248 730 faks: +385 (0) 51 248 730 e-mail: Iris Bruketa e-mail: 250 Strukturirani apstrakt Naslov izlaganja: Razvojne mogućnosti ruralnog turizma u Vinodolu: Primjer dobre prakse Ključne riječi: Vinodol, ruralne kuće za odmor, posebni oblici ruralnog turizma, autentičnost, ethno hotel Tema: Posebni oblici ruralnog turizma: Primjer dobre prakse Opis: S obzirom na važnost posebnih oblika ruralnog turizma, u stručnom radu analizirat će se jedan od primjera dobre prakse razvoja ruralnog turizma na području Vinodolske općine, njegova održivost slijedom osmišljavanja i implementacija, sve do danas. Ruralni turizam značajan je čimbenik u aktivaciji i održivom razvoju na području Vinodola koji pomaže očuvanju lokalnog identiteta, tradicije i običaja, štiti okoliš, jača autohtonu, tradicijsku i ekološku proizvodnju, a osposobljene stare kuće za odmor predstavljaju kvalitetan i poseban smještaj. Analizirat će se dosad postignuti rezultati i izdvojit će se primjeri i iskustva u smislu svojevrsnih preporuka, odnosno naputaka za poticanje i kreditiranje za obnovu autohtonih ruralnih objekata kao jednog od značajnih segmenata za razvoj ruralnog turizma Hrvatske.

Mr. sc. Ivica Jerčinović Poduzetnički centar Vinodol d.o.o. District of Vinodol Tourist Board Bribir 1, 51 253 Bribir, Croatia tel.: +385 (0) 51 248 730 fax: +385 51 248 730 e-mail: Iris Bruketa e-mail: 5. TemATSkA cJelinA: poSeBni oBlici RURAlnog TURizmA Structured abstract Title of the contribution: Development possibilities of rural tourism in Vinodol: best practice Keywords: Vinodol, rural houses, authentic, tradition Theme: Specific Types of Rural Tourism: Good Practice Example Description: Regarding to importance of specific types of rural tourism, in expert work it will be analysed one of the good practice example of development of rural tourism in Vinodol, its sustainability through preparing and impletation, till today. Rural tourism is an important factor in sustainable development in Vinodol area which helps to preserve local identity and tradition. It will be analysed reached results and will be abstracted examples and experiences in a way of recommendations, instructions for stimulation and credit financing for restoration authentic rural houses as one of the important segments for development of rural tourism in Croatia. 251

Mr. sc. Ivica Jerčinović<br />

Poduzetnički centar Vinodol d.o.o.<br />

District of Vinodol Tourist Board<br />

Bribir 1, 51 253 Bribir, Croatia<br />

tel.: +385 (0) 51 248 730<br />

fax: +385 51 248 730<br />

e-mail:<br />

Iris Bruketa<br />

e-mail:<br />

5. TemATSkA cJelinA: poSeBni oBlici RURAlnog TURizmA<br />

Structured abstract<br />

Title of the contribution:<br />

Development possibilities of rural tourism in Vinodol:<br />

best practice<br />

Keywords:<br />

Vinodol, rural houses, authentic, tradition<br />

Theme:<br />

Specific Types of Rural Tourism: Good Practice Example<br />

Description:<br />

Regarding to importance of specific types of rural tourism,<br />

in expert work it will be analysed one of the good practice<br />

example of development of rural tourism in Vinodol, its<br />

sustainability through preparing and impletation, till<br />

today. Rural tourism is an important factor in sustainable<br />

development in Vinodol area which helps to preserve local<br />

identity and tradition. It will be analysed reached results<br />

and will be abstracted examples and experiences in a way<br />

of recommendations, instructions for stimulation and<br />

credit financing for restoration authentic rural houses as<br />

one of the important segments for development of rural<br />

tourism in Croatia.<br />


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