KNjIGA SAžETAKA / BOOK Of ABSTRACTS - Treći međunarodni ...

KNjIGA SAžETAKA / BOOK Of ABSTRACTS - Treći međunarodni ... KNjIGA SAžETAKA / BOOK Of ABSTRACTS - Treći međunarodni ...
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3. TemATSkA cJelinA: kReiRAnJe i DiSTRiBUciJA pRoizvoDA RURAlnog TURizmA Damir Gregurić Udruga pčelara Bujštine / Beekeepers Association of the Buje Region Treća ulica 25, Murine, 52470 Umag, Hrvatska tel.: +385 (0) 52 773039 mob.: 091 558 9232 e-mail: Naslov izlaganja: Mala pčelarska škola – ključ za održivi razvitak struke i nov ruralno-turistički proizvod Ključne riječi: pčelarstvo, obrazovanje, djeca, kulturno dobro Vrsta izlaganja: Predavanje uz PowerPoint prezentaciju Tema: Promicanje pčelarstva među djecom i mladima u sintezi s revitalizacijom kulturnopovijesne baštine kao nov ruralno-turistički proizvod Svrha istraživanja: Potaknut poražavajućim činjenicama o visokoj starosnoj dobi pčelara, nedostatnosti klasičnog školovanja u pomlađivanju kadrova i slabom medijskom osvrtu na ovu temu, autor novim pristupom istoj problematici pokušava iznaći rješenje koje će osigurati budućnost pčelarstvu, a sekundarno postati i nov turistički proizvod. Metodologija: Ciljana skupina (djeca predškolske dobi i učenici osnovnih škola) u grupama po 6 polaznika pohađa nastavu u trajanju 2 školska sata. Nastavni program je podijeljen u 4 tematske cjeline: „Život i rad pčela“, „Pčele i pčelari“, „Pčelinji proizvodi“, „Med – hrana i lijek“. Polaznike kroz predavanja, projekciju edukativnih filmova i radionice (prilagođene uzrastu) vode mentori – iskusni pčelari. 108 Strukturirani apstrakt Rezultati: Cilj je djecu osloboditi straha od uboda pčela, naučiti ih razlikovati od ostalih kukaca, objasniti kako funkcionira zajednica, upoznati s koristima od meda i ostalih pčelinjih proizvoda, te ih tako – kroz igru, radionice i druge aktivnosti – na jedan ležerniji, a opet poučan način zainteresirati za pčelarstvo. Djeca imaju priliku vidjeti pčele „u živo“ - u apisariju, ali i na oglednom pčelinjaku u neposrednoj blizini škole. Izvornost: Mala škola pčelarstva je odmak od klasičnog sustava, jer poučava djecu u realnom okruženju umjesto dosadašnjeg odlaska pčelara u vrtiće i škole. Praktično znanje stečeno uz mentora je osnova za njihov daljnji napredak kao pčelara, ali i kao ljudi u odnosu na život, prirodu, zajednicu. Implikacije: Edukaciju vrše članovi Udruge na volonterskoj osnovi. Ukoliko strateški partneri ne budu kvalitetno pratili razvitak Centra, početni entuzijazam će opasti, te se nastava neće moći organizirati po zadanom planu. Praktična primjena: Mala pčelarska škola će biti smještena u kuli iz 19. stoljeća u Segetu, selu 3 km od Umaga. Dio naselja (kula, vila, gospodarske zgrade i park) je zaštićeno kulturno dobro, za koje se predviđa kompletna obnova i pretvaranje u elitni turističko-hotelijerski centar, pa u takvom okruženju i novoj funkciji kula može postati prava turistička atrakcija.

3. TemATSkA cJelinA: kReiRAnJe i DiSTRiBUciJA pRoizvoDA RURAlnog TURizmA Damir Gregurić, agronomy engineer – livestock direction Beekeepers Association of the Buje Region Treća ulica 25, Murine, 52470 Umag, Hrvatska tel.: +385 (0) 52 773039 GSM: 091 558 9232 e-mail: Title of the contribution: The Little School of Beekeeping – The Key to the Sustainable Development of the Profession and a New Rural Tourism Product Keywords: beekeeping, education, children, cultural resource Type of presentation: lecture with PowerPoint presentation Theme: The promotion of beekeeping among children and youth in the synthesis with the revitalization of cultural and historical heritage as a new rural tourism product Purpose of study: Motivated by the defeating facts about the old age of beekeepers, inadequacy of the conventional education system with regard to introducing young generations into the profession and a poor media coverage of this subject, the author uses a new approach to the same issues in an effort to find a solution that would ensure the future of beekeeping and, as a secondary output, become a new tourism product as well. Methodology: The target group (pre-school and primary school children) in groups of 6 participants will attend classes in the duration of 2 school periods. The curriculum is divided into 4 thematic units: «The Life and Work of Bees», «Bees and Beekeepers», «Bee Products», «Honey – Food and Medicine». Participants will be guided through the lectures, screening of educational film and workshops (age adjusted) by mentors – experienced beekeepers. Structured abstract Findings: The objective is to liberate children from fear of bee stings, teach them the distinction between bees and other insects, explain the functioning of been community, introduce them to the benefits of honey and other bee products and thus – by means of playing, workshops and other activities – in a relaxed, yet educational manner spur their interest in beekeeping. Children will have opportunity to see bees «live» - in an apisarium, at a model apiary in the near vicinity of the school. Originality: The little school of beekeeping is a step away from the conventional system, since it teaches children in the actual environment rather than through typical beekeeper visits to kindergarten and schools. The practical knowledge acquired with the help of mentors is the basis for their further advancement as beekeepers, but as a people as well, with regard to life, nature, community. Implications: The education will be carried out by members of the Associations on a voluntary basis. If strategic partners fail to keep up with development of the Center, the initial enthusiasm will subside, and it will not be possible to organize classes according to the scheduled plan. Practical implications: The little school of beekeeping will be located in a XIX century tower in Seget, a village 3 km from Umag. A part of the settlement (the tower, villas, agricultural buildings and park) is a protected cultural resource, planned to be fully restored and turned into an elite tourism and hotel center; therefore, in such surroundings whit a new function the tower may become a real tourist attraction. 109

3. TemATSkA cJelinA: kReiRAnJe i DiSTRiBUciJA pRoizvoDA RURAlnog TURizmA<br />

Damir Gregurić, agronomy engineer – livestock direction<br />

Beekeepers Association of the Buje Region<br />

Treća ulica 25, Murine, 52470 Umag, Hrvatska<br />

tel.: +385 (0) 52 773039<br />

GSM: 091 558 9232<br />

e-mail:<br />

Title of the contribution:<br />

The Little School of Beekeeping – The Key to the Sustainable<br />

Development of the Profession and a New<br />

Rural Tourism Product<br />

Keywords:<br />

beekeeping, education, children, cultural resource<br />

Type of presentation:<br />

lecture with PowerPoint presentation<br />

Theme:<br />

The promotion of beekeeping among children and<br />

youth in the synthesis with the revitalization of cultural<br />

and historical heritage as a new rural tourism product<br />

Purpose of study:<br />

Motivated by the defeating facts about the old age of<br />

beekeepers, inadequacy of the conventional education<br />

system with regard to introducing young generations<br />

into the profession and a poor media coverage of this<br />

subject, the author uses a new approach to the same<br />

issues in an effort to find a solution that would ensure<br />

the future of beekeeping and, as a secondary output,<br />

become a new tourism product as well.<br />

Methodology:<br />

The target group (pre-school and primary school children)<br />

in groups of 6 participants will attend classes in<br />

the duration of 2 school periods. The curriculum is divided<br />

into 4 thematic units: «The Life and Work of Bees»,<br />

«Bees and Beekeepers», «Bee Products», «Honey – Food<br />

and Medicine». Participants will be guided through the<br />

lectures, screening of educational film and workshops<br />

(age adjusted) by mentors – experienced beekeepers.<br />

Structured abstract<br />

Findings:<br />

The objective is to liberate children from fear of bee<br />

stings, teach them the distinction between bees and<br />

other insects, explain the functioning of been community,<br />

introduce them to the benefits of honey and other<br />

bee products and thus – by means of playing, workshops<br />

and other activities – in a relaxed, yet educational<br />

manner spur their interest in beekeeping. Children will<br />

have opportunity to see bees «live» - in an apisarium, at<br />

a model apiary in the near vicinity of the school.<br />

Originality:<br />

The little school of beekeeping is a step away from the<br />

conventional system, since it teaches children in the<br />

actual environment rather than through typical beekeeper<br />

visits to kindergarten and schools. The practical<br />

knowledge acquired with the help of mentors is the basis<br />

for their further advancement as beekeepers, but as<br />

a people as well, with regard to life, nature, community.<br />

Implications:<br />

The education will be carried out by members of the Associations<br />

on a voluntary basis. If strategic partners fail<br />

to keep up with development of the Center, the initial<br />

enthusiasm will subside, and it will not be possible to<br />

organize classes according to the scheduled plan.<br />

Practical implications:<br />

The little school of beekeeping will be located in a XIX<br />

century tower in Seget, a village 3 km from Umag. A part<br />

of the settlement (the tower, villas, agricultural buildings<br />

and park) is a protected cultural resource, planned to be<br />

fully restored and turned into an elite tourism and hotel<br />

center; therefore, in such surroundings whit a new function<br />

the tower may become a real tourist attraction.<br />


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