Riitta Koivisto - Rikoksentorjuntaneuvosto

Riitta Koivisto - Rikoksentorjuntaneuvosto

Riitta Koivisto - Rikoksentorjuntaneuvosto


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Boooo!<br />

We already thought the yelling might be a problem. Minister Donner had suggested this as an option in<br />

Parliament in 2003. Several newspapers had commented in an derogatory way to his ‘yelling boo!’ as an<br />

answer to violent street crime and just about every comedian in Holland had made jokes about it.<br />

But knowing it does work, we decided to include this tip anyway until at the next test, our audience voted it<br />

off. Our test-group didn’t really understand the significance of yelling except to attract the attention of other<br />

bystanders. And mobilising fellow bystanders of course was the other tip. Some of our viewers even<br />

considered it ‘bad advice’ to draw attention to yourself by making noise.<br />

Too smart posters<br />

Our next brilliant ideas to be sent packing were the two slogans we had chosen for the posters. We had<br />

meant to give them a little twist, just like the 2001 and 2002 campaign. One of the slogans had said then: “I if<br />

you see violence you just start hitting......112”. Our new slogans were:<br />

• when there is a fight, make sure you get a large audience and get in there together;<br />

• when you see violence, turn the other way.for backup.<br />

These slogans were completely misunderstood by our pre-test audience, so we decided to revert to the more<br />

ordinary ‘boring’ slogans you see on the posters now:<br />

• when someone is beaten up, go over there, but not alone;<br />

• when someone gets hit, raise one hell....of a noise.<br />

Budget 1.ooo.ooo euro<br />

To give you some idea of the budget for this campaign, let me give you the following figures.<br />

External management and consultancy 78.820<br />

Development of media (design, test) 273.500<br />

School materials 52.000<br />

Media distribution (radio, tv, ads, outdoor) 595.200<br />

Other 480<br />

Total 1.000.000<br />

Other campaigns<br />

During the past year the Justice Department has supported other campaigns as well. These too were<br />

initiatives from citizens groups willing to devote their time and energy to preventing violence, help victims and<br />

promote mutual respect in the Netherlands. The ‘Landelijke Stichting Tegen Zinloos Geweld’ (National<br />

Foundation Against Senseless Violence; http://www.zinloosgeweld.nl) is by far the most prominent of these<br />

private organisation. Their symbol, the ladybird, has become THE symbol in Holland for respect and against<br />

violence. Our department has supported two of their campaigns in the last year:<br />

• KidsTegenGeweld (kids against violence (http://www.kidstegengeweld.nl) seeks to incite children,<br />

usually groups of children, to take action. The foundation supports them by providing them with a ‘trunk’<br />

filled with inspiring materials like leaflets, stickers, T-shirts, postcards and other stuff they can use for their<br />

own campaign. An enormous variety of activities has come from this campaign over the past 3 years.<br />

Children appeared on local television, wrote letters offering their condolences to the family of one of the<br />

violence victims, put up posters in local shops, distributed leaflets, made a banner, baked cookies in the<br />

shape of ladybirds, wrote a song against violence, etc. etc.<br />

• Stop geweld op school (stop school violence (http://www.stopgeweldopschool.nl) launched October 13<br />

of this year in the presence of our Minister of Education, Maria van der Hoeven. School violence is hot in<br />

Holland. This started with an incident in January of this year at the Terra College in The Hague, where 16<br />

year old Murat D. shot and killed deputy principle Hans van Wieren. There have been incidents before<br />

and since, of course, but shooting incidents are rare. Teachers do have to deal with all sorts of<br />

aggression, most notably the aggression of parents. It seems to have become fashionable to threaten or<br />

attack a teacher whenever you think your child has been wronged: too little personal attention, unjust<br />

punishment, low grade, etc.. As far as the pupils are concerned, bullying is a more important problem.<br />

During a public debate at the start-up of the campaign, many of the children there had their own<br />


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