Riitta Koivisto - Rikoksentorjuntaneuvosto

Riitta Koivisto - Rikoksentorjuntaneuvosto

Riitta Koivisto - Rikoksentorjuntaneuvosto


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Safe Environment is Valued<br />

(1)<br />

> At the top of the list are mostly the values<br />

connected with physical well-being and of<br />

people and safety of the environment<br />

> Health, strong family, the world peace, clean environment,<br />

national security<br />

Yet Individualism Prevails<br />

> Public sphere strongly individualistic<br />

> In 1991-2003 evaluating hedonism and<br />

stimulationon has increased.<br />

> Tendency towards more individual values among<br />

younger generations<br />

>Among young people: self-realization,<br />

comfortable life, interesting life, posession of power are<br />

of bigger importance<br />

>Among older people: health, the world peace,<br />

clean environment, national security, integrity, inner<br />

harmony, wisdom, justice, beautiful world, equality,<br />

redemption are more important<br />

> Hedonistic-individualistic values dominate among<br />

people with higher education and bigger income<br />

F<br />

4<br />

Structures of Value Consciousness<br />

Estonia<br />

1 Self-respect, happiness,<br />

honesty, mature love,<br />

wisdom, family security,<br />

self-realization, true<br />

friendship, justice, pleasant<br />

life, national security,<br />

freedom, inner harmony<br />

2 Clean environment, health,<br />

technical development,<br />

world at peace<br />

3 Salvation, equality, world of<br />

beauty<br />

Comfortable life, wealth<br />

5 Power, social recognition,<br />

exciting life<br />

Sweden<br />

World at peace, freedom,<br />

family security, national<br />

security, honesty, health,<br />

mature love, inner harmony,<br />

clean environment, justice,<br />

world of beauty, equality<br />

Exciting life, pleasant life,<br />

self-realization, happiness,<br />

comfortable life<br />

Self-respect, wisdom, true<br />

friendship<br />

Wealth, power, technical<br />

development<br />

Salvation, social recognition<br />

Safe Environment Is Valued (2)<br />

AVATUS<br />

MUUTU-<br />

SELE<br />

enesemääratlemine<br />

(4,59)<br />

stimulatsioon<br />

(4,01)<br />

hedonism<br />

(4,36)<br />


kõikehaaravus<br />

(4,5)<br />

saavutus<br />

(4,43)<br />

heasoovlikkus<br />

(4,63)<br />

võim (3,78)<br />


traditsioon (4,34)<br />

turvalisus (4,76)<br />

ALAL-<br />

HOID-<br />

LIKKUS<br />

Example from the Pilot<br />

Reserch<br />

üksikv ksikvää äärtuste rtuste<br />

keskmiste<br />

keskmiste<br />

keskmised<br />

keskmise<br />

Schwartzi süsteemi s steemis<br />

> Do you think that in your circle of<br />

acquaintances people rather have the<br />

feeling of solidarity than think just about<br />

themselves?<br />

> I think they are more individualistic. It is<br />

also right to be so because if you do not<br />

cause any direct harm to society yourself<br />

why to bother what other people are<br />

doing. Everyone lives their own lives at<br />

their own lifetime. It is understandable<br />

why people do not try too hard to<br />

develop the society.<br />

Allikas: Mariliis Vahe (2004) Sotsiaalturunduse ja sotsiaalse vastutuse<br />

võimalikud tõlgendusviisid Eestis, magistritöö, TÜ<br />

F<br />

4<br />

Different Context of Values (1)<br />

Eesti<br />

1 eneseaustus, õnn, ausus,<br />

armastus, tarkus, tugev<br />

perekond, eneseteostus,<br />

tõeline sõprus, õiglus,<br />

meeldiv elu, riigi julgeolek,<br />

vabadus, sisemine<br />

harmoonia<br />

2 puhas keskkond, tervis,<br />

tehnika areng, rahu<br />

maailmas<br />

3 lunastus, võrdsus, kaunis<br />

maailm<br />

mugav elu, jõukus<br />

5 võimu omamine, ühiskondlik<br />

tunnustus, huvitav elu<br />

Rootsi<br />

rahu maailmas, vabadus,<br />

tugev perekond, riigi<br />

julgeolek, ausus, tervis,<br />

armastus, sisemine<br />

harmoonia, puhas keskkond,<br />

õiglus, kaunis maailm,<br />

võrdsus<br />

huvitav elu, meeldiv elu,<br />

eneseteostus, õnn, mugav elu<br />

eneseaustus, tarkus, sõprus<br />

jõukus, võimu omamine,<br />

tehnika areng<br />

lunastus, ühiskondlik<br />

tunnustus<br />


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