Riitta Koivisto - Rikoksentorjuntaneuvosto

Riitta Koivisto - Rikoksentorjuntaneuvosto

Riitta Koivisto - Rikoksentorjuntaneuvosto


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Road Transport Board “Put Put the<br />

Braces On!” On!<br />

> Participation (wish): people go along only if they can<br />

see a personal need or benefit.<br />

> Assessment: An effective campaign but the message<br />

needs to be constantly reinforced.<br />

Allikas: Mariliis Vahe (2004) Sotsiaalturunduse ja sotsiaalse vastutuse<br />

võimalikud tõlgendusviisid Eestis, magistritöö, TÜ<br />

Pilot Reserch Findings<br />

Domineerivad<br />

kollektivistlikud<br />

väärtused<br />

Sotsiaalset võrgustikku<br />

arendavad ja inimeste<br />

tegevuskeskkonda<br />

kujundavad programmid<br />

mõistatavamad,<br />

vastuvõetavamad.<br />

III<br />

Domineerivad<br />

individualistlikud<br />

väärtused<br />

Normide järgimine<br />

seotud tarbimisliku<br />

hedonismi, osalt ka<br />

moraalse lunastuse<br />

vajadusega.<br />

To Scare Or To<br />

Encourage?<br />

Encourage<br />

Values and Social Campaigns<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

Scary Campaigns Are<br />

Considered To Be More<br />

Effective<br />

> Look, if there is such a harsh campaign going<br />

on with crash pictures shown, then at the time of<br />

exeeding the speed limit you remembre it, visualise a<br />

picture and fasten the belt. Naturally.<br />

> There are some people who thanks to the Zebra<br />

campaign saw a car wreck at Viru Street, because<br />

someone had driven without fastened seat belt and I do<br />

think that people when they now fasten their seat belts<br />

recall that picture and that is why they fasten it.<br />

Interpretation of Social Campaigns Is<br />

Connected Sith the Value Systems of<br />

People… People<br />

Values in Estonia and Sweden<br />

% of the respondents who considered a value to be of<br />

`very high` or `rather high` impotance<br />

Individualistlik-<br />

Rootsi Eesti<br />

hedonistlikud väärtused<br />

puhas keskkond<br />

tehnika areng<br />

mugav elu<br />

huvitav elu<br />

enes eteostus<br />

rahu maailmas<br />

kaunis maailm<br />

tugev perekond<br />

sisemine harmoonia<br />

vabadus<br />

armastus<br />

riigi julgeolek<br />

meeldiv el u<br />

lunastus<br />

eneseaustus<br />

tarkus<br />

ausus<br />

tervi s<br />


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