Riitta Koivisto - Rikoksentorjuntaneuvosto

Riitta Koivisto - Rikoksentorjuntaneuvosto

Riitta Koivisto - Rikoksentorjuntaneuvosto


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The Foundation of Good Deeds<br />

> Participation (wish): few participants as the requests to help<br />

are similar and many of these are about money . The small<br />

number of participants may be due to the fact that people do<br />

not benefit directly, it is considered to be the task of the state<br />

etc. The issue of credibility is strong.<br />

> Assessment : weakness of the third sector<br />

Allikas: Mariliis Vahe (2004) Sotsiaalturunduse ja sotsiaalse vastutuse<br />

võimalikud tõlgendusviisid Eestis, magistritöö, TÜ<br />

Plastic Bottles Is Not Waste<br />

> Participation (wish): people are aware of the need to<br />

sort waste, but it is too inconvenient and the<br />

necessary infrastructure is missing.<br />

> Assessment:the campaign draw attention to the<br />

waste managment issues and made people think<br />

about it. With a proper infrastructure the possible<br />

number of peole changing their behavior might have<br />

been bigger.<br />

Allikas: Mariliis Vahe (2004) Sotsiaalturunduse ja sotsiaalse vastutuse<br />

võimalikud tõlgendusviisid Eestis, magistritöö, TÜ<br />

EMT “Ladybird`s Ladybird`s Christmas Wish” Wish<br />

> Participation (wish): the impetus for participation<br />

can be desire to do something good, redemption or<br />

wish to win an award.<br />

> Assessment: The company profits, let it profit then<br />

Allikas: Mariliis Vahe (2004) Sotsiaalturunduse ja sotsiaalse vastutuse<br />

võimalikud tõlgendusviisid Eestis, magistritöö, TÜ<br />

Planting of One Million Trees by<br />

National Forest Board<br />

> Participation (wish): the achieving of joint aim and<br />

shared benefit was perceived hence the big number of<br />

participants.<br />

> Assessment: a successful campaign, connection to<br />

the national song and dance festival was also a<br />

precondition of success.<br />

Allikas: Mariliis Vahe (2004) Sotsiaalturunduse ja sotsiaalse vastutuse<br />

võimalikud tõlgendusviisid Eestis, magistritöö, TÜ<br />

Reception is<br />

Dependent on<br />

Age and Social Relations<br />

> People with small children certainly think differently. If<br />

you havent yet got a child of your own you don`t think<br />

about where and how it is going to live. It is very<br />

difficult to think about that, because it is very abstract.<br />

Most certainly people with children think differently, in a<br />

more environment friendly way.<br />

> For example I think more about the future after my child<br />

was born.<br />

Allikas: Mariliis Vahe (2004) Sotsiaalturunduse ja sotsiaalse vastutuse<br />

võimalikud tõlgendusviisid Eestis, magistritöö, TÜ<br />

See the World<br />

> Participation (wish): several big companies<br />

supported the idea, more than 100 000 participants in<br />

internet training courses.<br />

> Assessment:a campaign with win-win solution, wher<br />

the company gains through added social responsibility<br />

and individuals by reproduction of social capital.<br />

Allikas: Mariliis Vahe (2004) Sotsiaalturunduse ja sotsiaalse vastutuse<br />

võimalikud tõlgendusviisid Eestis, magistritöö, TÜ<br />


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