Riitta Koivisto - Rikoksentorjuntaneuvosto

Riitta Koivisto - Rikoksentorjuntaneuvosto

Riitta Koivisto - Rikoksentorjuntaneuvosto


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Choices of the Communication<br />

Style<br />

> Style enabling independent analysis<br />

> Safety and risk problem is delivered as something concerning every one<br />

> Creates a certain background of shared interests (agenda setting)<br />

> Should also favour independent analysis of information, receiving of<br />

more complicated messages<br />

> Printed adveritising with problem-focused structure is more suitable<br />

> Normative style<br />

> Explicitly rather the normative approach using clear separate images is<br />

recommended<br />

> (TV) advertising using visual images and focused on emotions is more<br />

suitable<br />

II<br />

Formation of the<br />

Meaning of Social<br />

Campaigns in Estonian<br />

Society<br />

Indiviidi või ühiskonna<br />

tasandil sotsiaalse<br />

kapitali taastamine ja<br />

võrgustike loomine, mis<br />

on individualismi,<br />

moderniseerumise ja<br />

kommertsialiseerumise<br />

tagajärjel lõhutud.<br />

RMK miljoni puu<br />

Heateo Sihtasutus<br />

Vaata<br />

maailma<br />

Allikas: Mariliis Vahe (2004)<br />

Sotsiaalturunduse ja sotsiaalse<br />

vastutuse võimalikud<br />

tõlgendusviisid Eestis,<br />

magistritöö, TÜ<br />

Ühine, kaudne heaolu, millest<br />

ei saada ise koheselt osa<br />

I<br />

II<br />

IV III<br />

Isiklik kasu<br />

Plastpudel ei ole<br />

prügi<br />

Heategevuskampaaniad<br />

Maanteeamet: “Traksid peale”<br />

Ühekordne aktsioon,<br />

mille eesmärgiks on<br />

indiviidi käitumise<br />

korrigeerimine<br />

39%<br />

The (Re)introduction<br />

( Re)introduction of Norms is<br />

Problematic in Reality<br />

7% Normiga<br />

nõustuvad väited<br />

54%<br />

Normiga<br />

mittenõustuvad<br />

väited<br />

Väited<br />

kampaania<br />

teostuse kohta<br />

II<br />

> Caught on violation<br />

drivers` esseys written<br />

about “ How can the<br />

safety belt protect me<br />

and my copassengers?”<br />

> The acceptance of<br />

offered (better) norm<br />

for traffic behavior –<br />

always fasten your seat<br />

belt – is various<br />

> The form of<br />

communication in itself<br />

does not raise any<br />

particular response<br />

Formation of the<br />

Meaning of Social<br />

Campaigns in Estonian<br />

Society<br />

Insufficient Network Kills the<br />

Good Will<br />

> About a year or half ago that foundation of good deeds opened<br />

their portali www.heategu.ee, where benefactors and<br />

people who need help can find each other. There was an<br />

organisation od visually impaired seeking for people who<br />

could read out and record some books for the blind. I<br />

responded offering help but no-one contacted me. After that i<br />

had some busy time for a couple of months. Then I thought<br />

that I should call them myself but actually I was quite mad<br />

about them not having reacted. Earlier there was that other<br />

time also when I had joined a charity network. I sent them my<br />

contact adress and then received an answer that they where not<br />

that active all and perhaps received a couple of letters per year.<br />


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