Prenesi si nalogo v PDF-ju - Arnes

Prenesi si nalogo v PDF-ju - Arnes

Prenesi si nalogo v PDF-ju - Arnes


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1. Povzetek<br />

Drevesa in grmi na Loški učni poti<br />

V okviru naloge smo raziskovali, katera pomembnejša drevesa in grmi rastejo na Loški<br />

učni poti. Izbrana drevesa in grme smo označili in pomembnejša tudi opisali. Pri opisu<br />

smo dali poudarek prepoznavan<strong>ju</strong> in zanimivostim izbranih drevesnih in grmovnih vrst,<br />

predvsem pa uporabnosti in poimenovan<strong>ju</strong> le teh. Vzporedno smo raziskovali vzorce<br />

lesa in jih uredili v k<strong>si</strong>loteko. Izdelali smo tudi herbarij in table za označitev<br />

pomembnejših dreves in grmov na Loški učni poti.<br />

Loška učna pot je eden izmed načinov, ki širi zanimanje za našo naravno in kulturno<br />

dediščino.<br />

Summery<br />

In the frame of this task we were researching which important trees and bushes grow on the<br />

learning path of Škofja Loka. We marked the chosen trees and bushes and described the<br />

most important of them. In the description we empha<strong>si</strong>sed the recognition and the<br />

interesting things of chosen sorts of trees and bushes and above all their usage and correct<br />

naming. At the same time we were researching the samples of wood and arranged them in a<br />

xilotheque. We prepared a herbarium and <strong>si</strong>gn boards for marking the most important trees<br />

and bushes on the learning path of Škofja Loka.<br />

The learning path of Škofja Loka is one of the ways to spread the interest in our natural and<br />

cultural heritage.<br />


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