Doktorska disertacija - Prirodno

Doktorska disertacija - Prirodno Doktorska disertacija - Prirodno


Rezultati ove disertacije, nedvosmisleno su dali odgovor na predmet i ciljeve rada p o k a z u j u ijedinstvo uticaja sastava, strukture, morfologije i mikrolegiranja u tehnologiji p r e i š a v a n j a s i n t e t i k i h voda od štetnih sastojaka u jonskom i koloidnom stanju. Abstract Without new materials, there are no new technologies. Having in mind this fact, the main idea was to obtain electrochemically active and structurally modified composites through microalloying and certain metals hydroxides layering, starting from bentonite as aluminosilicate precursor. The chemical composition and structural and surface characteristics of bentonite were determined prior to its using for the synthesis of composites. The composite were successfully obtained and denoted as KPM1, KPM2 and KPM3, with prognosed electrochemical, ion-exchanging and adsorption properties, as very sensitive structural and surface properties of materials. After the series of experiments, including composites interaction with synthetic waters, the obtained results are presented, analyzed and then systematized in the form of appropriate models of interactions. During composite KPM1 obtaining, at sintering temperature of 900°C, the infiltration of molten aluminum into the pores of aluminosilicate matrix occurs. A small amount of metallic tin, resulting by reduction of Sn 2+ , comes into contact with aluminum carrying out its microalloying which, together with rapid cooling in a protective atmosphere of nitrogen, allows the electrochemical activity of the composite KPM1. This procedure provides the primary structure of the composite. The obtained experimental results confirmed the first hypothesis because structural modification and metallization of bentonite matrix occurred, with specifically arranged structure, consisting of amorphous regions in which crystalline phases are submerged. Such composite structure is responsible for the electrochemical and other characteristics that are manifested in contact with synthetic water containing manganese in the ionic state (Mn 2+ ) or colloidal manganese (MnO 2). The modified porous composite KPM1 shows a particular electrophoretic activity, electrochemical activity and efficiency of microgalvanic couples, which confirm a second starting hypothesis. Manganese reduction to elemental state, wherein it is in the form of metal deposited and retained in the porous structure of the composite, leads to the secondary structure, responsible for the further electrochemical activity of the composite is achieved. Experimental results showed that the colloidal MnO 2 was removed from the synthetic water to a much lesser extent than the ionic form. This is explained with the structure of colloidal micelles which carry a total negative charge and with higher oxidation states of manganese (+4) in MnO 2. KPM2 composite was synthesized in order to preferenly removes H 2S, its ionic fractions and colloidal sulfur from aqueous solutions. 153

Bearing in mind that the characteristics of each material depends on its chemical composition and structure, a detailed characterization of the composite microstructure and micromorphology was carried out, as well as thir chemical composition was acquired by EDS method. Besides the usual peaks related to the chemical composition of the aluminosilicate matrix, there are additional peaks of iron and copper on the EDS diagrams, which confirms that the alloying and microalloying of aluminosilicate matrix was performed, resulting in essentially changed initial electrochemical properties. Differences in peak intensities of present alloying and microalloying additions, combined with XRD analysis, indicate that the composite samples are composed of individual phases, which differ in quantity. Taking into account the chemical and electrochemical processes on the surface of the composite, during its interaction with synthetic water containing sulfide ions, the model of the interactions which in detail presents all the stages of this process was created. As already mentioned, the composite has a distinct electrochemical activity, which causes mass exchange between the composite and water. The basic mechanism of sulphide removal from synthetic water is its oxidation to elemental, colloidal sulfur, which then gets "captured" and retained in the porous structure of the composite. Additionally, chemical bonding of sulfur to Fe 2+ centers occurrs on the composite surface. Moreover, it is certain that the surplus of elemental iron dissolves when ceramic comes in contact with sulfide aqueous solutions, owing to the negative reversible potential of iron, causing the reduction of H 2S to HS - ions. This activity continues until complete oxidation of alloying iron. Simple procedure of iron(III) hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide layering on the bentonite matrix, during obtaining KPM3 composite, leads to significant changes in structure and texture of montmorillonite, which is the most common ingredient of bentonite. During the synthesis, partial delamination of montmorillonite and the formation of less ordered structures resembling a house of cards occurrs. Thermal treatment leads to dehydration of surface and interlayer area which increase the specific surface area and microporosity compared to the starting bentonite. Langmuir adsorption isotherm model fits the experimental results better than Freundlich and Dubinin- Radushkevich models. The composite effectively removes ionic and colloidal forms of Pb(II), with the highest removal efficiency in the pH region 5-10. The explanation lies in the fact that a decrease in pH values below 5 causes protonation of the surface, i.e. there is a competitive process bitween adsorption of protons and Pb(II) ions. Increase in pH leads to the formation of colloidal forms of Pb(II), which are more or less binded to the surface of the composite - depending on the colloidal micelle charge. At pH 12, soluble form of lead Pb(OH) 3 was removed very well. The main mechanism of Pb (II) removal was ion exchange, but the formation of the outer- and inner-sphere surface complexes is also possible. With increasing ionic force of solution, the percentage removal of lead is reduced because the surfaces charge on the composite sheltered by Na + ions. Having in mind the results obtained we can conclude 154

Bearing in mind that the characteristics of each material depends on its chemical composition<br />

and structure, a detailed characterization of the composite microstructure and<br />

micromorphology was carried out, as well as thir chemical composition was acquired by EDS<br />

method. Besides the usual peaks related to the chemical composition of the aluminosilicate<br />

matrix, there are additional peaks of iron and copper on the EDS diagrams, which confirms<br />

that the alloying and microalloying of aluminosilicate matrix was performed, resulting in<br />

essentially changed initial electrochemical properties. Differences in peak intensities of<br />

present alloying and microalloying additions, combined with XRD analysis, indicate that the<br />

composite samples are composed of individual phases, which differ in quantity. Taking into<br />

account the chemical and electrochemical processes on the surface of the composite, during<br />

its interaction with synthetic water containing sulfide ions, the model of the interactions<br />

which in detail presents all the stages of this process was created. As already mentioned, the<br />

composite has a distinct electrochemical activity, which causes mass exchange between the<br />

composite and water. The basic mechanism of sulphide removal from synthetic water is its<br />

oxidation to elemental, colloidal sulfur, which then gets "captured" and retained in the porous<br />

structure of the composite. Additionally, chemical bonding of sulfur to Fe 2+ centers occurrs<br />

on the composite surface. Moreover, it is certain that the surplus of elemental iron dissolves<br />

when ceramic comes in contact with sulfide aqueous solutions, owing to the negative<br />

reversible potential of iron, causing the reduction of H 2S to HS - ions. This activity continues<br />

until complete oxidation of alloying iron. Simple procedure of iron(III) hydroxide and<br />

magnesium hydroxide layering on the bentonite matrix, during obtaining KPM3 composite,<br />

leads to significant changes in structure and texture of montmorillonite, which is the most<br />

common ingredient of bentonite. During the synthesis, partial delamination of<br />

montmorillonite and the formation of less ordered structures resembling a house of cards<br />

occurrs. Thermal treatment leads to dehydration of surface and interlayer area which increase<br />

the specific surface area and microporosity compared to the starting bentonite. Langmuir<br />

adsorption isotherm model fits the experimental results better than Freundlich and Dubinin-<br />

Radushkevich models. The composite effectively removes ionic and colloidal forms of Pb(II),<br />

with the highest removal efficiency in the pH region 5-10. The explanation lies in the fact that<br />

a decrease in pH values below 5 causes protonation of the surface, i.e. there is a competitive<br />

process bitween adsorption of protons and Pb(II) ions. Increase in pH leads to the formation<br />

of colloidal forms of Pb(II), which are more or less binded to the surface of the composite<br />

-<br />

depending on the colloidal micelle charge. At pH 12, soluble form of lead Pb(OH) 3 was<br />

removed very well. The main mechanism of Pb (II) removal was ion exchange, but the<br />

formation of the outer- and inner-sphere surface complexes is also possible. With increasing<br />

ionic force of solution, the percentage removal of lead is reduced because the surfaces charge<br />

on the composite sheltered by Na + ions. Having in mind the results obtained we can conclude<br />


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