Doktorska disertacija - Prirodno

Doktorska disertacija - Prirodno Doktorska disertacija - Prirodno


6. Literatura D e s p i A , P u r e n o v i M . , 1 9 7 4 C r i t i c a l O v e r p o t e n t i a l a n d I n d u c t i o n T i m e o f D e n d r i t Growth, J. Electrochemical Soc., 121(3), 329-335. Despi A. 2003 Elektrohemija 2000, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd. D e s p i A. , D r a ž i D . , P u r e n o v i M . , C i k o v i N . 1 9 7 6 E l e c t r o c h e m i c a l p r o p e r t i e s aluminium alloys containing indium and thallium. Journal of Appleied Electrochemistry 6, 527-542. Dore J., 2000 Structural studies of water in confined geometry by neutrondiffraction, Chemical Physics 258, 327-347. Doula M.K. 2006 Removal of Mn 2+ ions from drinking water by using clinoptilolote and a clinoptilolite Fe oxide system. Water Res. 40, 3167-3176. Du Q., Sun Z., Forsling W., Tang H. 1997 Acid–Base Properties of Aqueous Illite Surfaces. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 187 (1), 221-231. Eisenberg D. and Kauzmann W. 2006 The Structure and Properties of Water. Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press 1969, Reprinted 2006. EPA, 2005 Lead and Copper Rule: A Quick Reference Guide for Schools and Child Care Facilities that are Regulated Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, Office of Water. Eren E. 2009 Removal of lead ions by Unye (Turkey) bentonite in iron and magnesium oxide- coated forms. J. Hazard. Mater., 165, 63-70. Fu L., Bienenstock A. and Brennan S., 2009 X-ray study of the structure of liquid water. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 131, 234702. Gersten J. I. and Smith F. W. 2001 The Physics and Chemistry of Materials, Wiley&Sons, New York. Gleiter H. 2000 Nanostructured materials: Basic Concepts and Microstructure. Acta Mater. 48 1-29 Gubanov A. I. 1968 Kvantovo-elektronaa teorija amorfnih provodnikov, Izd. ANSSSR, Moskva. Gudic S., Smoljko I. and Kliskic M., 2010 Electrochemical behaviour of aluminium alloys containing indium and tin in NaCl solution. Mater. Chem. Phys., 121, 561–566. Holclajtner – A n t u n o v i I . 2 0 0 0 O p š t i k u r s f i z i k. e Zavod, h e m i jBeograd. e Inglezakis V.J., Stylianou M.A., Gkantzou D. and Loizidou M.D. 2007 Removal of Pb(II) from aqueous solutions by using clinoptilolite and bentonite as adsorbents. Desalination 210, 248–256. 129

6. Literatura International Union of Crystallography: Jackson, T.A., 1998. The biogeochemical and ecological significance of interactions between colloidal minerals and trace elements. In: Parker, A., Rae, J.E. (Eds.), Environmental Interactions of Clays. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 93–205. Jaros M. 1985 Electronic Properties of semicondustor alloy systems. Rep. Prog. Phys. 48 1091- 1154. Jolivet J.P., Henry M. and Livage V. 2000 Metal oxide chemistry and synthesis from solution to solid state. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Kaufhold S., Dohrmann R., Klinkenberg M., Siegesmund S., Ufer K. 2010 N 2-BET specific surface area of bentonites. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 349 (1), 275-282. Kaxiaras E. 2003 Atomic and Electronic Structure of Solids. Cambridge University Press. Kiricsi I., Pal-Borbely G., Nagy J.B., Karge H.G. (Eds.) 1999 Porous Materials in Environmentally Friednly Processes. Elsevier Science B.V. Kosmulski M. 2009 Compilation of PZC and IEP of sparingly soluble metal oxides and hydroxides from literature, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 152, 14–25. Kosti - G v o z d e n o v i Lj. , T o d o r o v i M . a n d P e t r o v i 2000 R . Praktikum iz tehnologije keramike. Beograd. Krasnobaeva O.N., Belomestnykh I.P., Isagulyants G.V., Nosova T.A., Elizarova T.A., Teplyakova T.D., Kondakov D.F. and Danilov V.P. 2007 Synthesis of Complex Hydroxo Salts of Magnesium, Nickel, Cobalt, Aluminum, and Bismuth and Oxide Catalysts on Their Base. Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. 52(2), 141–146. Krasnobaeva O.N., Belomestnykh I.P., Isagulyants G.V., Nosova T.A., Elizarova T.A., Kondakov D.F. and Danilov V.P. 2009 Chromium, Vanadium, Molybdenum, Tungsten, Magnesium and Aluminum Hydrotalcite Hydroxo Salts and Oxide Catalysts on Their Base. Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. 54(4), 495–499. Krishnan S. V. and Iwasaki I. 1986 Heterocoagulation vs. surface precipitation in a quartz- Mg(OH) 2 system, Environ. Sci. Technol. 20, 1224- 1229. Li K. T., Yen C. S., Shyu N. S. 1997 Mixed-metal oxide catalysts containing iron for selective oxidation of hydrogen sulfide to sulfur. Applied Catalysis A: General, 156(1), 117-130. Li Y., Ding H., J., Luan Z.K., Di Z.C., Zhu Y.F., Xu C.L, Wu D.H., Wei B.Q. 2003 Competitive adsorption of Pb 2+ , Cu 2+ and Cd 2+ ions from aqueous solutions by multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Carbon 41(14), 2787–2792. 130

6. Literatura<br />

D e s p i A , P u r e n o v i M . , 1 9 7 4 C r i t i c a l O v e r p o t e n t i a l a n d I n d u c t i o n T i m e o f D e n d r i t<br />

Growth, J. Electrochemical Soc., 121(3), 329-335.<br />

Despi A. 2003 Elektrohemija 2000, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd.<br />

D e s p i A. , D r a ž i D . , P u r e n o v i M . , C i k o v i N . 1 9 7 6 E l e c t r o c h e m i c a l p r o p e r t i e s<br />

aluminium alloys containing indium and thallium. Journal of Appleied Electrochemistry 6,<br />

527-542.<br />

Dore J., 2000 Structural studies of water in confined geometry by neutrondiffraction,<br />

Chemical Physics 258, 327-347.<br />

Doula M.K. 2006 Removal of Mn 2+ ions from drinking water by using clinoptilolote and a<br />

clinoptilolite Fe oxide system. Water Res. 40, 3167-3176.<br />

Du Q., Sun Z., Forsling W., Tang H. 1997 Acid–Base Properties of Aqueous Illite Surfaces. J.<br />

Colloid Interface Sci. 187 (1), 221-231.<br />

Eisenberg D. and Kauzmann W. 2006 The Structure and Properties of Water. Clarendon<br />

Press, Oxford University Press 1969, Reprinted 2006.<br />

EPA, 2005 Lead and Copper Rule: A Quick Reference Guide for Schools and Child Care<br />

Facilities that are Regulated Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, Office of Water.<br />

Eren E. 2009 Removal of lead ions by Unye (Turkey) bentonite in iron and magnesium oxide-<br />

coated forms. J. Hazard. Mater., 165, 63-70.<br />

Fu L., Bienenstock A. and Brennan S., 2009 X-ray study of the structure of liquid water. The<br />

Journal of Chemical Physics, 131, 234702.<br />

Gersten J. I. and Smith F. W. 2001 The Physics and Chemistry of Materials, Wiley&Sons,<br />

New York.<br />

Gleiter H. 2000 Nanostructured materials: Basic Concepts and Microstructure. Acta Mater.<br />

48 1-29<br />

Gubanov A. I. 1968 Kvantovo-elektronaa teorija amorfnih provodnikov, Izd. ANSSSR,<br />

Moskva.<br />

Gudic S., Smoljko I. and Kliskic M., 2010 Electrochemical behaviour of aluminium alloys<br />

containing indium and tin in NaCl solution. Mater. Chem. Phys., 121, 561–566.<br />

Holclajtner – A n t u n o v i I . 2 0 0 0 O p š t i k u r s f i z i k. e Zavod, h e m i jBeograd. e<br />

Inglezakis V.J., Stylianou M.A., Gkantzou D. and Loizidou M.D. 2007 Removal of Pb(II) from<br />

aqueous solutions by using clinoptilolite and bentonite as adsorbents. Desalination 210,<br />

248–256.<br />


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