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sprinkled before the altar or poured at the base of the altar (Leviticus 4:6-7). We are merely saying that the custom of spilling blood is alive and cannot be ignored in the context of inculturation. It would be ideal to bring it into the funeral rites carried out at the home of the deceased - at the start of the night vigil or the evening before the marriage feast, etc. (Makobane nalabanye, 1995:55). Lokubuhlungu nakukhulunywa ngenkholo yesintfu kutsi konkhe lokubhaliwe ngayo kubhalwe belumbi nobe bantfu labamaKhrestu, manje-ke kutfolakala kutsi lokunyenti kuyavumelana. Kwasabona lobudlelwane lobukhona kulukhuni satje kubutfola kahle emibhalweni ngobe phela naku babhala labakutsandzako. Uma singake sive nankhu umbono waHundelby, (1972) kutawuvakala kahle loku lesikushoko nakabeka atsi: -. Rapid social change throws man back upon the traditional •worldview' which the churches have often failed to understand. Meanwhile the old African and prophet reJigiona are adapting their teachings to meet modern situations and attract the Christian while fundamentally they continue to rely upon traditional culture. In this tradition and culture, the tribe was the family at large. Its members shared the same mythological past and received security within the community. Man is the tribe's subjective expression. When missionaries first appeared, aCtion steps were taken by the tribe to discourage its members from accepting the new faith, as it meant in effect that they must forget their traditional life. It was thus seen as a threat, both destructive and dangerous, and consequently a reaCtion was bound to come. The reactionary movements which came into existence emphasize healing by magical means and witchcraft, and the indegenous aspects of . worship and leadership. It is unfortunate but true that the discrepancies between Christian practice and teaching played a considerable part in this resistance to change. As soon as primitive man passed from the mythological stage to the funCtional stage and realised that he is in history and has a destiny, he immediately discovered the obstacles with which he must contend. (Hundleby, 1995:44). Nabani uyativera kutsi lolobhalile lapha akasuye nani umuntfu lophila imphilo yemasiko nemihambo ngobe inkholo yesintfu ayikahlangani nakancane nebutsakatsi. Kantsi futsi lokunye lokungashiwo kutsi bantfu labamaKhrestu 174

abe babendzabuko kute nani labangakwenta kugucuka kutsi baphume wonkhe emasikweni ngobe besekushiwo kutsi tibongo tabo kanye nengati yabo kusintfu. Phela nanobe umuntfu angatsi sewusindisiwe vena sewunguloku, loku lokustintsa emasiko nemisimeto yesibongo sakhe kusuke kusasengatini yakhe. Asibekise nje nawakaMatsenjwa angeke nani alokotse adle imbuti. Ake walokotsa way/dla, utawuhlangana nelitje Iimbetse ingubo. Sepota, (1998) ukubeka kucace kuhlukumeteka kwenkholo yesintfu. Asimuve waSepota nakabeka ngamagama akhe kanjena: From the one country to the other, Christianity and western culture have been eroding African culture to such an extent that most Africans today find themselves on the horn of dilemma. Ever since the arrival of the missionaries and their contact with black Africa, most blacks have tended to believe that everything said and practiced by Christians is perfect and unconditionally accepted. This maladjusted way of thinking has done and is still doing irreparable damage to African culture. (Sepota, 1998:23). Loku kuhambelana nalokwashiwo nguKunene, (1995) nakatsi ngemagama akhe: The colonizer (in this instance Christian culture) feels more comfortable with the colonized (in this instance African culture) beginning to adopt the metropolitan culture. To achieve this purpose he must evolves an ideology that denigrates the culture of the colonized. This is done with the sole aim of sterilizing the colonized of their beliefs in their cultures. (Kunene, 1995:17). Bekungagcini ngaloku lokungenhla kunyembenya emsiko ebantfu bendzabuko kepha ngisho nemidlalo yesintfu lefaka ekhatsi kushaya tigubhu bekutsatfwa kwangatsi kubusathane. Ingani phela belumbi bamadliwa, manje bebangayiva lentfo leyentiwa bantfu yekushaya tigubhu, bagidze kube mnandzi. Manje bebatama kutsi bente bantfu bemdzabu bakutsatse kwangatsi akusiko nani lokuhambelana nekutsandza iNkhosi kushaya tigubhu kube kuyinsila yemuntfu wemdabu kwenta njalo. Kunyenti 175

sprinkled before the altar or poured at the base of the altar<br />

(Leviticus 4:6-7). We are merely saying that the custom of<br />

spilling blood is alive and cannot be ignored in the context of<br />

inculturation. It would be ideal to bring it into the funeral rites<br />

carried out at the home of the deceased - at the start of the<br />

night vigil or the evening before the marriage feast, etc.<br />

(Makobane nalabanye, 1995:55).<br />

Lokubuhlungu nakukhulunywa ngenkholo yesintfu kutsi konkhe lokubhaliwe<br />

ngayo kubhalwe belumbi nobe bantfu labamaKhrestu, manje-ke kutfolakala<br />

kutsi lokunyenti kuyavumelana. Kwasabona lobudlelwane lobukhona<br />

kulukhuni satje kubutfola kahle emibhalweni ngobe phela naku babhala<br />

labakutsandzako. Uma singake sive nankhu umbono waHundelby, (1972)<br />

kutawuvakala kahle loku lesikushoko nakabeka atsi:<br />

-.<br />

Rapid social change throws man back upon the traditional<br />

•worldview' which the churches have often failed to<br />

understand. Meanwhile the old African and prophet reJigiona<br />

are adapting their teachings to meet modern situations and<br />

attract the Christian while fundamentally they continue to rely<br />

upon traditional culture. In this tradition and culture, the tribe<br />

was the family at large. Its members shared the same<br />

mythological past and received security within the community.<br />

Man is the tribe's subjective expression. When missionaries<br />

first appeared, aCtion steps were taken by the tribe to<br />

discourage its members from accepting the new faith, as it<br />

meant in effect that they must forget their traditional life. It<br />

was thus seen as a threat, both destructive and dangerous, and<br />

consequently a reaCtion was bound to come. The reactionary<br />

movements which came into existence emphasize healing by<br />

magical means and witchcraft, and the indegenous aspects of<br />

. worship and leadership. It is unfortunate but true that the<br />

discrepancies between Christian practice and teaching played a<br />

considerable part in this resistance to change. As soon as<br />

primitive man passed from the mythological stage to the<br />

funCtional stage and realised that he is in history and has a<br />

destiny, he immediately discovered the obstacles with which he<br />

must contend.<br />

(Hundleby, 1995:44).<br />

Nabani uyativera kutsi lolobhalile lapha akasuye nani umuntfu lophila imphilo<br />

yemasiko nemihambo ngobe inkholo yesintfu ayikahlangani nakancane<br />

nebutsakatsi. Kantsi futsi lokunye lokungashiwo kutsi bantfu labamaKhrestu<br />


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