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To perpetuate their imperial domination over the peoples of<br />

Africa, the colonisers sought to enslave the African mind and to<br />

destroy the African soul. They sought to oblidge us to accept<br />

that as Africans we had contributed nothing to human<br />

civilization except as beast of burden in much the same way as<br />

those who are opposed to the emancipation of women seek to<br />

convince them that they have a place in human society, but<br />

only as beast of burden and bearers of children.<br />

In the end, they wanted us to despise ourselves, convinced that<br />

if we were subhuman we were, at least, not equal to the<br />

colonial master and mistress and were incapable of original<br />

thought and the African creativity which had endowed the<br />

world with an extraordinary treasure of masterpieces in<br />

architecture and the fine arts.<br />

The beginning of our rebirth as a continent must be our own<br />

rediscovery of our soul, captured and made permanently<br />

available in the great works of creativity represented by the<br />

pyramids and sphinxes of Egypt, the stobe building ofAxum<br />

and the ruins of Carthage and Zimbabwe, the rock paintings of<br />

the San, the Benin bronzes and the African masks, the carvings<br />

of the Makonde and the stone scufptures of the Shona.<br />

(Mbeki, 1998:299).<br />

Kuyacaca kutsi Iivekati le-Afrika lidzinga kutikhulula Iona kufamaketane<br />

labalikhunge kuwo. Phela tingcondvo tebantfu bendzabuko tivele tihilelwe<br />

ensikeni yebugcili. Kungako umufi Bob Marley bekasolomane akhale njalo<br />

etingomeni takhe kutsi kumele sitikhulufe tsine kulobugcili bekutfunjwa.<br />

Asimuve engomeni yakhe letsi . Redemption Song'uma abeka ngalendlela:<br />

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery<br />

None but ourselves can free our minds<br />

(Marley, 2001: 17).<br />

Inkholo yesintfu ingaba sisombufulo sekutsi bantfu bendzabuko babuyefe<br />

emasikweni abo. Phela ngesintfu awuphahli lidloti lalesinye sibongo kepha<br />

uphahfa lakini lekungilo lekutsenjelwa kutsi likukhulumela kancono<br />

kuMvelinchanti. Loku akusho kutsi usuke uthandaza emadloti kepha ubika<br />

tinkinga takho kubakini labangasekho kute bakukhulumele nave.<br />


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