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inkholo yesintfu inguko konkhe lokukumuntfu. Mdende ufakazelwa nguMbiti, (1982) nakabeka ngemagama akhe atsi: Because African Religion developed together with all the other aspects of the heritage, it belongs to each people within which it has evolved. It is not preached from one people to another. Therefore a person must be born in a particular African people in order to be able to follow African Religion in that group. It would be meaningless and useless to try and transplant it to an entirely different society outside of Africa, unless African peoples themselves go with it there. Even within Africa itself, religion takes on different forms according to different tribal settings. For that reason, a person from one setting cannot automatically and immediately adjUst himself to or adopt the religious life of other African peoples in a different setting. The people of Europe, America or Asia cannot be converted to African Religion as it is so much removed from their geographical and cultural setting. (Mbiti, 1982:12-13). Loku kukubeka ngalokusebaleni kutsi inkholo yesintfu ingulabo bantfu, angeke nani wakwati kutsatsa umuntfu longasuye wemdzabu utsi utawuvisisa inkholo yesintfu. Kungako Achebe naMaja-Pearce, (1964) bagcizelela kutsi bantfu labamnyama abacalanga kuva ngemasiko ngekufika kwebelumbi njengobe sekubonakala kwangatsi belumbi ngibo labasifundzisa emasiko. Loku bakusho emhlanganweni webabhali lobewufundzisa ngebuve nesitfunti sebantfu bendzabuko. Lomhlangano bewutama kutsi bantfu babuyisele bubona babo. Asibeve bo-Achebe naMaja-Pearce nababeka ngemagama abo kanjena: African people did not hear of culture for the first time from Europeans; that their societies were not mindless but frequently had philosophy of great depth and beauty, that they had poetry, and above all, they had dignity. It is this dignity that many African peoples all but lost in the colonial period and it is this dignity that they must now regain ...the writer's duty is to help them regain it. (Achebe naMaja-Pearce, 1964:157). Vele sitfunti sebantfu bemdzabu salahleka kudzala abasativa bangibo, ingani belumbi bafike batentela matsandza, behlisa sitfunti semasiko abendzabuko. 158

Loku bakwenta ngobe vele banetinhloso tabo labaticondzile. Bebati kutsi umuntfu ungamlahlisa loku labambelele kuko, utawuba sigcila sakho. Nangempela tinhlelo tabo taphumelela ngobe ekugcineni utfola kutsi sengibo bantfu bemdzabu labanyembenya loku kwabo lokungekwendzabuko. Imboza lenjengalena idzinga sive sisukume sime ngetinyawo. Kungako kushaywa inyandzaleyo kutsi bantfu bakitsi abavuke emacandzeni, babuke kutsi itolo sasiphila njani. Kunelitsemba kutsi ngekwente njalo, kukhona inhlaseyeyana lesingayitfola ibe Iikhambi lekulapha lelive letfu leseliphendvuke inkhundla yetigilamikhuba. Inkholo yesintfu ingulenye indlela yekubuyisa live letfu ngobe ifaka emasiko etfu ekhatsi. Umuntfu akatikhobosi nakalandzela emasiko, ingani nguwo lamenta ative angumuntfu sibili. Alikho likhambi lelingabuyisela simo bantfu labatitfola bakuso kulamalanga ngaphandle kwekutsi babuke kutsi emuva labadzala bebaphila njani bese batsatsa loku lokuhle lokungabaphilisa baye nako embiJi. PheJa konkhe loku lesikubona kwenteka lamalanga mayelana nekulahlekelwa sitfunti nebuntfu kwebantfu bendzabuko akwentekanga ngeliphutsa kepha kwahlelwa belumbi kute batotentela matsandza njengobe nyalo sesifuna kuphila njengabo. Kantsi phela belumbi besolomane baphika bahlanta labakudle ngayitolo kutsi ikhona intfo lekutsiwa yinkholo yesintfu kepha babe babona kutsi bantfu labakholelwa kuyo lenkholo bayaphiJa futsi akukho nkinga labahlangabetana nave bantfu ngekukholelwa kulenkholo yabo. Phela belumbi kugcilata bantfu bendzabuko, ngiko lebebakuhambela embili. Manje bebabona kutsi inkholo yesintfu ibenta bahlangane kungabi lula kubagcilata. Kuliciniso kutsi naniyinkhatsa akekho longanicheketa kepha nalomunye atibambele kukwakhe kulula kuniketula. Chidester, (1996) uyibeka kahle lendzaba nangemagama akhe abeka kanjena: While denying the African polical rights, British reports found that African religion might provide building blocks for reconstructing a racially segregated and separated South Africa. Ironically, after a century of denial, the government found not only that Africans had a religion but that they had a useful 159

Loku bakwenta ngobe vele banetinhloso tabo labaticondzile. Bebati kutsi<br />

umuntfu ungamlahlisa loku labambelele kuko, utawuba sigcila sakho.<br />

Nangempela tinhlelo tabo taphumelela ngobe ekugcineni utfola kutsi sengibo<br />

bantfu bemdzabu labanyembenya loku kwabo lokungekwendzabuko. Imboza<br />

lenjengalena idzinga sive sisukume sime ngetinyawo. Kungako kushaywa<br />

inyandzaleyo kutsi bantfu bakitsi abavuke emacandzeni, babuke kutsi itolo<br />

sasiphila njani. Kunelitsemba kutsi ngekwente njalo, kukhona inhlaseyeyana<br />

lesingayitfola ibe Iikhambi lekulapha lelive letfu leseliphendvuke inkhundla<br />

yetigilamikhuba. Inkholo yesintfu ingulenye indlela yekubuyisa live letfu<br />

ngobe ifaka emasiko etfu ekhatsi.<br />

Umuntfu akatikhobosi nakalandzela emasiko, ingani nguwo lamenta ative<br />

angumuntfu sibili. Alikho likhambi lelingabuyisela simo bantfu labatitfola<br />

bakuso kulamalanga ngaphandle kwekutsi babuke kutsi emuva labadzala<br />

bebaphila njani bese batsatsa loku lokuhle lokungabaphilisa baye nako<br />

embiJi. PheJa konkhe loku lesikubona kwenteka lamalanga mayelana<br />

nekulahlekelwa sitfunti nebuntfu kwebantfu bendzabuko akwentekanga<br />

ngeliphutsa kepha kwahlelwa belumbi kute batotentela matsandza njengobe<br />

nyalo sesifuna kuphila njengabo. Kantsi phela belumbi besolomane baphika<br />

bahlanta labakudle ngayitolo kutsi ikhona intfo lekutsiwa yinkholo yesintfu<br />

kepha babe babona kutsi bantfu labakholelwa kuyo lenkholo bayaphiJa futsi<br />

akukho nkinga labahlangabetana nave bantfu ngekukholelwa kulenkholo<br />

yabo. Phela belumbi kugcilata bantfu bendzabuko, ngiko lebebakuhambela<br />

embili. Manje bebabona kutsi inkholo yesintfu ibenta bahlangane kungabi<br />

lula kubagcilata. Kuliciniso kutsi naniyinkhatsa akekho longanicheketa kepha<br />

nalomunye atibambele kukwakhe kulula kuniketula. Chidester, (1996)<br />

uyibeka kahle lendzaba nangemagama akhe abeka kanjena:<br />

While denying the African polical rights, British reports found<br />

that African religion might provide building blocks for<br />

reconstructing a racially segregated and separated South Africa.<br />

Ironically, after a century of denial, the government found not<br />

only that Africans had a religion but that they had a useful<br />


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