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I am essential African. My ethnic roots are in Tswanaland.<br />

That is where my life is. My mother's people come from<br />

Magaliesberg. Further, I have Methodist roots that go back<br />

longer than 167 years. Fully African, fully Methodist: that is<br />

who I am.<br />

(Setiloane, 1988:11).<br />

Kubuhlungu kutsi laba lanabo kulenkholo lakuyo Setiloane abanandzaba nani<br />

nebantfu bemdzabu, kubo bantfu bendzabuko kulelivekati le-Afrika bafana<br />

nemanyala, intfo yekulahlwa. Charles Williams encwadzini yakhe letsi<br />

, Shadows ofEcstasy' kunalapha kubhalwe naku lokulandzelako:<br />

Philip, looking at him, thought that he was not looking very<br />

friendly, and that he was looking rather African, in fact rather<br />

savage. Savage was a word which might here, in fact, have a<br />

stronger meaning that it generally had. Inkamasi's head was<br />

thrust forward, his jaw was set; his hand moved, slowly and<br />

relentlessly, along as his leg to the knee, as if with purpose,<br />

and not a pleasant purpose.<br />

(Williams, 1965:120).<br />

Nawuva kwangatsi Iona akawubeki kahle umbono wenshonalanga, lalela<br />

nangu Iona lolibeka kahle liIaka lebelumbi. Webster, (1947) enovelini yakhe<br />

letsi ' Son ofAbdan'ukubeka kucace kanje:<br />

My dear fellow, when you've been out here (in Africa) as long<br />

as I have you'll realize that there's no such thing as a civilized<br />

native. The dark centuries of savagery are too deeply rooted in<br />

the native character, and although a native may live peaceably<br />

and behave to all intent and purposes like a white man, you<br />

can never be sure that his heritage will not come out in him one<br />

day. And that goes for Africa North, South, East, and West.<br />

(Websters, 1947:124).<br />

loku buhlungu lapha kutsi yonkhe intfo lebucaba ifananiswa nebantfu<br />

bemdzabu. Kulenoveli lecashunwe ngenhla, sitfola kutsi lomlingisi lotondza<br />

kubamnyama unengati yebantfu labamnyama nave. Kutsi kwakhala nyonini<br />

layinhloko yakhe kudzela lowatiko. Kuyakhombisa kutsi akamange<br />

abhunyiselwe asemncane. Lapha ngentansi uyachubeka nenkhulumo yakhe<br />


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