Poročilo 2003 - Biotehniška fakulteta - Univerza v Ljubljani

Poročilo 2003 - Biotehniška fakulteta - Univerza v Ljubljani Poročilo 2003 - Biotehniška fakulteta - Univerza v Ljubljani


UL BF POROČILO ZA LETO 2003 _________________________________________________________________________ ŠTURM, Karla, HUDINA, Metka, SOLAR, Anita, VIRŠČEK-MARN, Mojca, ŠTAMPAR, Franci. Fruit quality of different 'Gala' clones. Gartenbauwissenschaft, 2003, vol. 68, str. 169-175. [COBISS.SI-ID 3668601] ŠTURM, Karla, KORON, Darinka, ŠTAMPAR, Franci. The composition of fruit of different strawberry varieties depending on maturity stage. Food chem.. [Print ed.], 2003, vol. 83, issue 3, str. 417-422. [COBISS.SI-ID 3608953] TAJNŠEK, Anton. Je zastoj hektarskih pridelkov pšenice v Sloveniji samo posledica klimatskih sprememb? = Is stagnation of wheat yields in Slovenia the results of climatic changes only?. Sodob. kmet., 2003, let. 36, št. 9, str. 13-20, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 3773817] TOMAŽIČ, Irma, KOROŠEC-KORUZA, Zora. Validity of phyllometric parameters used to differentiate local Vitis vinifera L. cultivars. Genet. resour. crop evol., 2003, vol. 50, 7, str. 779-787. [COBISS.SI-ID 3370617] TOMAŽIČ, Irma, VRHOVŠEK, Urška, KOROŠEC-KORUZA, Zora. The influence of virus diseases on grape polyphenols of cv. 'Refošk' = Vpliv virusnih bolezni na vsebnost polifenolov grozdja sorte 'Refošk'. Zb. Bioteh. fak. Univ. Ljubl., Kmet. (1990), 2003, let. 81, št. 2, str. 287-295, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 3804537] TRDAN, Stanislav. The occurence of thrips species from the Terebrantia suborder on cultivated plants in Slovenia = Razširjenost resarjev iz podreda Terebrantia na gojenih rastlinah v Sloveniji. Zb. Bioteh. fak. Univ. Ljubl., Kmet. (1990), 2003, let. 81, št. 1, str. 57-64, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 3703161] TRDAN, Stanislav, BERGANT, Klemen, JENSER, Gábor. Monitoring of western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis [Pergande], Thysanoptera) in the vicinity of greenhouses in different climatic conditions in Slovenia. Agricultura (Marib., Print ed.). [Print ed.], 2003, vol. 1, no. 2, str. 1-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 3862137] TRDAN, Stanislav, KAČ, Milica, BOBNAR, Aleksander, MODIC, Špela. Research on the efficacy of the yellow sticky boards to control the cabbage whitefly (Aleyrodes proletella L., Aleyrodidae) on Brussels sprouts = Preučevanje učinkovitosti rumenih lepljivih plošč za zatiranje kapusovega ščitkarja (Aleyrodes proletella L., Aleyrodidae) v brstičnem ohrovtu. Zb. Bioteh. fak. Univ. Ljubl., Kmet. (1990), 2003, let. 81, št. 1, str. 171-177. [COBISS.SI-ID 3706233] TRDAN, Stanislav, MILEVOJ, Lea, RASPUDIĆ, E., ŽEŽLINA, Ivan. The first record of Echinothrips americanus Morgan in Slovenia. Acta phytopathol. entomol. Hung., 2003, vol. 38, 1-2, str. 157-166. [COBISS.SI-ID 3660409] VADNAL, Katja. Konceptualizacija sistema socialnih storitev za osebe s posebnimi potrebami kot dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetijah = Conceptualization of the system of social services for persons with special needs as on-farm supplementary activity. Zb. Bioteh. fak. Univ. Ljubl., Kmet. (1990), 2003, let. 81, št. 2, str. 205-220. [COBISS.SI-ID 3799673] VEBERIČ, Robert, VODNIK, Dominik, ŠTAMPAR, Franci. Carbon partitioning and seasonal dynamics of carbohydrates in the bark, leaves and fruit of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cv. 'Golden Delicious'. Gartenbauwissenschaft, 2003, v tisku. [COBISS.SI-ID 3706489] VELIKONJA BOLTA, Špela, MIHELIČ, Rok, LOBNIK, Franc, LEŠTAN, Domen. Microbial community structure during composting with and without mass inocula. Compost sci. util., 2003, vol. 11, no. 1, str. 6-15. [COBISS.SI-ID 3460473] VENE, Nina, MAVRI, Alenka, KOŠMELJ, Katarina, STEGNAR, Mojca. High D-dimer levels predict cardiovascular events in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation during oral anticoagulant therapy. Thromb. haemost., 2003, 90, str. 1163-1172. [COBISS.SI-ID 3883129] 98

POROČILO ZA LETO 2003 UL BF _________________________________________________________________________ VIDRIH, Tone. Sulphur in balanced karst pasture nutrition = Žveplo in uravnotežena oskrba ruše kraškega pašnika. Zb. Bioteh. fak. Univ. Ljubl., Kmet. (1990), 2003, let. 81, št. 1, str. 161-170, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 3705721] VIDRIH, Tone, LOBNIK, Franc. The use and improvement of karst grassland = Raba in izboljšanje kraškega travinja. Zb. Bioteh. fak. Univ. Ljubl., Kmet. (1990), 2003, let. 81, št. 1, str. 179-190. [COBISS.SI-ID 3705977] VOHNIK, Martin, LUKANČIČ, Simon, BAHOR, Edi, REGVAR, Marjana, VOSÁTKA, Miroslav, VODNIK, Dominik. Inoculation of Rhododendron cv. Belle-Heller with two strains of Phialocephala fortinii in two diferent substrates. Folia geobot., 2003, letn. 38, str. 191-200. [COBISS.SI-ID 16523481] ŽNIDARČIČ, Dragan, TRDAN, Stanislav, ZLATIČ, Emil. Impact of various growing methods on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) yield and sensory quality = Vpliv različnih tehnik gojenja na pridelek in senzorične lastnosti paradižnika (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Zb. Bioteh. fak. Univ. Ljubl., Kmet. (1990), 2003, let. 81, št. 2, str. 341-348. [COBISS.SI-ID 3805561] 1.02 Pregledni znanstveni članek BONAFACCIA, Giovanni, FABJAN, Nina. Nutritional comparison of tartary buckwheat with common buckwheat and minor cereals = Primerjava hranilne vrednosti tatarske ajde z navadno ajdo in drugimi žiti. Zb. Bioteh. fak. Univ. Ljubl., Kmet. (1990), 2003, let. 81, št. 2, str. 349-355. [COBISS.SI-ID 3805817] FABJAN, Nina. Rutin, kvercitrin in kvercetin v ajdi = Rutin, quercitrin and quercetin in buckwheat. Zb. Bioteh. fak. Univ. Ljubl., Kmet. (1990), 2003, let. 81, št. 1, str. 151-159. [COBISS.SI-ID 3705465] ŠKRABANJA, Vida, GOLOB, Terezija, KREFT, Ivan. Prehranski in analitski pristop k vrednotenju izkoristljivosti škroba v živilih = Nutritional and analytical approach quantifying the availability of starch from foods. Zb. Bioteh. fak. Univ. Ljubl., Kmet. (1990), 2003, let. 81, št. 1, str. 75-83, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 3703673] TRDAN, Stanislav, ANDJUS, Ljiljana, ZUR STRASSEN, Richard. Chronology of thripsological activities and comparition of check-lists on Thysanoptera in Slovenia and FR Yugoslavia. Acta entomol. slov. (Ljubl.), junij 2003, vol. 11, št/No. 1, str. 61-70. [COBISS.SI-ID 314101] 1.16 Samostojni znanstveni sestavek v monografiji BOHANEC, Borut. Ploidy determination using flow citometry. V: MALUSZYNSKI, M. (ur.), KASHA, Ken J. (ur.). Doubled haploid production in crop plants : a manual. Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, cop. 2003, str. 397-403, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 3897465] JAKŠE, Marijana, BOHANEC, Borut. Haploid induction in onion via gynogenesis. V: MALUSZYNSKI, M. (ur.), KASHA, Ken J. (ur.). Doubled haploid production in crop plants : a manual. Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, cop. 2003, str. 281- 285 (2.40), ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 3897209] KOŠMELJ, Katarina, BLEJEC, Andrej, KOMPAN, Drago. Exploratory data analysis as an efficient tool for statistical analysis : a case study from analysis of experiments. V: FERLIGOJ, Anuška (ur.), MRVAR, Andrej (ur.). Developments in applied statistics, (Metodološki zvezki, 19). Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2003, str. [127]-136, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 3784313] 99

UL BF POROČILO ZA LETO <strong>2003</strong><br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

ŠTURM, Karla, HUDINA, Metka, SOLAR, Anita, VIRŠČEK-MARN, Mojca,<br />

ŠTAMPAR, Franci. Fruit quality of different 'Gala' clones. Gartenbauwissenschaft, <strong>2003</strong>,<br />

vol. 68, str. 169-175. [COBISS.SI-ID 3668601]<br />

ŠTURM, Karla, KORON, Darinka, ŠTAMPAR, Franci. The composition of fruit of<br />

different strawberry varieties depending on maturity stage. Food chem.. [Print ed.], <strong>2003</strong>,<br />

vol. 83, issue 3, str. 417-422. [COBISS.SI-ID 3608953]<br />

TAJNŠEK, Anton. Je zastoj hektarskih pridelkov pšenice v Sloveniji samo posledica<br />

klimatskih sprememb? = Is stagnation of wheat yields in Slovenia the results of climatic<br />

changes only?. Sodob. kmet., <strong>2003</strong>, let. 36, št. 9, str. 13-20, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID<br />

3773817]<br />

TOMAŽIČ, Irma, KOROŠEC-KORUZA, Zora. Validity of phyllometric parameters used<br />

to differentiate local Vitis vinifera L. cultivars. Genet. resour. crop evol., <strong>2003</strong>, vol. 50,<br />

7, str. 779-787. [COBISS.SI-ID 3370617]<br />

TOMAŽIČ, Irma, VRHOVŠEK, Urška, KOROŠEC-KORUZA, Zora. The influence of<br />

virus diseases on grape polyphenols of cv. 'Refošk' = Vpliv virusnih bolezni na vsebnost<br />

polifenolov grozdja sorte 'Refošk'. Zb. Bioteh. fak. Univ. Ljubl., Kmet. (1990), <strong>2003</strong>, let.<br />

81, št. 2, str. 287-295, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 3804537]<br />

TRDAN, Stanislav. The occurence of thrips species from the Terebrantia suborder on<br />

cultivated plants in Slovenia = Razširjenost resarjev iz podreda Terebrantia na gojenih<br />

rastlinah v Sloveniji. Zb. Bioteh. fak. Univ. Ljubl., Kmet. (1990), <strong>2003</strong>, let. 81, št. 1, str.<br />

57-64, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 3703161]<br />

TRDAN, Stanislav, BERGANT, Klemen, JENSER, Gábor. Monitoring of western flower<br />

thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis [Pergande], Thysanoptera) in the vicinity of<br />

greenhouses in different climatic conditions in Slovenia. Agricultura (Marib., Print ed.).<br />

[Print ed.], <strong>2003</strong>, vol. 1, no. 2, str. 1-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 3862137]<br />

TRDAN, Stanislav, KAČ, Milica, BOBNAR, Aleksander, MODIC, Špela. Research on the<br />

efficacy of the yellow sticky boards to control the cabbage whitefly (Aleyrodes proletella<br />

L., Aleyrodidae) on Brussels sprouts = Preučevanje učinkovitosti rumenih lepljivih plošč<br />

za zatiranje kapusovega ščitkarja (Aleyrodes proletella L., Aleyrodidae) v brstičnem<br />

ohrovtu. Zb. Bioteh. fak. Univ. Ljubl., Kmet. (1990), <strong>2003</strong>, let. 81, št. 1, str. 171-177.<br />

[COBISS.SI-ID 3706233]<br />

TRDAN, Stanislav, MILEVOJ, Lea, RASPUDIĆ, E., ŽEŽLINA, Ivan. The first record of<br />

Echinothrips americanus Morgan in Slovenia. Acta phytopathol. entomol. Hung., <strong>2003</strong>,<br />

vol. 38, 1-2, str. 157-166. [COBISS.SI-ID 3660409]<br />

VADNAL, Katja. Konceptualizacija sistema socialnih storitev za osebe s posebnimi<br />

potrebami kot dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetijah = Conceptualization of the system of<br />

social services for persons with special needs as on-farm supplementary activity. Zb.<br />

Bioteh. fak. Univ. Ljubl., Kmet. (1990), <strong>2003</strong>, let. 81, št. 2, str. 205-220. [COBISS.SI-ID<br />

3799673]<br />

VEBERIČ, Robert, VODNIK, Dominik, ŠTAMPAR, Franci. Carbon partitioning and<br />

seasonal dynamics of carbohydrates in the bark, leaves and fruit of apple (Malus<br />

domestica Borkh.) cv. 'Golden Delicious'. Gartenbauwissenschaft, <strong>2003</strong>, v tisku.<br />

[COBISS.SI-ID 3706489]<br />


Microbial community structure during composting with and without mass inocula.<br />

Compost sci. util., <strong>2003</strong>, vol. 11, no. 1, str. 6-15. [COBISS.SI-ID 3460473]<br />

VENE, Nina, MAVRI, Alenka, KOŠMELJ, Katarina, STEGNAR, Mojca. High D-dimer<br />

levels predict cardiovascular events in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation during oral<br />

anticoagulant therapy. Thromb. haemost., <strong>2003</strong>, 90, str. 1163-1172. [COBISS.SI-ID<br />

3883129]<br />


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