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LETOPIS naučnih radova - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Univerzitet u ... LETOPIS naučnih radova - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Univerzitet u ...

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Zahvalnost: Rad predstavlja deo rezultata istraživanja na projektu Mrežno modeliranje i evaluacija funkcionalne adaptibilnosti regionalnih vodoprivrednih sistema u Vojvodini koji finansira Pokrajinski Sekretarijat za nauku i tehnološki razvoj AP Vojvodine, ciklus 2011.-2014. godine. LITERATURA 1. Alcamo J., Bennett E.M. (2003): Millennium Ecosystem Asses, Ecosystems and human well-being: a framework for assessment. World Resources Institute, Washington. 2. CBD Subsidary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, Ecosystem Approach – Anex, 2003. 3. Hadley M. (2000): Solving the puzzle: The Ecosystem Approach and Biosphere Reserves. UNESCO, Paris. 4. Jovašević D. (2009): Uloga standarda međunarodne zajednice u uređivanju i zaštiti životne sredine. Politička revija 8(1): 167-188. 5. Lakicevic M., Srdjevic B. (2012): Soil erosion in hilly-mountainous region of south Serbia. Modelling Forest Ecosystems – Concepts, Data and Application, Proceedings of the COST FP0603 Spring School, Kaprun, Austria, 9-13 May 2011, 75-78. 6. Miljanović D. (2006): Neka pitanja integrisanja ekološke problematike u strategije održivog razvoja. Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 86(2): 207-222. 7. Miljanović D. (2007): Kompleksnost ekoloških problema – teorijsko-metodološka razmatranja. Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 87(2): 187-198. 8. Pérez A.A. (2008): Applying the Ecosystem Approach in Latin America. IUCN, Gland. 9. Shepherd G. (2004): The Ecosystem Approach, Five Steps to Implementation. IUCN, Gland. 10. Shepherd G. (2008): The Ecosystem Approach: Learning from Experience. IUCN, Gland. 11. Smith R.D., Maltby E. (2003): Using the Ecosystem Approach to Implement the Convention on Biological Diversity: Key Issues and Case Studies. IUCN, Gland, and Cambridge. 12. Stanković D., Došenović L. (2008): Zaštita i unapređenje životne sredine u skladu sa strategijom Održivog razvoja i Agendom 21. Šumarstvo, 60(1-2): 127-132. 13. Zlatic M., Kostadinov S., Lakicevic M., Borisavljevic A. (2010a): Influence of anthropogenic factors on the environment in Rasina watershed. Proceedings Volume I, International Scientific Conference Forest ecosystems and climate changes, Belgrade, Serbia, 9-10 March 2010, 265-271. 14. Zlatic M., Lakicevic M., Tomicevic J. (2010b): Influence of human activities and demographic trends on the environment of Grdelicka gorge (South Serbia). Abstracts Volume I, BALWOIS Conference, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 25-29 May 2010, 126- 127. 15. http://www.iucn.org/what/tpas/biodiversity/about/biodiversity_crisis/ 42

USING THE ECOSYSTEM APPROACH IN INTEGRATED NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT by Milena Lakićević, Nevena Tatović SUMMARY This paper analyses the importance of the ecosystem approach application in the natural resources conservation. Ecosystem approach is a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources. Its main goals are conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in an equitable way. Ecosystem approach as an integrated management strategy involves solving environmental issues as a whole. This is the only way to establish the accordance in different environment sectors development and to preserve natural resources. Key words: natural resources, integrated approach, ecosystem approach Primljeno: 25.10.2012. Prihvaćeno: 28.10.2012. 43



by<br />

Milena Lakićević, Nevena Tatović<br />


This paper analyses the importance of the ecosystem approach application in the<br />

natural resources conservation. Ecosystem approach is a strategy for the integrated<br />

management of land, water and living resources. Its main goals are conservation and<br />

sustainable use of natural resources in an equitable way. Ecosystem approach as an<br />

integrated management strategy involves solving environmental issues as a whole. This<br />

is the only way to establish the accordance in different environment sectors<br />

development and to preserve natural resources.<br />

Key words: natural resources, integrated approach, ecosystem approach<br />

Primljeno: 25.10.2012.<br />

Prihvaćeno: 28.10.2012.<br />


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