LETOPIS naučnih radova - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Univerzitet u ...

LETOPIS naučnih radova - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Univerzitet u ... LETOPIS naučnih radova - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Univerzitet u ...

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ZINC EFFECT ON COWS MAMMARY GLAND HEALTH by Ivana Davidov, Miodrag Radinović, Mihajlo Erdeljan, Anna Marija Galfi, Stanko Boboš, Zorana Kovačević SUMMARY Zinc as an essential trace element necessary for the proper functioning of the mammary gland in cows. The most critical period for the maintenance of good health of the cows is periparturient period and early lactation period. During this period of realignment is performed metabolic and endocrine systems of cows, in order to ensure a successful transition from a state of high gravidity on high lactation. The study included 30 Holstein-Friesian cows, which were divided into two groups of 15 cows. All the cows blood samples were taken at the beginning of the experiment, ie. in the dry period. Cows control and experimental groups had a mean value of zinc in blood serum in physiological limits, but there are variations in the concentration of zinc in blood serum in the group. Experimental group during the study received zinc supplements in food of 240 mg / kg diet. Blood samples were again taken 150th days of lactation, and milk samples of cows control and experimental groups. Of the 15 cows of the control group, 3 were sent to commercial exploitation, and 15 cows from the experimental group 2 were sent to commercial exploitation. Excluded from cows from production, udder were taken for further histopathological examination. Statistical analysis of correlation test, there was a negative relationship between the concentration of zinc in blood serum and somatic cells in the milk of cows of the experimental groups, indicating that with increasing zinc concentration in the blood serum of a decline in somatic cells in the milk of cows. From the results it can be seen that the addition of zinc in feed cows during lactation may have a positive impact on the preservation of health of the mammary gland and milk production of high producing dairy cows. Key wards: zinc, mammary gland, cow Primljeno: 25.09.2012. Prihvaćeno: 09.10.2012. 126

Letopis naučnih radova Godina 36 (2012), Broj 1, strana 127-132 UDK: 591.111.1:599.735.5 Originalni naučni rad Original scientific paper ANALIZA KRVNE SLIKE KRAVA INFICIRANIH SA COXIELLA BURNETII Miodrag Radinović, Ivana Davidov, Mihajlo Erdeljan, Stanko Boboš, Anna Marija Galfi 1 REZIME Infekcija krava sa Coxiella burnetii protiče najčešće inaparentno. Ako se jave klinički simptomi oni su uglavnom vezani za poremećaj reprodukcije te nastaju abortusi, poremećaj reprodukcije i slabo vitalan podmladak. Pored ovih simptoma retko se još mogu javiti keratokonjuktivitis, bronhopneumonija i mastitis. U radu smo ispitivali uticaj infekcije sa Coxiella burnetii na promene u krvnoj slici krava. Ogled je sproveden na grupi od devet krava Holštajn-frizijske rase od koji su uzimani uzorci krvi radi analize. Određivanje broja eritrocita vršeno je spektrofotometrijski, a broja leukocita metodom po Bürker–Türk-u. Analizom uzoraka krvi ustanovljen je povećan broj eritocita koji je prosečno iznosio 10,17x10 12 /L, dok je broj leukocita bio u granicama fizioloških vrednosti (6,6x10 9 /L). Ključne reči: krava, Coxiella burnetii, krvna slika UVOD Q groznica je zoonoza koju izaziva obligatni intracelularni mikroorganizam, Coxiella burnetii. Bolest se prvi put pojavila kod radnika na klanici u Australiji da bi danas bila prisutna u celom svetu izuzev Novog Zelanda (Kazar, 2005). Kao najvažniji izvor infekcije ljudi su označene domaće životinje i to psi i mačke koji su odgovorni za pojavu bolesti pre svega u urbanim sredinama i preživari koji su i najznačajniji izvor infekcije za ljude (Arricau-Bouvery and Rodolakis, 2005, Vidić et al., 2008). Za nastajanje infekcije kod domaćih životinja značajan je primarni ciklus u prirodi, te oboljevaju pre svih ovce, goveda i koze. Bolest kod njih često protiče asimptomatski, a jedini simptom koji može da ukaže na ovu infekciju je pojava abortusa. Mada postoje izveštaji o pojavi respiratornih oboljenja uzrokavanih sa Coxiella burnetii, jedini simptom kod eksperimentalno inficiranih životinja i to pre svega ovaca i koza a ređe kod goveda jeste abortus. Kod životinja koje su imale pobačaj 1 dr M. Radinović, asistent, mr Ivana Davidov, asistent, dr vet. med. M. Erdeljan, asistent, dr Stanko Boboš, red. prof., dr vet. med. Anna Marija Galfi, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Departman za veterinarsku medicinu. 127


by<br />

Ivana Davidov, Miodrag Radinović, Mihajlo Erdeljan, Anna Marija Galfi,<br />

Stanko Boboš, Zorana Kovačević<br />


Zinc as an essential trace element necessary for the proper<br />

functioning of the mammary gland in cows. The most critical period for<br />

the maintenance of good health of the cows is periparturient period and<br />

early lactation period. During this period of realignment is performed<br />

metabolic and endocrine systems of cows, in order to ensure a successful<br />

transition from a state of high gravidity on high lactation. The study<br />

included 30 Holstein-Friesian cows, which were divided into two groups of<br />

15 cows. All the cows blood samples were taken at the beginning of the<br />

experiment, ie. in the dry period. Cows control and experimental groups<br />

had a mean value of zinc in blood serum in physiological limits, but there<br />

are variations in the concentration of zinc in blood serum in the group.<br />

Experimental group during the study received zinc supplements in food of<br />

240 mg / kg diet. Blood samples were again taken 150th days of lactation,<br />

and milk samples of cows control and experimental groups. Of the 15<br />

cows of the control group, 3 were sent to commercial exploitation, and 15<br />

cows from the experimental group 2 were sent to commercial<br />

exploitation. Excluded from cows from production, udder were taken for<br />

further histopathological examination. Statistical analysis of correlation<br />

test, there was a negative relationship between the concentration of zinc in<br />

blood serum and somatic cells in the milk of cows of the experimental<br />

groups, indicating that with increasing zinc concentration in the blood<br />

serum of a decline in somatic cells in the milk of cows. From the results it<br />

can be seen that the addition of zinc in feed cows during lactation may<br />

have a positive impact on the preservation of health of the mammary<br />

gland and milk production of high producing dairy cows.<br />

Key wards: zinc, mammary gland, cow<br />

Primljeno: 25.09.2012.<br />

Prihvaćeno: 09.10.2012.<br />


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