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ZAKLJUČAK Proizvodnja mleka u toplotnom stresu pozitivno korelira sa koncenrtacijom glukoze, a negativno sa koncentracijom uree, dok koncentracija NEFA i BHB ne pokazuju značajnu korelaciju sa proizvodnjom mleka. Stepen iskorišćavanja metabolita u vimenu krava (koji se ogleda u razlici koncentracije metabolita u v.jugularis i v.subcut.abdominis) daje signifikantnu korelaciju za sva četiri metabolita, tako da stepen iskorišćavanje glukoze pozitivno korelira sa proizvodnjom mleka, dok stepen iskorišćavanja NEFA, BHB i uree negativno korelira sa proizvodnjom mleka kod krava u toplotnom stresu. LITERATURA 1. Belić B., Cincović M.R., Popović-Vranješ A., Pejanović R., Krajinović M. (2011): Metaboličke promjene i iskorištavanje metabolita u proizvodnji mlijeka kod krava u toplinskom stresu. Mljekarstvo, 61, 4, 309-318. 2. Bernabucci U., Lacetera N., Baumgard L.H., Rhoads R.P., Ronchi B., Nardone A. (2010): Metabolic and hormonal acclimation to heat stress in domestic ruminants. Animal 4, 7, 1167-1183. 3. Bohmanova J., Misztal I., Cole J.B. (2007): Temperature humidity indices as indicators of milk production losses due to heat stress. J.Dairy Sci. 90, 1947-1956. 4. Cant J.P., DePeters E.J., Baldwin R.J. (1993): Mammary uprake of energy metabolites in dairy cows fed fat and its relationship to milk protein depresion. J. Dairy Sci. 76, 2254-2265. 5. Cincović M.R., Belić B., Stevančević M., Toholj B., Lako B., Potkonjak A. (2012): Uticaj stepena lipomobilizacije na rezultate testa opterećenja glukozom kod mlečnih krava u toplotnom stresu. Veterinarski glasnik, 66, 1-2, 3-11. 6. Cincović M.R., Belić B. (2011): determination of negative energy balance in acute heat-stressed cows using milk fat and protein concentration. 22. International symposium »Safe food production«, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 19. – 25. Jun, str. 28-30. 7. Cincović M.R., Belić B.M., Toholj B.D., Radović I.V., Vidović B.R. (2010): The influence of THI values at different periods of lactataion on milk quality and characteristic of lactation curve. J.Agric Sci., 55, 3, 235-241. 8. Cincović M.R. (2010): Toplotni stres krava – fiziologija i patofiziologija. Zadužbina Andrejević, Beograd. 9. Cincović M.R., Belić B., Toholj B., Potkonjak A., Stevančević M., Lako B., Radović I. (2011): Metabolic acclimation to heat stress in farm housed Holstein cows with different body condition scores. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10, 50, 10293- 10303. 10. Dieter Budras K., Habel R.E., Mülling C.K.W., Greenough P.R. (2011): Bovine Anatomy: An Illustrated Text. Schlütersche, Germany. 11. Gantner V., Mijić P., Kuterovac K., Solić D., Gantner R. (2011): Temperature-humidity index values and their significance on the daily production of dairy cattle, Mljekarstvo 61, 1, 56-63. 12. Hidrometeorološki zavod Srbije (http://www.hidmet.gov.rs). 13. Itoh F., Obara Y., Rose M.T., Fuse H., Hashimoto H. (1998): Insulin and glucagons secretion in lactating cows during heat exposure. J Anim Sci 76, 2182-2189. 14. Jenkins T.C., McGuire M.A. (2006): Major advances in nutrition: impact on milk composition. J Dairy Sci 89, 1302-1310. 114

15. Kadzere C.T., Murphy M.R., Silanikove N., Maltz E. (2002): Heat stress in lactating dairy cows: a review. Livestock Production Science 77, 59-91. 16. Orozco-Hernandez J.R., Brisson G.J. (1995): Juice extracted grass pellets and sodium Bicarbonate for cows fed timothy silage of two chop lenghts. J. Dairy Sci. 78, 2415- 2423. 17. Radojičić Biljana (2008): Opšta klinička dijagnostika kod domaćih papkara. Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd. 18. Rhoads M.L., Rhoads R.P., VanBaale M.J., Collier R.J., Sanders S.R., Weber W.J., Crooker B.A., Baumgard L.H. (2009): Effects of heat stress and plane of nutrition on lactating Holstein cows: I. Production, metabolism, and aspects of circulating somatotropin. J. Dairy Sci. 92, 1986-1997. 19. Ronchi B., Bernabucci U., Lacetera N., Verini Supplizi A., Nardone A. (1999): Distinct and common effects of heat stress and restricted feeding on metabolic status in Holstein heifers. Zootecnica e Nutrizione Animale 25, 71-80 20. Rook J.A.F. (1979): The role of carbohydrate metabolism in the regulation of milk production. Proc. Nutr. Soc. 38, 309. 21. Schneider P.L., Beede D.K., Wilcox C.J. (1988): Nycterohemeral patterns of acid-base status, mineral concentrations and digestive function of lactating cows in natural or chamber heat stress environments. J.Anim. Sci. 66, 112-125. 22. West J.W., Mullinix B.G., Bernard J.K. (2003): Effects of Hot, Humid Weather on Milk Temperature, Dry Matter Intake and Milk Yield of Lactating Dairy Cows. J. Dairy Sci. 86, 232-242. 23. Wheelock J.B., Rhoads R.P., VanBaale M.J., Sanders S.R., Baumgard L.H. (2010): Effects of heat stress on energetic metabolism in lactating Holstein cows. J Dairy Sci 93, 644-655. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CONCENTRATION OF METABOLITES (GLUCOSE, NEFA, BHB AND UREA) AND MILK PRODUCTION IN COWS UNDER HEAT STRESS by Marko R. Cincović, Branislava Belić SUMMARY Cattle production is due to climate change are increasingly burdened by extreme weather conditions and heat stress. The negative effect of heat stress on milk production and reproductive activity of cows developed a research about the metabolic adaptation of cows in heat stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between milk production and concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and urea in dairy cows during heat stress. Milk production is positively correlated with the concentration of glucose in v.jugularis, and negatively with the concentration of urea in the same vein. Correlation with NEFA and BHB in the same vein is a negative, but not 115

15. Kadzere C.T., Murphy M.R., Silanikove N., Maltz E. (2002): Heat stress in lactating<br />

dairy cows: a review. Livestock Production Science 77, 59-91.<br />

16. Orozco-Hernandez J.R., Brisson G.J. (1995): Juice extracted grass pellets and sodium<br />

Bicarbonate for cows fed timothy silage of two chop lenghts. J. Dairy Sci. 78, 2415-<br />

2423.<br />

17. Radojičić Biljana (2008): Opšta klinička dijagnostika kod domaćih papkara. Fakultet<br />

veterinarske medicine, Beograd.<br />

18. Rhoads M.L., Rhoads R.P., VanBaale M.J., Collier R.J., Sanders S.R., Weber W.J.,<br />

Crooker B.A., Baumgard L.H. (2009): Effects of heat stress and plane of nutrition on<br />

lactating Holstein cows: I. Production, metabolism, and aspects of circulating<br />

somatotropin. J. Dairy Sci. 92, 1986-1997.<br />

19. Ronchi B., Bernabucci U., Lacetera N., Verini Supplizi A., Nardone A. (1999): Distinct<br />

and common effects of heat stress and restricted feeding on metabolic status in Holstein<br />

heifers. Zootecnica e Nutrizione Animale 25, 71-80<br />

20. Rook J.A.F. (1979): The role of carbohydrate metabolism in the regulation of milk<br />

production. Proc. Nutr. Soc. 38, 309.<br />

21. Schneider P.L., Beede D.K., Wilcox C.J. (1988): Nycterohemeral patterns of acid-base<br />

status, mineral concentrations and digestive function of lactating cows in natural or<br />

chamber heat stress environments. J.Anim. Sci. 66, 112-125.<br />

22. West J.W., Mullinix B.G., Bernard J.K. (2003): Effects of Hot, Humid Weather on<br />

Milk Temperature, Dry Matter Intake and Milk Yield of Lactating Dairy Cows. J. Dairy<br />

Sci. 86, 232-242.<br />

23. Wheelock J.B., Rhoads R.P., VanBaale M.J., Sanders S.R., Baumgard L.H. (2010):<br />

Effects of heat stress on energetic metabolism in lactating Holstein cows. J Dairy Sci<br />

93, 644-655.<br />




by<br />

Marko R. Cincović, Branislava Belić<br />


Cattle production is due to climate change are increasingly<br />

burdened by extreme weather conditions and heat stress. The negative<br />

effect of heat stress on milk production and reproductive activity of cows<br />

developed a research about the metabolic adaptation of cows in heat stress.<br />

The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between milk<br />

production and concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA),<br />

beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and urea in dairy cows during heat stress. Milk<br />

production is positively correlated with the concentration of glucose in<br />

v.jugularis, and negatively with the concentration of urea in the same vein.<br />

Correlation with NEFA and BHB in the same vein is a negative, but not<br />


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