bilglik 6

Muhtelif konular

Muhtelif konular

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340 Bilgilik

from the moon. It would require incredible amounts of energy to travel 299,792,458 m/s,

from our perspective.

If it is true, though, it would provide firm evidence that our universe really was hyperbolic

in nature, and sadly, quash any hope for us travelling backwards in time at any point.

So; sorry, time travel fans. But at least we can console ourselves that although we

probably can’t travel to the

past, travelling through shortcuts to the future is definitely within the realms of possibility.

So, there you have it. The universe is a strange place, filled with features that we can’t

entirely account

for with our intuition. However, with the right models everything becomes a little easier

to conceptualise.

Time and space are no longer quite so mysterious. Of course, as time goes on we will

likely encounter new strange phenomena that will

force us to reconsider our models, but in so doing we get nearer and nearer to what

really is going on. Through theorising and developing our theories based on new

information, we will one day

create a model that accounts for everything. Until then, hopefully the models we’ve

discussed today have given you some things to think

about. It's incredible to me that although much of the universe around us cannot be


seen, it’s possible to explore it. But that is the beauty of the unseen world.

Although we cannot see it, we can detect its influence on our day to day lives. It shapes

the motion of our day, as we pass from the present into the future.

It lays out cause and effect happening one after the other, but never the effect happening

before the cause. It bounds the universe, and gives us the scope of what we have to work


The reasons for this happening are sometimes mysterious and baffling, but our logic


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