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Muhtelif konular

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338 Bilgilik

as you can manage. “Speed” is a little tricky a concept here, but let’s say that from your


you covered a distance of 400,000,000m in a second. So, faster than the speed of light.

What happens? Well, you hit this little curved line over here.

Although it is bent to be almost a “c” shape, if you follow the line down you will see that

it is a time line, not a space line.

And because it is hyperbolic space, there is more here that meets the eye. Let’s jump over

to that point, and see where we ended up.

Although in our movement vector by our origin we only travelled one square high: By


end destination, we have ended up at a point multiple squares high: By taking a journey

sideways, and by only experiencing a second of forward momentum through time


we have ended up many seconds into the future. We have taken a shortcut into the future.

This is what we observe in the real world – objects that move at great speeds seem to

suddenly experience reduced time.

They believe only a few seconds have passed, but far more time can occur to an external


And suddenly it really throws off our maths. Because how does an external observer

record our speed?

If we started at an origin point of 0, but ended at an origin point that’s X seconds in the

future, they have to say that we travelled 400,000,000m in 10 seconds, for a speed of

40,000,000m/s. Far below the speed of light, no matter what we thought we were doing.

Which is kind of like what light seems to be experiencing. And the faster you push

yourself in the x direction, the more you encounter the warping

effects of hyperbolic geometry, and the more it keeps pulling you back towards the speed

limit cap of the universe.

It will never let you exceed it. This explains why there is a speed cap to the universe.

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