bilglik 6

Muhtelif konular

Muhtelif konular

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336 Bilgilik

but essentially means there’s more and more space the further out you go. But,

exponentially so.

Other than that, travelling through this space obeys the same rules that travelling through

3D space uses, in terms of the physics rules involved.

Objects that start moving must be acted upon by another force or they will continue

moving at the same rate.

Objects at rest remain at rest. Conservation of momentum is maintained.

Now let’s imagine that for whatever reason, there was some big expansion event in the

past that sent us all moving in the upwards direction.

A big bang, if you will. I wonder where one of those might have come from?

But this expansion was not simply in space, but in time too – it’s a 4D explosion.

We are now in motion, moving solely up, at the top of this expanding bubble – for now,

we are not moving anywhere in space, we are simply moving forwards in time.

We travel consistently, and will continue to travel consistently until we are acted upon by

another object or force.

But as we are new and there is nothing but empty space above us, we are going to go up

infinitely – there’s nothing up there to bump into. Now, let’s imagine for a second that

we decide we no longer want to go straight up.

Let’s try to change direction. In physics, any change of direction is a form of acceleration.

This may not make much sense intuitively, but it becomes easier to understand if we split

our vector into two components: our velocity in the x-direction and our velocity

in the y-direction. It then becomes easy to see that changing our direction comes about

by decelerating

with one of our values and accelerating with the other. We don’t have to change both

values, though.

Let’s just give ourselves a little impetus in the x-direction. Obviously, the more we are

pushed, the faster we are going to travel, and the more our total

vector begins to lean towards a perfect horizontal line. The size of our vector increases.

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